
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)" )' returned 111 results. Modify search

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(182 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Νεανδρία/ Neandría, Νεάνδρεια/ Neándreia). Aeolian foundation of the 8th/7th cent. BC, above Alexandria [2], on the 521 m high Çiğri Dağı, which was probably already settled in the 2nd millenium BC. In mythology, Cycnus [2], lord of N., Colonae and Tenedus (?), came to the aid of his relative Priamus, king of Troy, in battle against the Greeks, and was killed by Achilles (Dictys 2,12f.; cf [3. 21f.]. N. is historically attested by its inclusion in the tribute quota lists of the Delian League with 2,000 drachm…


(183 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Περκώτη; Perkṓtē). City in the Troas, to be identified with today's Bergaz Köyü between Abydus and Lampsacus at the mouth of the Practius (today Bergaz Çayı). P. was probably founded in the 1st half of the 5th cent. BC by the neighbouring city of Palaepercote (Str. 13,1,20), already mentioned by Homer (Hom. Il. 2,831; 2,834; 11,229). Themistocles received P. as a fief from the Persian king (Neanthes FGrH 84 F 17a; Phanias FHG 2,296; Ath. 1,54). P. was a member of the Delian League with a contribution of 1,000 drachmai. In 387 BC, the Spartan Antalcidas was hiding f…


(272 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Γέργις; Gérgis, Gérgitha, Gergíthion, Gérgithos). City in the Troad, not located at the foot of the Balli Dağı as formerly assumed but at the Karıncalı on the Kursak deresi [1. 349]. According to Ath. 6,256 C, it was founded by the descendants of the Troes (Teucri) under the leadership of a Gergithes. In the context of Xerxes' campaign, Herodotus mentions the Gérgithes Teukroí (7,43), to whom he had referred earlier as the successor tribe of the Teucri (Hdt. 5,122). Ceramic finds from Karıncalı go back to the 6th cent. BC. G. is not mentio…


(293 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Ἀταρνεύς; Atarneús). Located in the region of the same name on the coast opposite to  Mytilene, north-east of the modern Dikili, A. was an Ionian polis in Aeolis (Aeoleis) (Plin. HN 37,156), according to Steph. Byz. s.v. Ἄταρνα ( Átarna) on the border between  Lydia and  Mysia. Like Assus, the town was centred around a hill of about 200 m in height, upon which the acropolis was situated (modern Kaléh Agili). The safety of the town was ensured by a triple walled circle, dating from the Hellenistic period, parts of whic…


(212 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Oracles (Γρύν(ε)ιον; Grýn(e)ion). Aeolian town in the north of Cyme. According to Herodotus, G. was one of the 11 old Aeolian towns (1,149). Further testimonies: Ἀχαιῶν λιμήν (‘Achaean harbour’), Scyl. 98; cf. portus Grynia, Plin. HN 5,121. As a member of the  Delian League G. paid 1/3 talent. At the end of the 5th cent. BC Gongylus of Eretria, to whom Darius had given the town as a seat for his dynasty (Xen. Hell. 3,1,6), ruled here and in Myrina. In 335 BC Parmenion conquered G. and sold…

Macestus, Mecestus

(140 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Μέγιστος; Mégistos). Aside from the Rhyndacus and the Tarsius, the largest river in northern Mysia (cf. Str. 12,8,11; Plin. HN 5,142; Pol. 5,77,8), modern Simav Çayı that like the Tarsius flows into the Rhyndacus north of Miletupolis. Attalus [4] I was encamped on the M., north of the Pelecas Mountains with the Galatian Aegosages on his campaign against Achaeus [5], when he experienced a lunar eclipse on 1 January 218 BC. A relief of Apollo Mekastenos is probably also reminiscent of this river [1]. Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster) Bibliography 1 F. W. Hasluck, Unpublished …


(719 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Τρῳάς/ Trō(i)ás, gen. -ádos, fem. adj. 'Trojan', sc. 'land'), territory in the northwest of Asia Minor. It covered the region of the present-day Biga Peninsula (Biga Yarımadası). Its boundaries and nomenclature fluctuated in antiquity. The confused ancient testimonies on its frontiers are well summarized in [1. 526-531]. In general, reliance is mostly placed on Strabo (12,4,6; 13,1,1-4), who essentially refers to Homer (Homerus [1]): the T. was bounded to the north, west and south by …


(95 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Ῥόδιος/ Rhódios). River in the Troad (Hom. Il. 12,20), modern Koca Çay. It rises in the Ida [2] mountains and flows into the Hellespont between Abydus and Dardanus (Str. 13,1,28). The towns of Gordus and Cleandrea were in its source region (Str. 13,1,44). Coins from Dardanus that date to the Roman period show the river god R. (SNG Danish Nat. Mus., Troas, no. 310). Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster) Bibliography L. Bürchner, s. v. R. (2), RE 1 A, 956  W. Leaf, Strabo on the Troad, 1923, 207 f.  J. M. Cook, The Troad, 1973, 55.


(208 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Persian Wars (Ῥοίτειον; Rhoíteion). Coastal town in Troas in the foothills of the same name, probably founded by Astypalaea (Str. 13,1,42), about 4 km to the southwest of Ophryneum, 9 km south of Kepez on the Baba Kalesi [1. 79 f., 87-89]. In 480 BC Xerxes marched past R. (Hdt. 7,43). In 425/4 BC R. paid eight talents in the Delian League (ATL 1,393; 544; 2,82; 4,108). Its favourably sited harbour seems to have made R. rich (Thuc. 4,52; 8,101; Dio…


(680 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Colonization | Persian Wars | Delian League | Education / Culture (Ἄσσος; Ássos). The location of what was to become A. -- a trachyte rock (up to 234 m in height) on the south-western coast of the Troad, modern Behramkale -- had been inhabited from the Bronze Age onwards. For that reason, attempts have been made to localize the Homeric  Pedasus within the settlement area of the Leleges [3. 245f.]. The Aeolian colony of A. was a Methymnian foundatio…


(93 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Abarnis, Abarnos, Ἀβαρνίας; Abarnías). Abarnias is the name given by ancient authors to the coastline 5 km north-east of  Lampsacus (Apoll. Rhod. 1,932; Orph. A. 489) [1. 93 f.] which belonged to the territory of this polis. During the battle of  Aegospotami (405 BC), the main sails of the Spartan fleet were stored there (Xen. Hell. 2,1,29). Steph. Byz. (s.v. A.) is the only source also to refer to a polis of the same name. Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster) Bibliography 1 W. Leaf, Strabo on the Troad, 1923. G. Hirschfeld, s. v. Abarnis, RE 1, 17.


(270 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Persian Wars (Σίγειον/ Sígeion, Latin Sigeum). Promontory (Σιγειὰς ἄκρα/ Sigeiàs ákra, Str. 13,1,31; 46) and city at its southern end (for the geography see [3. 173 ff.]) in the Troad; its location to the north of modern Yenişehir near Kumkale [2. 180-185] appears to be verified by inscriptions and coins. S. was founded by Mytilene and shared with Rhoeteum the territory of Ilium (Troy) until the latter was refounded (Str. 13,1,42). Conflicts between Athe…


(482 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Xenophon | Pergamum | Persian Wars (Ἀδραμύττιον; Adramýttion or Ἀτραμύττιον; Atramýttion). The polis of A. was discovered and identified in the 19th cent. to the west of the village of Kemer on Cape Karatas (modern Ören) opposite  Lesbos. The early history is subject to contradictory evidence (regarding an earlier settlement). It is also unclear whether Thracian or Lydian initiative had led to its foundation. Steph. Byz. s. v. A. names  Adramys, a brother of the Lydian king  Croesus, as its founder [1. 185 f.]. Within the Ly…


(174 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Καλλικολώνη; Kallikolṓnē). Place 40 stades east of Troy, the settlement mound of Karatepe east of Sarıçalı (also Sarçalı) [3. 110f.]. There, above the river Simois, Ares allegedly called the Trojans to battle (Hom. Il. 20,51; Str. 13,1,35). According to schol. Hom. Il. 20,3, it was also the location of the contest of the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite (judgement of  Paris). Whereas Forchhammer only discovered few traces of habitation and some foundations [1. 26], Virc…


(640 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Christianity | Xenophon | Colonization | Pergamum | Persian Wars | Pompeius | Delian League (Λάμψακος; Lámpsakos). Town in the Troad (Str. 13,1,18f.; Ptol. 5,2,2), named after Lampsace, daughter of the Bebrycian king Mandron; modern Lâpseki, entirely built over in modern times, so that ancient remains are scarce. L. was founded (Eus. chronikoi kanones 95d) in 654/3 BC by Phocaeans [2. 107f.], not by Milesians (Str. 13,1,19). In 560 BC, a dispute broke out with…


(96 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Γράνικος; Gránikos). River in Asia Minor which has its source in the Ida mountains (Kaz Dağları) and flows through the Troad along the Mysian border. North of Biga (where the river is known today as Biga Çayı) it flows into the Propontis. It is famous for the battle which Alexander the Great won here against the Persian satrap Memnon in summer 334 BC. The site of the battle is sought today not far from Biga, near the road from Zelia to Lampsacus. Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster) Bibliography 1 L. Bürchner, s.v. G. 3), RE 7, 1814f.


(203 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Σκάμανδρος/ Skámandros, Latin Scamander). River in Troas, modern River Menderes, which rises below the highest peak of the Ida [2]. Together with the Simoeis it forms the Plain of Troy (cf. Hom. Il. 5,77). Below Scepsis and Cebren a road leads along its bank into the interior of Asia Minor. In the Iliad the S. appears as a god; it is named S. only by humans, the gods call it Xanthus (Hom. Il. 20,73). As a son of Zeus (ibid. 14,434) and Idaea it is the father of  Teucer and hence an …


(126 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Παισός; Paisós). Town in the Troas (Hom. Il. 2,822; 5,612), probably founded by the Milesians (Str. 13,1,19). P. was linked with the sea via the river of the same name. The position of P. is presumed to be near Fanar, north-east of modern Çardak [1. 99]. The neighbouring cities were Lampsacus and Parium, which like P. were conquered in 497 BC by Daurises, the son-in-law of Darius [1] I (Hdt. 5,117). In the Delian League, P. paid 1,000 drachmas (ATL 3,26, No. 135). At the time of S…


(123 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Ἀχίλλειον; Achílleion). Town on the north-western coast of the  Troas near Besik Bay [1. 185 f.; 2. 195], built by  Mytilene in the 6th cent. BC as a base against Athenian-occupied  Sigeum (Hdt. 5,94; Str. 13,1,39); probably one of the Aeolian coastal towns ( Aeolians [1. 180]). In the Hellenistic period, A. was taken by Illium ( Troy), and destroyed following an uprising (Str. 13,1,39). The town took its name from the burial mount of Achilles, visited by, amongst others, Alexander the Great (Arr. Anab. 1,2,12) and Caracalla (Cass. Dio 77,16). Schwertheim, Elmar …

Gargara, Gargaris

(240 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
[German version] (Γάργαρα, Γαργαρίς; Gárgara, Gargarís), town in Aeolis on the 780 m high crest of Koca Kaya, a western extension of the Ida range (Hom. Il. 8,48; 14,292; 14,352 Γάργαρον ἄκρον; Plin. HN 5,122 Gargara mons). Founded by Assus (Str. 13,1,58) and inhabited by Leleges (EM s.v. Γ.; Steph. Byz. s.v. Γ.), G. already existed in the mid-6th cent. BC, as temple finds on the acropolis indicate [1]. G. is mentioned in the Attic tribute lists with an amount of 4,500 drachmes. When the, probably only partial, resettlement to a …
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