
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Sočanac, Tomislav" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Sočanac, Tomislav" )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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Factivity and Factualness

(5,971 words)

Author(s): Krapova, Iliyana | Sočanac, Tomislav | Wiemer, Björn
Factive predicates exhibit a series of contrasts with respect to their nonfactive counterparts, both in Slavic and cross-linguistically. At the level of interpretation, factives such as know and regret typically project presuppositions, which are assumed to be true by the speaker, whereas nonfactives such as think and say do not introduce such presuppositional readings. Factive constructions also differ from others at the level of morphosyntax. One syntactic area in which factives exhibit distinctive features in some Slavic languages, in…
Date: 2024-01-23


(10,329 words)

Author(s): Krapova, Iliyana | Sočanac, Tomislav | Wiemer, Björn
Veridicality is a linguistic term used primarily within formal semantics. The approach to veridicality adopted here is crucially based on the concept of truth commitment: if an epistemic agent is committed to the truth of a given proposition, then the latter is veridical; if there is no such truth commitment, then the proposition is nonveridical. We show veridicality to be a useful explanatory concept that can account for a range of different phenomena across Slavic (even if it was not ex…
Date: 2024-01-23