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(1,717 words)
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics
I. Dogmatics 1. Used since the Renaissance in a number of European languages, the term humanity is derived from the Latin concept
humanitas, which is itself dependent on Gk ϕιλανϑρωπία/
philanthrōpía, “philanthropy, human kindness.” Two basic types of usage can be singled out: (a) in asymmetric relationships, humanity describes the friendly/condescending attitude, the goodwill, or the charitable deeds of those in higher positions (aristocrats, politicians, kings, emperors, judges, gods) …
Religion Past and Present
Emergency Pastoral Care
(400 words)
[German Version] is ‘first aid for the soul’ in cases of emergency and crisis situations” (
Handbuch Notfallseelsorge [Guide to Emergency Pastoral Care], 20). Following the example of the good Samaritan (Luke 10), and as a work of mercy (Matt 25), a Christian duty at all times, emergency pastoral care took on new form in the 1990s as a reliably organized on-call pastoral care service principally run by clergy …
Religion Past and Present
(313 words)
[English Version] . »N. ist ›erste Hilfe für die Seele‹ in Notfällen und Krisensituationen« (Handbuch N., 20). Nach dem Vorbild des barmherzigen Samariters (Lk 10) und als Werk der Barmherzigkeit (Mt 25) immer schon christl. Aufgabe, formiert sich N. in den 90er Jahren des 20.Jh. neu als verläßlich organisierter Seelsorge-Bereitschaftsdienst meist von Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrern (säkulare Analogie sind »Kriseninterventionsteams«). Wie in anderen staatl. und öfftl. Institutionen (vgl. Polizeiseelsorg…