
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "van den Bos, Matthijs E. W." ) OR dc_contributor:( "van den Bos, Matthijs E. W." )' returned 4 results. Modify search

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Dakanī, Riḍā ʿAlī Shāh

(1,131 words)

Author(s): van den Bos, Matthijs E. W.
Riḍā ʿAlī Shāh Dakanī (b. c.1142–3/1730, d. 1214/1799–1800) was the last of the Deccan-based aqṭāb (lit., poles, that is, heads of the order; Ar. pl. of quṭb) in the Niʿmatallāhī Ṣūfī order, as recognised in the salāsil (“chains” of spiritual authority, Ar. pl. of silsila) of its current branches (Gramlich, 1:27–57). The leadership of the Niʿmatallāhī order had been transferred from Persia to the Deccan in the first half of the ninth/fifteenth century (Algar, Niʿmat-Allāhiyya, 46), and would return there thanks to Riḍā ʿAlī Shāh (the Niʿmatallāhiyya, historically infl…
Date: 2021-07-19

Dakanī, Maʿṣūm ʿAlī Shāh

(1,835 words)

Author(s): van den Bos, Matthijs E. W.
Sayyid Mīr ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd Maʿṣūm ʿAlī Shāh Dakanī (b. c. 1147/1734–5, d. end twelfth/eighteenth century) was an Indian-born spiritual master of the Niʿmatallāhī Ṣūfī order who revived Niʿmatallāhī Ṣūfism in Persia in the second half of the twelfth/eighteenth century (the Niʿmatallāhiyya, historically influential in Central Asia and India but today mostly in Iran, with significant groups in the West, goes back to Shāh Niʿmatallāh Valī, d. 843/1431, a Syrian-born Iranian mystic and author who settled in K…
Date: 2021-07-19

ʿAbd al-Ḥusayn Mūnis ʿAlī Shāh

(1,385 words)

Author(s): van den Bos, Matthijs E. W.
Ḥājj Mīrzā ʿAbd al-Ḥusayn Dhū l-Riyāsatayn Mūnis ʿAlī Shāh, born 13 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1290/11 May 1873 (Ādamiyyat, Dānishmandān, 575) in Shiraz (Humāyūnī, 233), was a spiritual master in the Dhū l-Riyāsatayn order (a group of people who congregate together, mostly under a contemporary spiritual leader) of the Niʿmatallāhiyya Ṣūfī path (a line of succession and a spiritual tendency). The latter, historically influential in Central Asia and India but today mostly in Iran, with significant groups in western Europe, go…
Date: 2021-07-19


(2,534 words)

Author(s): van den Bos, Matthijs E. W.
The Gunābādiyya is the largest of the three main Niʿmatallāhiyya orders and the predominant Shīʿī Ṣūfī silsila (“chain” of spiritual authority) in Iran (Modarrisī Chahārdahī, 188ff.). (The Niʿmatallāhiyya, historically influential in Central Asia and India but today mostly in Iran, with significant groups in western Europe, goes back to Shāh Niʿmatallāh Valī, d. 843/1431, a Syrian-born Iranian mystic and author who settled in Kirmān, in southeastern Iran.) Under the Niʿmatallāhī master Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn Raḥmat ʿA…
Date: 2021-07-19