Your search for 'dc_creator:( Beozzo, AND José AND Oscar ) OR dc_contributor:( Beozzo, AND José AND Oscar )' returned 10 results. Modify search
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Latin American Council of Bishops
(963 words)
1. Origin The idea of founding the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM, or Latin American Council of Bishops) was proposed at the first Gen…
Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil
(389 words)
[German Version] (CNBB; National Conference of Brazilian Bishops) was established in Rio de Janeiro on Oct 14, 1952 to promote the unity of the Catholic episcopacy, to coordinate the pastoral activity of the 115 dioceses and prelatures, and to nurture relations between the Brazilian church (Brazil) and the Holy See, other bishops' conferences, and the organs of the state. The founder and first General Secretary (1952–1964) was the auxiliary bishop of Rio de Jane…
Religion Past and Present
(84 words)
[German Version] The term
mulatto denotes a person with one white parent and one black parent as well as the more or less dark skin generally typical of mestizos. English also uses it more generally for a person of mixed racial ancestry. In some cultures and languages,
mulatto can refer to someone who is clever and resourceful. The term often carries racist and pejorative connotations and is therefore avoided by the black movement in Latin America, especially in Brazil. José Oscar Beozzo
Religion Past and Present
Rio de Janeiro, Latin American Bishops’ Conference (1955)
(243 words)
[German Version] The first general Latin American and Caribbean Bishops’ Conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from Jul 25 to Aug 4, 1955, following the 36th International Eucharistic Congress. It was convened by Pius XII, led by Cardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, and attended by 106 participants from 22 countries. They worked in seven commissions: 1. Clergy; 2. Clergy helpers (laity); 3.Organization and resources of the apostolic office, with press and radio subcommission; 4. Protestantis…
Religion Past and Present
(159 words)
[German Version] In Brazil, a quilombo (from Angolan
quimbundo, “assemblage, fortified camp, settlement”) was a fortified settlement of fugit…
Religion Past and Present
(198 words)
[German Version] A term for persons whose parents belong to different racial groups. Historically speaking, the Mestizos origina…
Religion Past and Present
Santo Domingo, Latin American Bishops’ Conference (1992)
(225 words)
[German Version] The fourth Latin American Bishops’ Conference met in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) from Oct 12 to Oct 28, 1992, observing the cinquecentennial of Columbus’s arrival. About 360 delegates took part in the conference, whose theme was “New Evangelization, Human Promotion, Christian Culture – Jesus Christ Yesterday, Today, and Forever.” To prepare for the conference, “Elements for Pastoral Reflection in Preparation for the Fourth Latin American Bishops’ Conference” was distributed in 1990.…
Religion Past and Present
(160 words)
[English Version] bedeutet in der angolesischen Sprache Quimbundo, »Ansammlung, befestigtes Lager, Siedlung«; in Brasilie…
Santo Domingo, lateinamerikanische Bischofskonferenz
(225 words)
[English Version] (1992). Die IV. allg. lateinamer. Bischofskonferenz fand vom 12. bis zum 28.10.1992 anläßlich der 5…
Rio de Janeiro, Lateinamerikanische Bischofskonferenz
(228 words)
[English Version] (1955). Die erste allg. lateinamer. und karibische Bischofskonferenz fand am 25.7. bis zum 4.8.1955 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, statt, im Anschluß an den 36. Internationalen Eucharistischen Kongreß. Von Pius XII. einberufen, wurde sie von Kardinal Adeodato Giovanni Piazza geleitet. 106 Teilnehmer aus 22 Ländern waren anwesend. Es wurde in sieben Kommissionen gearbeitet: 1. Klerus; 2. Helfer des Kle…