
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Graßl, AND Herbert ) OR dc_contributor:( Graßl, AND Herbert )' returned 94 results. Modify search

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Lacus Brigantinus

(178 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Lake formed by the river Rhenus at the northern foot of the Alps (538.5 km2, greatest depth 252 m), named after the Brigantii ( Brigantium) who lived there, modern Lake Constance. Mentioned by Str. 4,3,3 without a name of its own (cf. also Str. 4,4,9; 7,1,5; 5,1; Mela 3,24; Cass. Dio 54,22,4; first by Plin. HN 9,63: lacus Raetiae Brigantinus). Inhabitants of the region were the Vindelici, Helvetii and Raeti. Mela 3,24 differentiates between the upper lake ( lacus Venetus) and the lower lake ( lacus Acronus). Plin. HN 9,63 mentions a type of fish, mustela, in the lacus Briganti…


(102 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] (Ὀυάραγροι/ Ouáragroi). One of the four people in the Swiss canton of Wallis (Ceutrones [2], Caturiges, Nantuatae; cf. Str. 4,6,6) with chief town Octodurus. As inhabitants of Mons Poeninus (Liv. 21,38,9) the V. organised traffic over the Great Saint Bernard pass. In 57 BC they were attacked by Caesar's legate Sulpicius [I 12] Galba (Caes. Gall. 3,1,1; Cass. Dio 39,5,2), but subjugated only later, by Augustus (Plin. HN 3,137; CIL V 7817). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography G. Barruol, Les peuples préromains du sud-est de la Gaule, 1969, 310 f. A. Geiser, Un mo…


(157 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Limes | Rome Main centre of the Segusini in the Alpes Cottiae, modern Susa (Plin. HN 3,123: regio XI; Ptol. 3,1,40 erroneously places S. in the Alpes Graiae [2. 393-408; 3. 331-333]). S. commanded the route over Mont Genèvre and was the gateway into Italy (Amm. Marc. 15,10,3; Pan. Lat. 4,17,3; 21; 22,2). S. possessed Latin law probably from the time of Augustus and was a municipium from the time of Nero. Constantinus [1] conquered S. in AD 312. Outstanding monuments are an Augustine arch …


(118 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe on the Vistula (Plin. HN 4,97), which in the 3rd cent. BC advanced as far as the Black Sea (Syll.3 495, Z. 100 from Olbia). From the 4th cent. AD the S. settled on the northern edge of the Carpathians, came to be dependent on the Hunni and undertook incursions into the Roman Empire (Zos. 4,34,6; Sozom. Hist. eccl. 9,5,5; Sid. Apoll. Carm. 7,322). After the death of Attila in AD 453 the S. were defeated by the Goti; some were accepted into Moesia (Iord. Get. 265; Moesi), the rest moved with Odoacer to Italy (Procop. Goth. 1,1,3; Iohannes Antiochenus fr. 209,1). Graßl,…


(61 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Roman settlement in Noricum, 23 miles from  Virunum in the direction of Celeia (Tab. Peut. 4,2), modern Globasnitz in the Jaun Valley (Carinthia). Sanctuary of the Celtic god Iovenat on Mount Hemma, developed into a Christian pilgrimage site from the 5th cent.. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography F. Glaser, Die röm. Siedlung I. und die frühchristl. Kirchen am Hemmaberg, 1982.


(63 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Mountain in the Alpes Cottiae with rich stock of game in its pine forests (Verg. Aen. 707 ff.), modern Monte Viso or Monviso (3841 m). It was considered the highest peak in the Alpes (Plin. HN 3,117; Solin. 2,25); The Padus (modern Po; Mela 2,62; Mart. Cap. 6,640) rises on Mount V. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography E. Meyer, s. v. V., RE 8 A, 1798.


(47 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Subsection of the tribe of the Lepontii living near the source of the Rhodanus (modern Rhône) in the upper Valais (Plin. HN 3,135); conquered by Augustus (Plin. HN 3,137). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography G. Barruol, Les peuples préromains du sud-est de la Gaule, 1969, 311.


(180 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: | Coloniae | Raeti, Raetia | Regio, regiones (modern Trento). Raetic oppidum on the Atesis (Plin. HN 3,130; according to Just. Epit. 20,5,8, Celtic). The municipium Iulia Tridentina in the area of the Alpes Tridentinae (Plin. HN 3,121; Flor. Epit. 1,38,11; Cass. Dio 54,22,1 and 3) was founded under Caesar as the central town of the Tridentini (Str. 4,6,6) and under Augustus allotted to  Regio X  ( tribus Papiria). The city walls from the time of Augustus attest to urban expansion, which led to the greatest heig…


(70 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: ( Volgum, modern Fenékpuszta). Station on the road from Sopianis to Savaria at the western end of Lacus Pelso (modern Lake Balaton; It. Ant. 233,3). Late Antiquity fortress with numerous excavated buildings, including the Palatium, a warehouse and a basilica. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography L. Barkóczi, s. v. V., PE 952 E. Toth, Zur Urbanisierung Pannoniens, in: Folia Archaeologica 37, 1986, 163-181.

Alpes Cottiae

(129 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] After the entry of the regnum into the Roman empire, administration by means of  Cottius as praefectus civitatium (CIL V 7231), after the death of Cottius II in AD 63, transformation of the Alpes Cottiae (AC) into a procuratorial province (Suet. Nero 1), since the 3rd cent. AD under a praeses; main town  Segusio; other centres were  Eburodunum and Brigantio (today Briançon). Under Diocletian the western part came to the  Alpes Maritimae, the eastern part was allocated under a praeses to the dioecesis Italia (Amm. Marc. 15,10,6). Starting in the 6th cent. AD, Lig…


(94 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] City in Pannonia on the amber road, present-day Zalalövő (Hungary; [1. 14]). After the construction of a fort for auxiliary troops in the 1st cent. AD, the civil infrastructure was developed ( municipium Aelium S.). Destroyed in the Marcomannic War (AD 167-182), it was rebuilt later, in the 4th cent., with a villa publica. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography 1 F. Redö, Zalalövö - Municipium Aelium S., in: G. Hajnóczy et al. (eds.), Pannonia Hungarica Antiqua, 1999, 14 f. 2 J. Šašel, Rimske ceste v Sloveniji (Roman Roads in Slovenia), in: Arheolos̆ka naj…


(122 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Gallic tribe, settling in the  Alpes Cottiae on the upper course of the Durance, mistakenly placed by Ptol. 3,1,35 in the Alpes Graiae, and by Str. 4,6,6 in the mountains above the Salassi. In Caes. B Gall. 1,10,4, the C. are named as a tribe hostile to Rome. Plin. HN 3,125 sees the C. as expelled  Insubres. They were conquered under Augustus (CIL V 7231; 7817 = Plin. HN 3,137). Their capitals were Caturigomagus (modern Chorges) and Eburodunum (modern Embrun). Since the time of Diocletian (AD 284-305), they belonged to the province of Alpes Maritimae. Graßl, Herbert (Salzbu…


(16 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Modern Drôme, tributary of the Rhône (Auson. Mos. 479). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)


(98 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Pannonia Military base and road junction on the upper Pannonian   limes , at the mouth of the Ar(r)abo (Ptol. 2,11,5; 14,1; 15,1; Tab. Peut. 5,3; Marcianos 2,36) into the Danube (It. Ant. 267,10; Not. Dign. occ. 34,27; Geogr. Rav. 4,19), modern Györ, German name Raab. From the middle of the 1st cent. AD alae fort (on the Káptalan hill), from the 2nd cent. garrison of the   ala I Ulpia Contariorum Milliaria .   Vicus to the south and east, burial and cremation graves. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)


(36 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Alpine people in the Romanche valley at L'Oisans (Str. 4,1,11; 4,6,5: Ἰκόνιοι/ Ikónioi), subjugated by Augustus  (Plin. HN. 3,137). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography G. Barruol, Les peuples préromains du sud-est de la Gaule, 1969, 318.


(41 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Tribe in the Alpes Cottiae, mentioned on the Augustus Arch in Segusio (CIL V 7231; [1. 77]). Not located, presumably at Montgenèvre in the French Alps. Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography 1 J. Prieur, La province romaine des Alpes Cottiennes, 1968, 77.


(287 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] (Ταυρίσκοι/ Taurískoi). Celts in the area of the Alpes and the Ister [1] (Danube), first mentioned at the southern edge of the western Alpes, where they appeared in 225 BC as part of the Celtic war alliance against Rome (Pol. 2,15,8; 28,4; 30,6); the Taurini were also counted among them (Pol. 3,60,8). Cato Orig. 2,6 includes the Lepontii and the Salassi among the T. In the late 1st cent. BC, Timagenes [1] (FGrH 88 F 2) mentions that the tribal hero, a Gaulish tyrant, was annihilate…

Flavia Solva

(82 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae Town in Noricum, modern Wagna near Leibnitz. Municipium (Plin. HN 3,146) from the time of Vespanian; destroyed by the invasion of Marcomanni around AD 170, built up again after that. Orthogonal street system with insulae, burial area (from Late Antiquity, on the Frauenberg). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg) Bibliography E. Hudeczek, F.S., in: G. Christian (ed.), Leibnitz, 1988, 21-54 M. Hainzmann, E. Pochmarski, Die römerzeitlichen Inschr. und Reliefs von Schloß Seggau bei Leibnitz, 1994.

Alpes Maritimae

(129 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] After Roman subjugation of Ligurian tribes in the summer of 14 BC (Cass. Dio 54. 24. 3), the Alpes Maritimae stood under the command of a knightly praefectus civitatium (Str. 4,6,3). In AD 63 the conferment of the   ius Latii (Plin. HN 3,135; Tac. Ann. 15,32), administration by a procurator, with the title praeses since the 3rd cent. AD. A suburb was  Cemenelum (today Cimiez). Under Diocletian the province was enlarged by parts of the Narbonensis and  Alpes Cottiae and allocated to the praefectura Galliarum ( dioecesis Viennensis).  Eburodunum became the new capital. Graßl…


(77 words)

Author(s): Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] Modern river Durance, rises in the  Alpes Cottiae and flows into the Rhône (Str. 4,1,3; 11; Ptol. 2,10,4). It was along this torrential river (Str. 4,6,5; Plin. HN 3,33; Auson. Mos. 479) that Hannibal marched with his army (Liv. 21,32,8; 32,6; Sil. Pun. 3,468; Amm. Marc. 15,10,11). Nautae Druentici are mentioned in inscriptions (CIL XII 731; 982). In late antiquity the region's security was maintained by fortresses (Cassiod. Var. 3,41,2). Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
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