Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Drehsen, Volker" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Drehsen, Volker" )' returned 5 results. Modify search
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Bezzel, Hermann Theodor Friedrich Ernst
(234 words)
[German Version] (Ma…
Religion Past and Present
(5,411 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology No term equivalent to
vocation is found in classical Greek and Latin. An
officium was exercised by virtue of a preexisting status, usually by birth. Trades (including medicine) fulfilled the conditions of a regular vocation (…
Religion Past and Present
(287 words)
[German Version]
1. Ernst Christian (Jan 13, 1838, Bremen – Apr 10, 1912, Marburg). Studied theology in Heidelberg (1857–1859) and Halle (1860); served as a Reformed curate in Arsten and pastor in Hastedt (1862) and Wuppertal-Unterbarmen (1875); 1882–1911 as professor of practical theology at Marburg. Achelis first made his mark as a biblical homiletician and as an …
Religion Past and Present
Working Class Culture
(566 words)
[German Version] Working-class culture is a culture specific to a social class or stratum; its cultural objectifications have been handed down over generation and socialized supra-individually as a reflection of shared conditions of life and work. The emergence of workers’ associations in the revolutionary years 1848/1849 marked the beginnings of a working-class culture; by the 1890s, it was already presenting a varied and complex picture, both organizationally and programmatically. During the Wei…
Religion Past and Present