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Justice and Righteousness
(8,833 words)
[German Version] I. Bible – II. Philosophy – III. History of Theology and Dogmatics – IV. Ethics – V. Law – VI. Social Politics, Social Ethics – VII. Missiology – VIII. Islam
I. Bible
1. Ancient Near East and Old Testament The concept of justice in the ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible is basically one of connectivity. It designates the positive relation of the king to the gods and to his people, of the individual to the various collectives ranging from the family to the entire nation, of the deed to the doer's well-being,…
Religion Past and Present
(859 words)
[German Version]
I. Philosophy The term
validity was already used by I. Kant (
Akademie-Ausgabe IV, 460f.), but it did not play a prominent role in philosophy until the late 19th century. Validity is an actuality, not further explicable, that is understood primarily in contrast to existence. In this sense, R.H. Lotze distinguished between things, which exist, events, which take place, and propositions, which are valid (
Grundzüge der Logik und Encyklopädie der Philosophie, 1902; ET:
Outlines of Logic and of Encyclopædia of Philosophy, 1892). To say that a proposition is valid …
Religion Past and Present
Dombois, Hans
(309 words)
[German Version] (Oct 15, 1907, Berlin – Jun 24, 1997, Minden). The jurist Hans Dombois, of Huguenot background, joined the Confessing Church in 1933. He served as a public prosecutor from 1936 to ¶ 1952; he served in the military and was a prisoner of war from 1939 to 1947. In 1947 he joined the Evangelische Michaelsbruderschaft (Brotherhood of Michael). He received his Dr.Jur. degree from Göttingen in 1950. From 1952 to 1972 he …
Religion Past and Present