
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Haering, Stephan" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Haering, Stephan" )' returned 23 results. Modify search

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Pastoral Letter

(157 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] A pastoral letter is a modern medium used by (Catholic) bishops to proclaim the faith, in the tradition of biblical and early Christian letters to churches. They may be published periodically (e.g. Lenten pastoral letters) or to address a current issue. They may be addressed to the faithful of the bishop’s own church, as a means of instruction and encouragement, or they may present to a general audience the church’s position on ethical, social, or political questions. In recent ti…

Religious Priests

(156 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] is a (non-official) collective designation for Catholic priests who belong to a religious institute or one of the societies of apostolic life, and as such are not subject to a bishop but to the superior of their own order. If, however, priests of a religious order undertake an external apostolic activity (e.g. pastoral care) they also come under the bishop (cf. CIC/1983 cc. 678–683, 738; CCEO cc. 415, 554). Priests of a religious order who perform a task in the bishopric have, like diocesan priests, electoral rights with regard to the priests’ council ( CIC/1983 c. 498 §1 2°; C…

Voluntary Associations

(5,190 words)

Author(s): Häusler, Michael | Schäfer, Alfred | Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael | Kaiser, Jochen-Christoph | Haering, Stephan | Et al.
[German Version] I. History 1. Terminology. The use of the term “association” to denote the formal union of persons and bodies has been common since the 19th century, especially through its application in the legal area. Associations were and are also called societies, unions, corporations, cooperatives, federations, groups, initiatives, movements etc. Modern unions are defined as the voluntary union of originally separate forces to achieve a common aim. By their structural features of free choice and a common aim, they are essentially different…


(378 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] is a public promise, according to Catholic church law, usually received by the church during a worship service: to live a life consecrated to God according to the counsels of perfection of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The profession that is made in a religious order inducts the professing individual at the same time into the community. There is also a profession for individual forms of consecrated life (hermits [Monasticism: III], virgins, widows), which may refer only to par…


(533 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan | Schneider, Ariane
[German Version] I. In the West The novitiate is a period of instruction and testing in monastic life before taking (temporary) vows (Profession); during this time the novice is supervised by a novice master. The novitiate, whose roots go back to early monasticism, was integrated explicitly into the 6th-century Benedictine Rule (chs. 58f.; Benedict, Rule of Saint), which dominated Western monasticism. The Decretum Gratiani (Gratian) provided for a monastic probationary period of up to three years (C. 17, q. 2, c. 3). The Council of Trent stipulated a durati…


(2,508 words)

Author(s): Schimmelpfennig, Bernhard | Haering, Stephan | Miletto, Gianfranco
[German Version] I. History In ancient times, the ager vaticanus extended on the right side of the Tiber, below the Vatican Hill from which it acquired it name. Crossed by the Via Cornelia, it was connected with Rome by a bridge that was probably built under Nero. From the emperors Caligula and Nero onward, a circus was built for races, with an Egyptian obelisk as its meta (since the 16th cent. the center of St. Peter’s Square). Soon afterwards, a naumachia was erected further upstream on the Tiber.The Via Cornelia was lined by tombs, especially from the 2nd century onward.…

Order, Rules of a Religious

(393 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] These are the written rules for life in religious orders, recognized by the church. The names of such rules vary: Regula, Constitutiones, Consuetudines, Statuta, Formula vitae etc. The authors of the basic rules are usually the founders of an order or a monastery. Early rules were written by monastic fathers, for example Pachomius, Basil the Great, Benedict of Nursia, Columba; see also monasticism (III). When a monastery’s way of life was based on them, they were locally or regionally adapted over time and made more precise by supplementary ¶ normative texts. Benedict…

Lay Communities/Lay Orders

(273 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] Lay associations within the Catholic Church trace their traditions far back in the church's system of orders, confraternities, and communities. Vatican II emphasized the importance of lay communities for implementation of a Christian vocation and participation in the apostolate (PC 10, AA 18–21). The faithful are urged quite generally to hold such associations in high esteem ( CIC/1983 c…

Habit (Religious Attire)

(178 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] is the uniform and obligatory clothing (Clothing and Vestments) of the members of the various orders as determined by tradition and law ( CIC 1983,…


(196 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] (from Lat. scapulae, “shoulders”), a religious garment consisting of a piece of cloth worn over the shoulders and hanging down in front and behind. A ¶ scapular, usually reaching to the knees or lower, is part of the habit of many orders (e.g. the Benedictines). Since the Middle Ages, however, a scapular has also been a token of membership in lay communities, some affiliated with orders (Tertiaries), expressing particip…

Chapter of Faults

(129 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[German Version] The expression chapter of faults refers to the monastic practice, in place since early times, of disclosure before the community assembled in the chapter-house of offenses against the outward order of the community, either by confession of the offender or by statement of a third party (possibly after futile attempts at correctio fraterna) and atonement for ¶ them through a penance imposed by the superior. Such chapte…


(4,693 words)

Author(s): Häusler, Michael | Schäfer, Alfred | Kuhlemann, Frank-Michael | Kaiser, Jochen-Christoph | Haering, Stephan | Et al.
[English Version] I. Historisch 1.Zum Begriff Der Begriff Verein (V.) als Bez. für den formalen Zusammenschluß von Personen und Körperschaften hat sich seit dem 19.Jh. v.a. aufgrund der Verwendung im rechtlichen Bereich durchgesetzt. Daneben wurden und werden V. auch als Assoziation, Gesellschaft, Vereinigung, Sozietät, Korporation, Genossenschaft, Bund, Verband, Gruppe, Initiative, Bewegung u.a.m. bez. Der neuzeitliche V. wird als freiwilliger Zusammenschluß urspr. getrennter Kräfte zur Verwirklichung eines gemeinsamen Zwecks definiert. Durch d…


(172 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[English Version] (lat. scapulae, »Schultern«), rel. Kleidungsstück, bestehend aus zwei Stoffstreifen, die über Brust und Rücken getragen werden. Ein zumeist körperlanges S. ist Teil der Tracht mancher Orden (z.B. Benediktiner). Das S. wurde aber seit dem MA auch Standeszeichen laikaler rel. Gemeinschaften, die z.T. mit Orden in Verbindung standen (Terziaren), und brachte Teilhabe an geistl. Gütern zum Ausdruck; es wurde schließlich, verkleinert auf zwei durch Träger verbundene Stoffstücke, unter …


(2,070 words)

Author(s): Schimmelpfennig, Bernhard | Haering, Stephan | Miletto, Gianfranco
[English Version] I. Historisch In der Antike erstreckte sich rechts des Tibers unterhalb des vatikanischen Hügels der nach diesem benannte ager vaticanus. Durchzogen von der via Cornelia war er durch eine wohl unter Nero erbaute Brücke mit Rom verbunden. Seit den Kaisern Caligula und Nero wurde ein Circus für Rennen erbaut, die meta bildete ein äg. Obelisk (seit dem 16.Jh. Zentrum des Petersplatzes). Bald darauf wurde tiberaufwärts eine naumachia errichtet. Die via Cornelia säumten bes. seit dem 2…


(484 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan | Schneider, Ariane
[English Version] I. Westlich N. ist die Zeit der Unterweisung und Erprobung im Ordensleben vor der Ablegung der (zeitlichen) Profeß; sie wird unter Leitung eines Novizenmeisters absolviert. Das N., dessen Ansätze sich bereits im frühen Mönchtum finden, wird in der im 6.Jh. vf. und im westlichen Mönchtum dominierenden Benediktsregel deutlich geordnet (Kap. 58f.). Im Dekret Gratians war eine klösterliche Probezeit bis zu drei Jahren vorgesehen (C.17 q.2 c.3). Das Tridentinum legte das N. auf die Dau…


(339 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[English Version] ist nach kath. Kirchenrecht ein öfftl., von der Kirche gewöhnlich in einem Gottesdienst entgegengenommenes Versprechen, im Stand des gottgeweihten Lebens nach den Evangelischen Räten von Armut, Keuschheit und Gehorsam zu leben. Die P., die in Ordensgemeinschaften abgelegt wird, gliedert den Professen zugleich in den Verband ein. Daneben gibt es auch eine P. bei den Individualformen geweihten Lebens (Eremiten [Mönchtum: …


(134 words)

Author(s): Haering, Stephan
[English Version] . P. ist die Bez. des Oberen (superior/prior/minister provincialis) einer regional abgegrenzten Gliederung eines zentralistisch organisierten Ordens. Der P. ist höherer Oberer und in klerikalen Orden zugleich Ordinarius. Seine rechtliche Stellung ist durch das kirchl. Gesetzbuch (cc.617–630 CIC/1983; cc.511.513–515 CCEO) und das Eigenrecht der einzelnen Orden näher bestimmt. Der P. übernimmt sein Amt für eine bestimmte Amtsperiode entweder aufgrund einer in der Provinz durchgefü…
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