Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lemaire, André" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lemaire, André" )' returned 2 results. Modify search
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(388 words)
[German Version] Mareshah, modern Tell Sandahannah, 38 km southwest of Jerusalem, identified on the basis of Eusebius of Caesarea's
Onomasticon and a Greek inscription that mentions a Sidonian community “living in Marisa.” Joshua 15:44 names Mareshah as a city of the Shephelah, related to Caleb (1 Chr 2:42) and Judah (1 Chr 4:21). Mic 1:15 prophesies its capture by Assyria. Its mention in 2 Chronicles (11:8; 14:8,* 9*; 20:37) is a token of its significance at the time when Chronicles was composed. Rehoboam's suppo…
Religion Past and Present
(6,872 words)
[German Version] I. Paleography Today – II. Palestine – III. Texts
I. Paleography Today Paleography is the study of the development of writing; as an important element in codicology, it examines early forms of writing, particularly those of antiquity and the Middle Ages. The distinction between the use of ink and “epigraphic” writing is irrelevant. Writing is an empirical bridge between archaeology and the historical sciences (History/Concepts of history); it provides two starting points for paleography, one …
Religion Past and Present