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Emergency Pastoral Care
(400 words)
[German Version] is ‘first aid for the soul’ in cases of emergency and crisis situations” (
Handbuch Notfallseelsorge [Guide to Emergency Pastoral Care], 20). Following the example of the good Samaritan (Luke 10), and as a work of mercy (Matt 25), a Christian duty at all times, emergency pastoral care took on new form in the 1990s as a reliably organized on-call pastoral care service principally run by clergy …
Religion Past and Present
(1,717 words)
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics
I. Dogmatics 1. Used since the Renaissance in a number of European languages, the term humanity is derived from the Latin concept
humanitas, which is itself dependent on Gk ϕιλανϑρωπία/
philanthrōpía, “philanthropy, human kindness.” Two basic types of usage can be singled out: (a) in asymmetric relationships, humanity describes the friendly/condescending attitude, the goodwill, or the charitable deeds of those in higher positions (aristocrats, politicians, kings, emperors, judges, gods) …
Religion Past and Present