Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity


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(1,132 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Michele Corradi and first published on 06/09/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Antiochus | Ἀντίοχος Identity: Place of Origin: Alexandria Date: ante 1st c. CE? ↓ To Source List Biography: A grammarian native to Alexandria, Antiochus is the author of a work on poets ridiculed in Middle Comedy1 (Περὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ μέσῃ κωμῳδίᾳ κωμῳδουμένων ποιητῶν). Athenaeus2 (11, 482c) refers to this work in a list of types of glasses a…


(12,646 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Versione della scheda: La versione italiana di questa scheda di Michele Corradi è stata pubblicata il 07/11/2019. Qui si trova la versione inglese della scheda. Grammatico: Nome: Chamaeleon | Χαμαιλέων Identità: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Luogo di provenienza: Eraclea Data: 4°/3° sec. a.C. ↓ Elenco delle fonti Biografia: Originario di Eraclea del Ponto, Cameleonte fu, secondo Taziano ( Or. 31), allievo del Peripato. Con questa figura deve essere identificato il Cameleonte che, secondo quanto riportato da Fozio in un estratto dallo storico Memnone di Eraclea ( Bibl. cod. 224, 9–25 = FGrHist


(4,751 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Versione della scheda: La versione italiana di questa scheda di Michele Corradi è stata pubblicata il 01/11/2018. Qui si trova la versione inglese della scheda. Grammatico: Nome: Apellicon | Ἀπελλικῶν Identità: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Luogo di provenienza: Teo Data: 2°-1° sec. a.C. († 86 a.C.?) ↓ Elenco delle fonti Biografia: Apellicone o Apelliconte fu, secondo Strabone (13, 1, 54), un ricco collezionista di libri originario di Teo (sono attestate diverse varianti per il nome, registrate da Dziatzko 1894, 2693: Ἀπελλικῶν/Ἀπελλικῶντος, Ἀπελλίκων/Ἀπελλίκωντος e, in Plut. Sul. 26, Ἀπελ…


(4,673 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Michele Corradi and published on 01/11/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Neleus | Νηλεύς Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Place of Origin: Scepsis Date: 4th-3rd c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: Neleus was the son of the Coriscus1 who is cited many times by Aristotle2 (cf. Bonitz 1870, p. 405 and Gottschalk 2000, 809–810); according to Strabo3 (13, 1, 54) Neleus was a native of Scepsis and a student of Aristotle and Theophrastus4. …


(5,028 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Michele Corradi and published on 01/11/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Apellicon | Ἀπελλικῶν Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Place of Origin: Teos Date: 2nd-1st c. BCE († 86 BCE?) ↓ To Source List Biography: Apellicon was, according to Strabo1 (13, 1, 54), a rich collector of books and a native of Teos (different attested variants for his name are gathered by Dziatzko 1894, 2693: Ἀπελλικῶν/Ἀπελλικῶντος, Ἀπελλίκων/Ἀπελλίκων…


(4,402 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Versione della scheda: La versione italiana di questa scheda di Michele Corradi è stata pubblicata il 01/11/2018. Qui si trova la versione inglese della scheda. Grammatico: Nome: Neleus | Νηλεύς Identità: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Luogo di provenienza: Scepsi Data: 4°–3° sec. a.C. ↓ Elenco delle fonti Biografia: Figlio del Corisco più volte citato da Aristotele (cfr. Bonitz 1870, p. 405 e Gottschalk 2000, 809–810), secondo Strabone (13, 1, 54) Neleo era originario di Scepsi e fu allievo di Aristotele (=> Aristoteles [1]) e Teofrasto (<=). Stando a…


(4,577 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Michele Corradi and published on 04/04/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Aristocles | Ἀριστοκλῆς Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Place of Origin: Rhodes Date: Second half of the 1st c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: The grammarian1 Aristocles is included in a review of famous Rhodians by Strabo2 (14, 2, 13), who names him as one of his contemporaries (ὁ γραμματικὸς καὶ Ἀριστοκλῆς ὁ καθ’ ἡμᾶς). We should probably identify th…


(13,085 words)

Author(s): Corradi, Michele
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Michele Corradi and published on 07/11/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Chamaeleon | Χαμαιλέων Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Place of Origin: Heraclea Date: 4th/3rd c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: A native of Heraclea of Pontus, Chamaeleon was, according to Tatian1 ( Or. 31), a student of the Peripatos. We should identify with this figure the Chamaeleon who, as is reported by Photius2 in an extract from the historian Memnon…