Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity


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Sal(l)ustius [2]

(2,194 words)

Author(s): Ucciardello, Giuseppe
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Giuseppe Ucciardello and first published on 01/02/2005. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Sal(l)ustius [2] | Σαλούστιος Identity: BNP Place of Origin:…

Salu(s)tius [1]

(2,814 words)

Author(s): Ucciardello, Giuseppe
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Giuseppe Ucciardello and first published on 15/11/2004. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Salu(s)tius [1] | Σαλού⟨σ)τιος Identity: BNP Place of Origin: ? Date: 4th c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: Salu(s)tius was the author of a treatise entitled …