Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity


Your search for 'tei_ancientauthortitle:"Daphitas"' returned 3 results. Modify search

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(3,727 words)

Author(s): Ascheri, Paola
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Paola Ascheri and published on 04/04/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Daphitas | Δαφίτας Identity: BNP Place of Origin: Telmessus (Caria or Lycia?) Date: 3rd or 2nd c. BCE? ↓ To Source List Biography: Daphitas was a grammarian1 and sophist who was a native of Telmessus and whose dating wavers between the 3rd and 2nd c. BCE. The sources furnish different forms for his name too: Δαφίτας/ Daphitas (Strab. 14, 1, 39 [= C 647], Cic. De f…


(3,503 words)

Author(s): Ascheri, Paola
Versione della scheda: La versione italiana di questa scheda di Paola Ascheri è stata pubblicata il 04/04/2019. Qui si trova la versione inglese della scheda. Grammatico: Nome: Daphitas | Δαφίτας Identità: BNP Luogo di provenienza: Telmesso (Caria o Licia?) Data: 3° o 2° sec. a.C.? ↓ Elenco delle fonti Biografia: Grammatico e sofista originario di Telmesso, la cui datazione oscilla tra il 3° e il 2° sec. a.C. Anche per il suo nome le fonti forniscono diverse forme: Δαφίτας/ Daphitas (Strab. 14, 1, 39 [= C 647], Cic. De fato 3, 5), Δαφίδας (Ps.-Hsch. Περὶ τῶν ἐν παιδείᾳ διαλαμψάντων σοφῶν 14 [= F…

Zoilus [1]

(3,913 words)

Author(s): Regali, Mario
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Mario Regali and first published on . Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Zoilus [1] | Ζωίλος Identity: Perseus | BNP | BNJ Place of Origin: Amphipolis Date: 4th c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: The majority of the sources name Amphipolis as Zoilus’ birthplace. The Suda1 (ζ 130, 6-7) also attributes to Zoilus a work entitled Περὶ Ἀμφιπόλεως (cf. H. Gärtner, Zoilos [n. 14], RE suppl. 15 [1978], 1532). The tradition, wholly a minority one (f…