Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Your search for 'tei_propername:"International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement"' returned 4 results. Modify search
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The Juridical Aspects of the Organisation of the International Red Cross (Volume 82)
(36,179 words)
Ruegger, Paul
Keywords: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge | ABSTRACT Paul Ruegger assigned in this course the task of outlining the legal bases of the International Organization of the Red Cross. After an introduction to the universal awareness of the values of the Red Cross, the author presents the organizational evolution and the respective responsibilities of the various branches of the organiz…
L’Organisation de la Croix-Rouge internationale sous ses aspects juridiques (Volume 82)
(36,978 words)
Ruegger, Paul
Keywords: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge | ABSTRACT Paul Ruegger assigned in this course the task of outlining the legal bases of the International Organization of the Red Cross. After an introduction to the universal awareness of the values of the Red Cross, the author presents the organizational evolution and the respective responsibilities of the various branches of the organiz…
La Croix-Rouge et les Conventions de Genève (Volume 76)
(36,837 words)
S. Pictet, Jean
Keywords: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | Geneva Conventions (1949) | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge | ABSTRACT In this course, Jean S. Pictet studies, as a whole, all the legal problems related to the Red Cross and the Geneva Conventions, by focusing on the critical aspects. In a general section, the author describes the Red Cross and the Geneva Conventions. In the special section, the author focuses on improving …
L’Organisation internationale de la Croix-Rouge (Volume 1)
(20,617 words)
Borel, Eugène
Keywords: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge | ABSTRACT Eugene Borel presents the International Organization of the Red Cross in two parts: a historical part (origin of the Red Cross and the Geneva Convention, national societies and international conferences of the Red Cross, League of Nations) and a legal part (former Red Cross, 1863 resolutions, international conferences, International Committee, League of Societies of the Red Cross). Eug…