Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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The Impact of Science on International Law (Volume 119)
(25,754 words)
M. W. Mouton, DR.
Keywords: Science | International law | Technology |
Mots clefs: Sciences | Droit international | Technologie | ABSTRACT M.W. Mouton begins his course on the Impact of Science on Private International Law by presenting the new dimensions and new domains of the issue (including the Polar Regions, the soil, seabed and its subsoil, air, and space). He focuses on new sources of energy, international rules on new devices (especially in telecommunications), the question of research, pollution, and questions about food, work, and health. M.W. Mouton commence son cours s…
Pouvoir scientifique et droit international (Volume 70)
(21,546 words)
Bourquin, Maurice
Keywords: Science | Public international law | Technical sciences |
Mots clefs: Sciences | Droit international public | Sciences techniques | ABSTRACT Maurice Bourquin points out in the introduction to his course that we are now looking at a contradiction. On one hand, the progress of science shows the anarchy of sovereignty as an anachronism incompatible with the needs of modern society; but on the other hand, the establishment of an effective international order is confronted with the resistance of …