Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Droit international privé et conflits de civilisations. Aspects méthodologiques. Les relations entre systèmes d’Europe occidentale et systèmes islamiques en matière de statut personnel (Volume 211)

(145,884 words)

Author(s): Déprez, J.
Déprez, J. Keywords: Western Europe | Personal status | Private international law | Islamic countries | Mots clefs: Europe occidentale | Statut personnel | Droit international privé | Pays islamiques | ABSTRACT Jean Deprez, Professor at the University of Nice, has a first objective in his course to study the positive solutions given on both sides to the problem of personal status, namely the reception of Muslim status in Europe and the reception of foreign status in Islam. The author considers, however, that it is useful to go…

Le statut personnel dans le droit international privé des pays africains au sud du Sahara Conceptions et solutions des conflits de lois. Le poids de la tradition négro-africaine personnaliste (Volume 238)

(63,540 words)

Author(s): Boye, Abd-El-Kader
Boye, Abd-El-Kader Keywords: Southern Africa | Personal status | Private international law | Mots clefs: Afrique australe | Statut personnel | Droit international privé | ABSTRACT Abd-El-Kader Boye, Professor at the University Sheik Anta Diop of Dakar, underlines in the introduction to his course that the moment has come to ask certain questions with respect to personal status and conflicts of laws. Answers to questions such as "How do African states perceive personal status?" could well be the precursors of a future Afr…

The Identity and Continuity of Personal Status in Contemporary Private International Law (Volume 395)

(74,027 words)

Author(s): Salerno, Francesco
Salerno, Francesco Keywords: Private international law | Personal status | Identity [p11] Salerno, Francesco BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE [p16] Francesco Salerno, born in Taranto, Italy, on 25 March 1951, is an Italian national. Degree in Law, University of Florence (1974), Researcher in Law, Universities of Rome and Florence (1975-1987). Associate Professor of International Law, University of Catanzaro (1987) and later Chair, University of Ferrara (1999). Teaching activities include courses of “International Law”, “International Human …