Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Principles of Procedure in International Litigation (Volume 345)

(54,500 words)

Author(s): Elihu Lauterpacht, Sir
Elihu Lauterpacht, Sir Keywords: Judicial settlement of international disputes | Procedure | Legal principles | International Court of Justice | Law of procedure | International courts | International law of procedure | Consent | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT Drawing on his extensive experience, the author examines the range, forms and role of procedure in international litigation. He discusses critically and at length the operation of the principle of consent and the principal elements in the litigation process. Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, directeur émérite du Lauterpacht Center for…

L’intervention dans la procédure de la Cour internationale de Justice (Volume 256)

(102,793 words)

Author(s): Torres Bernárdez, Santiago
Torres Bernárdez, Santiago Keywords: International Court of Justice | Intervention | Law of procedure | Mots clefs: Cour internationale de Justice | Intervention et non-intervention | Droit procédural | ABSTRACT The central theme in this course by Santiago Torres Bernardez, former Registrar of the International Court of Justice, is to show what characterizes a “true intervention” under the terms of the statute of the International Court of Justice. The author has essentially drawn the data for his study from the jurisprudenc…