Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement et droit international (Volume 379)

(55,761 words)

Author(s): Ben Achour, Rafâa
Ben Achour, Rafâa Keywords: Politics | Government | Constitutional law | Political systems | Constitutional state | Democracy | International law | Regional organizations | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT The rejection of unconstitutional change of government is increasingly evident at the international level. At the universal level, international law in this regard remains embryonic; the normative framework has advocated indifference before emerging towards a universal mechanism that enshrines the rule of law and democracy. The birt…

Aspects internationaux du droit constitutionnel Contribution à la théorie de la fédération d’Etats (Volume 294)

(48,042 words)

Author(s): Zoller, Elisabeth
Zoller, Elisabeth Keywords: Federal states | Constitutional law | International law and domestic law | Mots clefs: Etats fédéraux | Droit constitutionnel | Droit international et droit interne | ABSTRACT Elizabeth Zoller, Professor at the University of Paris II, examines in this course the ability of an internal constitutional system to contain international elements. Federalism, so argues Professor Zoller, is an international process par excellence, insofar as its object is to bring people and States closer together, withou…