Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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La médiation pontificale dans l’affaire du canal Beagle (Volume 242)
(80,942 words)
R. Moncayo, Guillermo
Keywords: Argentina | Chile | Borders | Delimitation | Holy See | Beagle Channel | Alternative dispute resolution |
Mots clefs: Argentine | Chili | Frontières | Délimitation | Saint-Siège | Canal de Beagle | Médiation | ABSTRACT Guillermo Moncayo, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, reminds us of a series of events towards the end of 1978 that led to such a serious situation that a war between Argentinia and Chile seemed inevitable. The intervention of the Holy See succeeded however in preventing the conf…
The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment (Volume 344)
(142,300 words)
Enrique Alvarez, José
Keywords: Foreign direct investment | Public international law | Legal regime | Economy | Globalization | Sovereignty | United States of America | Bilateral investment treaties | Argentina |
Mots clefs: Investissements directs à l'étranger | Droit international public | Régime juridique | Economie | Mondialisation | Souveraineté | Etats-Unis d'Amérique | Traités bilatéraux d'investissement | Argentine | ABSTRACT This course considers the ramifications of the legal regime that governs transborder capital flows. This regime consists pri…