Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Relations and Interactions between International and National Scenes of Law (Volume 112)

(28,931 words)

Author(s): H. F. Van Panhuys, Jonkheer
H. F. Van Panhuys, Jonkheer Keywords: Court of Justice of the European Communities | Community law and municipal law | International Court of Justice | International law and domestic law | Permanent Court of International Justice | Mots clefs: Cour de justice des Communautés européennes | Droit communautaire et droit interne | Cour internationale de Justice | Droit international et droit interne | Cour permanente de Justice internationale | ABSTRACT In the introduction to his course on the Relations and Interactions Between International Law and Domestic Law, H. F…

L’ordre juridique des Communautés européennes et le droit international (Volume 148)

(167,634 words)

Author(s): Ganshof Van Der Meersch, Walter
Ganshof Van Der Meersch, Walter Keywords: European Communities | Community law and municipal law | Mots clefs: Communautés européennes | Droit communautaire et droit interne | ABSTRACT Walter Ganshof van der Meersch begins his main course on the relations between the legal order of European Communities and international law through a presentation of the inter-state organization of institutional rules. He presents the constitutional rules of international organizations, including the special nature of the Community legal o…