Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Quelques aspects de l’organisation et de la technique des conférences internationales (Volume 48)

(22,448 words)

Author(s): Sibert, Marcel
Sibert, Marcel Keywords: Conferences | Mots clefs: Conférences | ABSTRACT In view of discussing their common interests and reaching agreements, the States have since a long time taken the habit of reuniting their representatives or delegates in the meetings to which we give the name of conferences or congress, notes Marcel Sibert. The author studies on these two categories of meetings. En vue de discuter de leurs intérêts communs et d'aboutir à des accords, relève Marcel Sibert, les Etats ont depuis longtemps pris l'habitude de réunir leurs représentants …

Les Conférences de droit international privé depuis la fin de la guerre mondiale (Volume 44)

(34,412 words)

Author(s): Straznicky, Milorad
Straznicky, Milorad Keywords: Private international law | Conferences | Mots clefs: Droit international privé | Conférences | ABSTRACT After an introduction dedicated to general considerations on the Conferences of private international law, Milorad Straznicky dedicates the first part of his course to the work of The Hague. He then studies the work of the Pan American Union, and then the work of the League of Nations. The author then addresses the issue of coordination of the works of the Conferences of private i…