Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Le problème de la sécurité internationale (Volume 49)

(21,893 words)

Author(s): Bourquin, Maurice
Bourquin, Maurice Keywords: International peace and security | Use of force | International relations | Mots clefs: Sécurité internationale | Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT Maurice Bourquin notes in the introduction to his course that the problem of security takes on an almost obsessive look in the quiet and confused world of the post-war period. Its influence acts on all the great international negotiations, and since it was implemented, the League of Nations has seen it emerge at every turn of the road. W…

La théorie de la légitime défense (Volume 49)

(66,012 words)

Author(s): Giraud, Émile
Giraud, Émile Keywords: Self-defence | Use of force | International relations | Mots clefs: Défense légitime | Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT The author explains that the purpose of Emile Giraud's course is not to present and defend a thesis, but to explain an inherent right related to self-defence. To do this, the author begins with a comparison of self-defence in domestic law and international law. The author then poses the question of when there will be self-defence. Finally, the author studies its effects. Le cours d'Emile Giraud n'a pas pour but de présenter e…

L’interdiction du recours à la force. Le principe et les problèmes qui se posent (Volume 78)

(42,331 words)

Author(s): Wehberg, Hans
Wehberg, Hans Keywords: Use of force | International relations | Mots clefs: Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT In his course, Hans Wehberg explores the extent to which the evolution of international law is reflected in jus belli at the time of writing the course, what has been achieved so far, and the gaps that remain to be filled in this area. After a chapter devoted to the war according to scholastic doctrine, the author examines the law of war in European public law, the Kellogg Pact, the prohibitio…

The Regulation of the Use of Force by Individual States in International Law (Volume 81)

(21,359 words)

Author(s): H. M. Waldock C.M.G. O.B.E. Q.C., C.
H. M. Waldock C.M.G. O.B.E. Q.C., C. Keywords: Use of force | International relations | Mots clefs: Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT C. H. M. Waldock devotes his course to the regime of the use of force by States in international law. After presenting the issue in the light of international custom, he examines the regime established by the system of the League of Nations, and then the state of the issue under the Charter of the United Nations. He then focuses on the issue of legitimate-defense and self-def…

Aggression, Intervention and Self-Defence in Modern International Law (Volume 136)

(30,868 words)

Author(s): M. Schwebel, S.
M. Schwebel, S. Keywords: Aggression | Self-defence | Use of force | International relations | Intervention | Mots clefs: Agression | Défense légitime | Force | Relations internationales | Intervention et non-intervention | ABSTRACT S.M. Schwebel's course deals with the issues of aggression, intervention, and self-defence in the context of the question of the definition of aggression. After a first chapter on the need and importance of the definition of the concept of aggression, the author examines several types of approaches t…

L’évolution de la réglementation de la guerre à la lumière de la sauvegarde des droits de l’homme (Volume 137)

(36,576 words)

Author(s): Migliazza, Alessandro
Migliazza, Alessandro Keywords: Human rights | Laws of war | Use of force | International relations | International humanitarian law | Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | Droit de la guerre | Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT Alessandro Migliazza states that from the beginning of civilization, men faithful to the spirit of humanity have multiplied their efforts to prevent war and to regulate armed conflict. The efforts have laid the foundations of people’s rights: jus ad bellum and jus in bello are the first and perhaps the most important chapters in the science of int…

Le droit international à l’épreuve du terrorisme (Volume 321)

(108,228 words)

Author(s): Klein, Pierre
Klein, Pierre Keywords: United Nations | Terrorism | International peace and security | International politics | Use of force | International relations | Human rights | Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Terrorisme | Sécurité internationale | Politique internationale | Force | Relations internationales | Droits de l'homme | ABSTRACT Pierre Klein, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles, begins his course by identifying the very notion of terrorism to report on the impact of terrorism on international law. He then takes a step backward and plac…

L’emploi de la force dans la jurisprudence des tribunaux internationaux (Volume 331)

(58,269 words)

Author(s): Pinto, Mónica
Pinto, Mónica Keywords: United Nations | Security Council | Charter | Use of force | International relations | Self-defence | International Court of Justice | Case-law | Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Conseil de sécurité | Chartre | Force | Relations internationales | Défense légitime | Cour internationale de Justice | Jurisprudence | ABSTRACT The course of Mrs. Monica Pinto, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, proposes to retrace the history of the characterizations of the use of force in the light of the jurisprudence of international court…

Entre multilatéralisme et unilatéralisme: l’autorisation par le conseil de sécurité de recourir à la force (Volume 339)

(179,121 words)

Author(s): Sicilianos, Linos-Alexandre
Sicilianos, Linos-Alexandre Keywords: United Nations | Security Council | Charter | Use of force | International relations | Collective security | Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Conseil de sécurité | Charte | Force | Relations internationales | Sécurité collective | ABSTRACT In the introduction to his course, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, Associate Professor at the University of Athens, notes that the theme of the Security Council's authorization to use force lies at the centre of two contradictory trends that mark contemporary evolution of…

The Quest for World Order and Human Dignity in the Twenty-first Century: Constitutive Process and Individual Commitment General Course on Public International Law (Volume 351)

(129,304 words)

Author(s): Michael Reisman, W.
Michael Reisman, W. Keywords: International law | International regime | Development of international law | Decision-making | Sovereignty | Human rights | Subjects of international law | Individuals | Use of force | Mots clefs: Droit international | Régime international | Développement du droit international | Prise de décisions | Souveraineté | Droits de l'homme | Sujets du droit international | Individus | Force | ABSTRACT The point of these lectures, given in 2012, is to elaborate a framework to understand the place of practitioners, and others affected by …