Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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La révision de la Charte des Nations Unies (Volume 90)
(50,291 words)
Giraud, Emile
Keywords: United Nations | Charter | Revision |
Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Charte | Révision | ABSTRACT Emile Giraud says in the introduction to his course that the Charter of the United Nations is flawed. Those who conceived it lacked historical sense and foresight. They did not understand that Hitler and Mussolini were not simply accidents of history, but that they were the expression of a new philosophy and a new conception of the world, totalitarianism which the Second World War had not eliminate…
Des conflits entre principes abstraits et stipulations conventionnelles (Volume 48)
(25,357 words)
Ray, Jean
Keywords: Treaties | Public international law | Revision |
Mots clefs: Traités | Droit international public | Révision | ABSTRACT History and especially the history of our time, presents to us a large number of cases in which certain clauses of treaties have been attacked, by a State related by them, in the name of certain principles of international law. In order to study this issue, Jean Ray starts with a study of certain diplomatic procedures related to the Oriental issue. He then studies a few affairs b…