Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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Droits et devoirs fondamentaux des États (Volume 1)
(17,843 words)
Phillimore, Lord
Keywords: Rights and duties of States |
Mots clefs: Droits et devoirs des Etats | ABSTRACT Lord Phillimore begins his course by giving a definition of the State and by presenting the different forms of States, and then outlines two kinds of fundamental rights: original rights and acquired rights. He later insists on the need to distinguish between the existing right and the right that should be established, and presents the right of independence, the right of limits, and the theory of interventio…
Droits et devoirs des nations La théorie classique des droits Fondamentaux des États (Volume 10)
(22,017 words)
Gidel, Gilbert
Keywords: Rights and duties of States |
Mots clefs: Droits et devoirs des Etats | ABSTRACT It is surprising, says Gilbert Gide, that given a formidable nature of the fundamental rights of States and given the agreement that reigns over an eminent role they play in international law, the authors do not agree on their enumeration. Having said this, five main rights emerge and are found in all doctrines: the rights of conservation, independence, equality, respect, and international trade. After a pres…
Les relations internationales de voisinage (Volume 79)
(37,844 words)
Andrassy, Juraj
Keywords: Transfrontier co-operation | International relations | Rights and duties of States |
Mots clefs: Coopération transfrontalière | Relations internationales | Droits et devoirs des Etats | ABSTRACT Juraj Andrassy points out in the introduction to his course that if the international law contains provisions on the right of neighborhood in the sense of the mandatory rules applicable to cases of damage caused by cross-border facts, it must be recognized that these rules cover only a very modest field of a…
The Rights and Duties of States (Volume 97)
(36,119 words)
J. Alfaro, Ricardo
Keywords: Rights and duties of States |
Mots clefs: Droits et devoirs des Etats | ABSTRACT Starting from the idea that all jurists agree that the State is composed of three elements, namely a population, a territory, and a legal order or a political organization within which the human community governs itself freely without any other control or limitation than those of international law, Ricardo Alfaro begins his course on the Rights and Obligations of States by presenting the theory of fundamen…
The Doctrine of Jurisdiction in International Law (Volume 111)
(60,160 words)
A. Mann, F.
Keywords: Jurisdiction | International law | Rights and duties of States | Legislation |
Mots clefs: Juridiction | Droit international | Droits et devoirs des Etats | Législation | ABSTRACT Frederick devotes his course to the doctrine of jurisdiction in international law. After a first chapter devoted to the definition of the concept of jurisdiction, the author examines the doctrine of legislative jurisdiction from a general point of view and then from a special point of view. He examines the enforcement jurisdiction. Frederick consacre son cours à la doctrine de la …