Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Adam, Gottfried" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Adam, Gottfried" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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Sermon on the Mount
(3,508 words)
[German Version]
I. New Testament
1. The Matthean text. The first of the five discourses of Jesus in Matthew, Matt 5–7, is called the Sermon on the Mount. It contains the first extended presentation of Jesus’ message in Matthew, the “gospel of the kingdom” (4:23) or “everything that I have commanded you” (28:20) – in short, the content of the disciples’ missionary preaching for all nations. Therefore Jesus’ words are addressed not just to the disciples but also to the crowds (7:28; cf. 5:1aα). The structure is based on concentric
inclusio, with numerous triads. The Paternoster (6:9–1…
Religion Past and Present
(715 words)
[German Version]
I. Social and Ethical Issues Rehabilitation means the totality of all necessary measures to mitigate, eliminate, and permanently prevent a physical or mental impairment. It is intended to prompt positive changes and restore skills and capabilities, or in the case of permanent impairment to achieve adaptation and compensation. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the ability to lead an independent and self-determined life, taking into account the available resources and competencies…
Religion Past and Present
Huber, Samuel
(171 words)
[German Version] (1547, Burgdorf/Bern – Mar 23, 1624, Osterwieck/Halberstadt). After studying in Bern and Heidelberg, Huber served as a pastor in Büren, Saanen, and Burgdorf, coming to oppose the doctrine of predestination (II) in the interpretation given it by Geneva. Over the course of the Bern dispute concerning predestination, he was removed from office in 1588 and expelled from the country. He then served as a pastor in Derendingen, Württemberg (1588–92) and as a professor of theology in Witt…
Religion Past and Present