Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Nagel, Eckhard" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Nagel, Eckhard" )' returned 2 results. Modify search
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(715 words)
[German Version]
I. Social and Ethical Issues Rehabilitation means the totality of all necessary measures to mitigate, eliminate, and permanently prevent a physical or mental impairment. It is intended to prompt positive changes and restore skills and capabilities, or in the case of permanent impairment to achieve adaptation and compensation. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the ability to lead an independent and self-determined life, taking into account the available resources and competencies…
Religion Past and Present
Transplantation Medicine
(579 words)
[German Version] The distinctive feature of organ transplantation is that it requires an invasive ¶ procedure performed on someone other than the patient. In the majority of cases, organs are harvested from the dead (Dying; post-mortem organ donation); less frequently the donor is alive. In Germany donation, removal, transfer, and implantation of organs that are donated after death or during a person’s lifetime are regulated by law. The legal requirements for post-mortem organ donation are proof of brain death…
Religion Past and Present