
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Wilke, Annette" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Wilke, Annette" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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(3,449 words)

Author(s): Wilke, Annette
Definition 1. Definition: Mysticism is an umbrella concept for (1) experiences in which boundaries are dissolved—those of the subject, such as in a vacuum of thought, or in ecstasy; those of the object, so that dualities are removed; those of space, to experience the infinite in the finite; those of time, when the ‘timeless, everlasting now’ replaces successive time. ‘Mysticism’ also denotes (2) the concepts, teachings, and literary genres that contemplate, recount, or describe this immanent transcendence, or transcendent immanence. Historical, cultural, and biographical contexts mark intention, experience, and interpretation. The intensity and quality of the experience are dependent on whether the transcendence in question is unprepared, and occurs spontaneously, or whether it is induced by techniques; on whether it occurs punctually, regularly, or permanently; on whether it is perceived purely mentally, or expresses itself in strong affects; on whether it is accompanied by (para-) sensory phenomena, such as visions, or even psychosomatic alterations, including permanent marks on t…

Meister Eckhart

(1,094 words)

Author(s): Wilke, Annette
1. In 1326, a complaint was lodged against a nearly seventy-year-old Dominican, by a long respected superior of his order, who was twice the occupant of the famous chair in Paris. When he died shortly thereafter, the judgment was made public. Declared a heretic, he was soon all but unknown. Only five hundred years later was the situation reversed:…

Body and Soul

(4,458 words)

Author(s): Wilke, Annette | Korsch, Dietrich | Schütt, Hans-Peter | Seiferlein, Alfred | Huxel, Kirsten
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy of Religion and Historical Theology – III. Philosophy – IV. Dogmatics – V. Practical Theology – VI. Ethics I. Religious Studies Perceptions of animate and inanimate natu…