Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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L’entraide financière internationale (Volume 5)

(19,418 words)

Author(s): John Fischer Williams K. C., Sir
John Fischer Williams K. C., Sir Keywords: League of Nations | Financial and technical aid | International co-operation | Financial relations | Mots clefs: Société des Nations | Aide financière | Coopération internationale | Relations financières | ABSTRACT The study of Sir John Fischer Williams is concerned with the assistance of the wealthiest States to states of less fortunate circumstances in financial matters. All the facts presented by the author are subsequent to First World War. After a presentation of general considerations…

La solidarité internationale dans l’Amérique Latine (Volume 8)

(45,022 words)

Author(s): Guani, Albert
Guani, Albert Keywords: Latin America | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Amérique latine | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT After a presentation of the characteristics of the principles of the law of nations of Latin America, Albert Guani studies the projects of American confederation from the Congress of Panama in 1826 to the Congress of Lima in 1864. The author then focuses on the American congresses of jurisconsults (in Lima in 1877 and Montevideo in 1888), Pan American conferences, Drago’s doctri…

Principes de la coopération intellectuelle internationale (Volume 9)

(33,190 words)

Author(s): Luchaire, Julien
Luchaire, Julien Keywords: Science | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Sciences | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Julien Luchaire begins his course on the Principles of International Intellectual Cooperation with some observations on intellectual work. He presents the conditions prevailing on the intellectual life in 1925, and then studies the problem of the improvement of the conditions of the intellectual work. The author devotes the last two chapters, respectively, to some principles of internat…

La double imposition et la coopération fiscale internationale (Volume 20)

(52,470 words)

Author(s): R. A. Seligman, Edwin
R. A. Seligman, Edwin Keywords: Double taxation | International fiscal law | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Imposition (double) | Droit fiscal international | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Edwin Seligman begins his study on Double Taxation and International Tax Cooperation by tabulating current taxes as they characterize the current system or, better, the absence of the system. The author then traces the history of the efforts of the most eminent scholars in this field, and explores how their influence ha…

La coopération internationale en matière fiscale (Volume 25)

(41,693 words)

Author(s): Einaudi, Luigi
Einaudi, Luigi Keywords: Taxation | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Impôts | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT The author explains in the preface of his course that the content of the course of Luigi Einaudi is an almost exclusively economic content. For him, international tax cooperation is primarily a domestic problem. It is the problem of search for the perfect system of taxation which is capable, once solved, of automatically solving the international problem. After a presentation of the scient…

La coopération internationale en matière d’agriculture (Volume 56)

(37,939 words)

Author(s): Vitta, Cino
Vitta, Cino Keywords: Agriculture | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Agriculture | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Cino Vitta explains in the introduction to his course that agriculture does not seem to fit within the framework of public international law for a variety of reasons. However, the author points out, it is easy to combat each of these reasons and to demonstrate that international cooperation for States is useful, and even necessary, for agriculture in certain cases. The author successi…

Quelques aspects juridiques de la coopération intergouvernementale en matière d’échanges et de paiements internationaux (Volume 124)

(48,630 words)

Author(s): Giuliano, Mario
Giuliano, Mario Keywords: Régime des paiements | International financial law | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Paiements | Droit international financier | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Marion Giuliano, Professor at the University of Milan, presents four major topics related to the law of inter-governmental cooperation regarding international exchanges and payments. First of all, he focuses on bilateral cooperation related to exchanges (custom rights and restrictive commercial regulations), and then on th…

Codification des principes du droit international des relations amicales et de la coopération entre les Etats (Volume 137)

(24,838 words)

Author(s): Šahović, Milan
Šahović, Milan Keywords: International co-operation | Public international law | Legal principles | Codification | Mots clefs: Coopération internationale | Droit international public | Principes de droit | Codification | ABSTRACT To find the elements that reflect the importance of the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations of cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, Milan Sahovic analyzes three fundamental aspects, namely the historical aspect, which …

Souveraineté des États et coopération pour le développement (Volume 141)

(27,422 words)

Author(s): Flory, Maurice
Flory, Maurice Keywords: Sovereignty | Economic development | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Souveraineté | Développement économique | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Development cooperation, which is a new aspect of international relations, lies within a framework of general principles governing international society and, in particular, the general principles of sovereignty. The problems posed by this form of cooperation to the sovereignty of States constitute the object of Maurice Flory`s course. Af…

Le droit international relatif aux matières premières (Volume 177)

(29,187 words)

Author(s): Bennouna, Mohamed
Bennouna, Mohamed Keywords: Commodities | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Matières premières | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT According to Mohamed Bennouna, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Rabat, the legal problem of international law relating to commodities is to analyze the compromise between the two apparently contradictory aspirations of developing countries which, in a context of unequal power relations, seek to gain control over their commodities while exchanging them under better condit…

International Co-operation in Energy Affairs (Volume 372)

(39,857 words)

Author(s): Dolzer, Rudolf
Dolzer, Rudolf Keywords: Energy | Energy policy | International organizations | Sovereignty | Natural resources | International co-operation | Energy Charter Treaty (Lisbon, 17 December 1994) | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT The point of this course is to understand how the existing energy markets function, and who are the actors. States have seen their role evolving in the markets as, since 1945, sovereignty over national resources has become essential for them. The current markets have specific rules reflecting the importance of Sta…