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(498 words)

Author(s): Heucke, Clemens (Munich) | Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] [1] The modern Aquileia, northern Italy This item can be found on the following maps: Socii (Roman confederation) | Caesar | Venetic | Christianity | Wine | | Coloniae | Coloniae | Commerce | Pannonia | Punic Wars | Raeti, Raetia | Regio, regiones | Rome | Batavian Revolt The present-day town of A. in upper Italy, between  Natiso and Alsa (Plin. HN 3,126), c. 10 km from the Adria (Str. 5,1,8). The name is more likely to be derived from a river name (Zos. 5,29,4) than from an eagle in flight (Julian Or. 2,72 a). Attempts by the Gauls in 186 BC …


(449 words)

Author(s): Heucke, Clemens (München) | Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] [1] h. Aquileia, in Oberitalien Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Bataveraufstand | Bundesgenossensystem | Caesar | Christentum | Coloniae | Coloniae | Handel | Pannonia | Punische Kriege | Raeti, Raetia | Regio, regiones | Roma | Venetisch | Wein | Straßen das h. A. in Oberit., zw. Natiso und Alsa (Plin. nat. 3,126), ca. 10 km von der Adria entfernt (Strab. 5,1,8). Der Name erklärt sich eher mit einem Flußnamen (Zos. 5,29,4) als mit Adlerflug (Iul. or. 2,72 a). Versuche von Galliern, 186 v. Chr. hier zu sie…


(109 words)

Author(s): P. Vodosek
Die Bibl, des Kapitels im 1751 aufgehobenen Patriarchat besaß einen bedeutenden Bestand überwiegend liturgischer Hss., von denen sich jetzt einzelne in verschiedenen ital. Bibl.en (Cividale, Padua, Udine, Verona) befinden. Bes. genannt sei der Codex Rehdigera-nus, heute in der SBPrK Berlin. P. Vodosek Bibliography Bethmann, L.: Nachrichten über die für die Mon. Germ. hist, benutzten Sammlungen von Handschriften und Urkunden Italiens aus dem Jahre 1854. In: Archiv der Ges. für ältere dt. Geschichtskunde 12. 1874, S. 685–686 Gottlieb, Th.: Über mittelalterliche Bibliotheke…


(422 words)

Author(s): Krahwinkler, H.
[English Version] wurde 181 v.Chr. als latinische Kolonie gegründet. Die Gründung eines Bistums erfolgte wohl um die Mitte des 3.Jh. Der Legende nach gilt der Evangelist Markus als Gründer, Hermagoras als erster Bf. Bald nach Konstantins Toleranzedikt ist auf dem Konzil von Arles 314 ein Bf. Theodorus von A. bezeugt. Auf ihn geht ein frühchristl. Kirchenbau in A. zurück. Bf. Fortunatianus errichtete ein größeres, dreischiffiges Gotteshaus (um 345). Die Synode von A. 381 wehrte arianische Strömung…


(553 words)

Author(s): Krahwinkler, Harald
[German Version] was founded as a Roman colony in 181 bce. An episcopal see was established probably around the middle of the 3rd century. According to legend, the evangelist Mark founded the Christian community and Hermagoras was its first bishop. Soon after Constantine's edict of toleration, a Bishop Theodorus of Aquileia was present at the Council of Arles. He was …

Fortunatianus of Aquileia

(1,736 words)

Author(s): Dorfbauer, Lukas J.
Fortunatianus of Aquileia, a native African according to Jerome’s biographical note (Jer. Vir. ill. 97), most probably was born shortly before 300 CE. At an uncertain date he became bishop of Aquileia; as such he attended the Council of Serdica in 342 or 343 CE (Hil. Poit. CAP B.2.4). Fortunatianus was in contact with some of the most prominent men of his day, especially with Athanasius of Alexandria, whom he accompanied when meeting Emperor Constans (Athan. Apol. Const. 3), and with Pope Liberius, in whose return from exile in 358 CE he played some part (Hil. Poit. CAP B.7.10). Fortunatian…
Date: 2024-01-19

Chromatius of Aquileia

(1,622 words)

Author(s): Boddens Hosang, F.J. Elizabeth
Chromatius was born around 335 or 340 CE (d. 407 CE), probably at Aquileia, a north Italian city on the Adriatic coast. The town was of strategic importance during the later Roman Empire and an important seat of the western church. Legend has it that the apostle Mark came to the city, although the earliest Christian evidence dates from the 3rd century CE. In the course of the 4th century CE, the city became the chief ecclesiastical center for this region, later known as Venetia and Istria…
Date: 2024-01-19

Rufinus of Aquileia

(1,684 words)

Author(s): Fernández, Samuel
Turranius Rufinus Concordiae (not Tyrannius, which is an ironical deformation of Jer. Ruf. 1.1) was born in Iulia Concordia about 345 CE (Jer. Ep.. 5.2; Vir. ill. 53; Ruf. 2.2). He belonged to a noble family (Pall. Hist. Laus. 46). Although Rufinus himself does not provide information about his studies, his own works reflect a fine classical education. He likely received instruction in Rome together with Jerome. Around the year 371 CE, Rufinus was already baptized after having been educated by the then presbyter Chromatius of A…
Date: 2024-01-19

Rufinus of Aquileia

(693 words)

Author(s): Lössl, Josef
ca 345-412 ad. Italy, Palestine, Egypt. Monk and ecclesiastical writer in Latin. Born in Concordia near Aquileia, Tyrannius Rufinus studied grammar and rhetoric in Rome. One of his fellow students was Jerome, who became a close friend, and, in the course of the Origenist controversy, an even closer enemy. From 373 to 380 Rufinus went to Palestine and Egypt, where he visited monastic communities and studied the Bible and Origen. In 381 he founded a monastery on the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem. In 397 he returned to Rome and in 399 to Aquileia, from where he fled again to escape the Gothic inva…
Date: 2021-04-15

Aquileia, Synode von 381,

(103 words)

Author(s): Sieben, H.J.
[English Version] ältestes erhaltenes Konzilsprotokoll überhaupt (SC 267, 330–382): die als westliches Gegenstück zur Reichssynode von Konstantinopel von Kaiser Gratian einberufene, hauptsächlich von oberital. Bischöfen besuchte und von Ambrosius von Mailand beherrschte Synode verurteilte die beiden Homöer Palladius von Ratiaria und Secundianus von Singidunum. Rechtliche Grundlage des am kaiserlichen Kognitionsprozeß orientierten Verfahrens war, zumindest mittelbar, die zum Reichsgesetz (28.2.380…

Fortunatianus of Aquileia

(171 words)

Author(s): Vinzent, Markus
[German Version] (died before 370). According to Jerome, De viris illustribus 97, Fortunatianus was an African by birth and was bishop of Aquileia during the time of Emperor Constantius II. In 343 he participated in the Western Synod of Sardica (Homoeans). He was probably bringing the condemnation of Athanasius in Milan (355) and the second Sirmian formula of 357, which the exiled Liberius among others thus signed. Jerome, Ep. 10 (CSEL 54, 37) refers to Fortunatianus's Gospel commentaries (spiritualizing and allegorical pieces that concentrate on the meanings of…

Paulinus of Aquileia (Saint)

(137 words)

Author(s): Hartmann, Martina
[German Version] (II; before 750, Friuli –Jan 11, 802, Cividale), patriarch of Aquileia from c. 782, came to the court of Charlemagne (c. 776) as a famous grammarian, and became a friend of Alcuin. As a theologian he joined Alcuin in fighting Spanish adoptionism, and wrote three books against Felix of Urgel ( Contra Felicem libri tres, c. 800). At the Synod of Cividale in 796/797 he spoke in favor of adding the Filioque to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. In the mission to the Avars and Slavs (Slavic missions), he stressed the priority of Chris…

Aquileia, Synod of (381)

(102 words)

Author(s): Sieben, Hermann Josef
[German Version] The oldest extant council protocol (SC 267, 330–82): this synod was called as the Western counterpart of the imperial synod of Constantinople by Emperor Gratian, attended mainly by northern Italian bishops, and presided over by Ambrose of Milan; it condemned the two homoeans Paladius of Ratiaria and Secundianus of Singidunum. The legal foundation of the procedure, which was oriented toward the imperial cognition trial, was, at least indirectly, the fides Niceana, made imperial law on Feb 28, 380 (Nicea, Niceno-Constantinopolitanum). Hermann Josef Sieben Bibliogr…


(929 words)

Author(s): Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht | Schottky, Martin (Pretzfeld) | Letsch-Brunner, Silvia (Zürich) | Groß-Albenhausen, Kirsten (Frankfurt/Main)
[German version] [1] Q. Cornelius V. Author of an antiquarian compilation, 1st cent. Roman equestrian of the 1st cent. AD (probably c.45 praef. vexillariorum in Thracia). Author of an antiquarian compilation mentioned by Plinius [1] (Pliny the Elder) as source of books 3 (?), 8, 10, 14 and 15 of his Naturalis historia, and quoted at 3,108 (?), 10,5 and 14,11. Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht Bibliography PIR2 C 1471. [German version] [2] P. Licinius V. Roman emperor 253-260, born 199 (thus the gist of Ioh. Mal. 12 p. 298; SHA Valer. 5,1 is false); from a noble family (Aur. V…


(850 words)

Author(s): Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht | Schottky, Martin | Letsch-Brunner, Silvia | Groß-Albenhausen, Kirsten
[English version] [1] Q. Cornelius V. Verf. eines antiquarischen Sammelwerkes, 1. Jh. Röm. Ritter des 1. Jh. n. Chr. (wohl um 45 praef. vexillariorum in Thracia). Verf. eines antiquarischen Sammelwerkes, das Plinius [1] d. Ä. als Quelle zu B. 3 (?), 8, 10, 14 sowie 15 seiner Naturalis historia nennt und 3,108 (?), 10,5 und 14,11 zitiert. Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht Bibliography PIR2 C 1471. [English version] [2] P. Licinius V. röm. Kaiser 253-260, geb. 199 (so sinngemäß Ioh. Mal. 12 p. 298; falsch SHA Valer. 5,1); aus vornehmer Familie (Aur. Vict. epit. Caes. 32,…


(1,183 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Johne, Klaus-Peter (Berlin) | Gatti, Paolo (Trient) | Gutsfeld, Andreas (Münster) | Portmann, Werner (Berlin) | Et al.
Röm. Cogn., abgeleitet von Rufus, in republikan. Zeit in der Familie der Cornelii (Cornelius [I 62]), in der Kaiserzeit weitverbreitet (Antius [8], Aradius [1], Caecilius [II 19], Clodius [II 13], Cuspius [3], Fadius [II 1], Vibius), in der Spätant. auch häufiger Eigenname. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] Magister militum per Thracias um 515 n. Chr. Magister militum per Thracias um 515 n. Chr., wurde von Kaiser Anastasios [1] I. mit dem Kampf gegen den Söldnerführer Vitalianus betraut (Ioh. von Antiocheia fr. 214e = FHG 5, 34; Chr…

Bartholomew (Apostle)

(5,710 words)

Author(s): Burnet, Régis
While lists of the twelve apostles (Mark 3:16–19; Matt 10:2–4; Luke 6:14–16; Acts 1:13; Apostle/Disciple) always mention Bartholomew, there is no mention of him in the canonical texts, thus allowing a number of appropriations of his character. Bartholomew is one of the apostles who has known various receptions, depending on the communities and interests that took possession of him.An Unknown Apostle“Saint Bartholomew was a Galilean, as well as all the other apostles among whom he was placed by Jesus Christ (Christ, Jesus, 01: Survey), and that is all…
Date: 2024-01-19

Register R

(23 words)

Rhetorica ad Alexandrum → Rhetores Graeci Rhuphos → Rufus [5] von Ephesos Rufinus [6] von Aquileia → Basileios [1] d.Gr.


(26 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] M.B. Aemilianus, cos. suff. in the year 140 (CIL XVI 177); RMD 1, 39; originated from Aquileia (EOS 2, 332f.). Eck, Werner (Cologne)


(25 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Köln)
[English version] M.B.Aemilianus, cos. suff. im J. 140 (CIL XVI 177); RMD 1, 39; aus Aquileia stammend (EOS 2, 332f.). Eck, Werner (Köln)


(201 words)

Author(s): Krahwinkler, Harald
[German Version] Diocese in northern Italy. St. Felix is attested as the first bishop of Como (ordained in 386 by Ambrose of Milan). The diocese of Como, originally subject to the metropolitan of Milan, became a suffragan of Aquileia under bishop Agrip(p)inus, probably in 607 and no later than 612. It remained so until 1751. After belonging to Görze, Como returned to Milan at the end of 1789. Abundius, the diocesan patron, was bishop of Como around the middle of …


(85 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] (Νατίσων; Natís ōn). River in Venetia (Ptol. 3,1,26) which rises in the Alpes Carnicae, flows below Forum Iulium (present-day Cividale), reaches the Turrus from the right (Plin. HN 3,126) and flows into the Laguna Veneta near Aquileia [1]. It protected the east walls of Aquileia and formed a canal port there (Str. 5,1,8). At the estuary the river is nowadays called Natissa (as in Iord. Get. 42), but Natisone and Torre in the interior regions. Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence) Bibliography Nissen 2, 229.


(76 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz)
[English version] (Νατίσων). Fluß in Venetia (Ptol. 3,1,26), entspringt in den Alpes Carnicae, verläuft unterhalb von Forum Iulium (h. Cividale), erreicht von rechts den Turrus (Plin. nat. 3,126) und mündet bei Aquileia [1] in die Laguna Veneta. Er deckte die Ostmauern von Aquileia und bildete dort einen Kanalhafen (Strab. 5,1,8). An der Mündung heißt der Fluß h. Natissa (schon bei Iord. Get. 42), im Landesinnern Natisone und Torre. Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz) Bibliography Nissen 2, 229.


(151 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] (also: Isontius, Aesontius). River in Venetia (Tab. Peut. 4,5; Cassiod. Var. 1,18,1; 1,29; with no mention of the name: Str. 5,1,8; Hdt. 8,4,2). The source is in the Alpes Carnicae, it is joined from the left by the Frigidus (modern Vipacco) and flows into the Adriatic Sea between Aquileia [1] and Tergeste, modern Isonzo. During the yearly snow-melt, it swells strongly and is difficult to cross. It was crossed by the Via Gemina (Aquileia - Emona) near Pons Sontii (modern Mainizza)…


(133 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni; Ü:H.D.
[English version] (auch Isontius, Aesontius). Fluß in Venetia (Tab. Peut. 4,5; Cassiod. var. 1,18,1; 1,29; ohne Namensnennung: Strab. 5,1,8; Hdt. 8,4,2), der in den Alpes Carnicae entspringt, linksseits den Frigidus (h. Vipacco) aufnimmt und zw. Aquileia [1] und Tergeste in die Adria mündet, h. Isonzo. Während der Schneeschmelze schwillt er stark an und ist schwer zu überschreiten. Ihn kreuzten die Via Gemina (Aquileia - Emona) bei Pons Sontii (beim h. Mainizza) und die Via Flavia (Aquileia - Pola…


(156 words)

Author(s): Vinzent, M.
[English Version] von Aquileia (gest. vor 370). Nach Hier.vir.ill. 97 war F. von Geburt aus Afrikaner und zur Zeit des Kaisers Konstantius II. Bf. von Aquileia. Er nahm 343 an der westlichen Synode von Serdika (Homöer) teil. Er trug wohl die Verurteilung von Athanasius in Mailand (355) und die zweite sirmische Formel von 357 mit, die u.a. darum auch der exilierte Liberius unterschrieb. Hier.ep. 10 (CSEL 54,37) bez. F.s (spiritualisierende, allegorisierende und auf Wortbedeutungen fokussierende) Eva…


(342 words)

Author(s): Euskirchen, Marion (Bonn)
[German version] (Belinus). Celtic God, equated in the interpretatio Romana with Apollo, especially in his role as a sun god. The syllable bel- appears to derive from Indo-Germanic ‘shine, radiate, burn’. Tertullian reports (Apol. 24,7) that B. is the god of the Noricans, however the majority of the evidence was found in Aquileia and its surrounding areas. This is confirmed by Herodian (8,3,8) who reports that in Aquileia, B. in particular was venerated as Apollo (above all because the god had come in person to the a…


(62 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Liburnian coastal city on the road from Aquileia [1] to Siscia (Plin. HN 3,140; Tab. Peut. 5,1 f.;  It. Ant. 273: Tharsatico), modern Trsat to the east of Rijeka. Oppidum, tribus Sergia ( duoviri, decuriones: CIL III, 3027-3029). Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand) Bibliography J. Šašel, s. v. Alpium Iuliarum Claustra, RE Suppl. 13, 11-14.

Historia Monachorum

(73 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Account, partly from secondary sources, of the journey that some Palestinian monks took to monastery centres in the Nile valley from the Thebaid to the Delta, composed c. AD 395 by one of the travellers, often transmitted together with the Historia Lausiaca of Palladius ( c. 400) (DHGE 24, 681f.). Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography A.-J. Festugière, Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, 1961 (Ed.) Lat. Übers. des Rufinus von Aquileia: PL 21, 387-462.


(50 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] Left tributary of the river Sontius in East Venetia, modern Vipacco/Wippach, also a station on the via Gemina, 36 miles east of Aquileia (It. Ant. 18), modern Aidussina/Haidenschaft. Here, Theodosius defeated the usurper Eugenius in AD 394 (Claud. De III consulatu Honorii 99). Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)

Cronica de singulis patriarchis Nove Aquileie

(245 words)

Author(s): Berto, Luigi Andrea
(Chronicle of the patriarchs of Grado) mid-11th century. Italy. Chronicle of the patriarchs of Aquileia from 569 to 1045, in Latin. This short text, probably by an ecclesiastic from Grado, has no medieval title, inscription or prologue. It covers the time from the escape of the patriarch of Aquileia from Grado in the face of the Longobardic invasion of 569, to the death of the patriarch Orso Orseolo (1018-45). Most of the text is made up of the list of the patriarchs who presided over the Church of Grado in that period. For each ecclesiastic the anonymous auth…
Date: 2021-04-15


(44 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz)
[English version] Linker Nebenfluß des Sontius in Ost-Venetia, h. Vipacco/Wippach, sowie Station der via Gemina, 36 Meilen östl. von Aquileia (Itin. Anton. 18), h. Aidussina/Haidenschaft. Hier schlug 394 n.Chr. Theodosius den Usurpator Eugenius (Claud. de III consulatu Honorii 99). Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz)

Rufinus, Tyrannius

(42 words)

Author(s): B. Bader
(ca. 345–410 / 411) aus Aquileia, lat. Kirchenschriftsteller, bedeutend vor allem als Übersetzer des Origenes und anderer griech. christlicher Autoren. B. Bader Bibliography Patrologia. Bd. 3. Torino 1978, S. 234–240 Catholicisme hier, aujourd’hui, demain. Bd. 13. Paris 1993, Sp. 205–207.


(58 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre; Ü:E.N.
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Straßen Liburnische Küstenstadt an der Straße von Aquileia [1] nach Siscia (Plin. nat. 3,140; Tab. Peut. 5,1 f.; Itin. Anton. 273: Tharsatico), h. Trsat östl. von Rijeka. Oppidum, tribus Sergia ( duoviri, decuriones: CIL III, 3027-3029). Cabanes, Pierre; Ü:E.N. Bibliography J. Šašel, s. v. Alpium Iuliarum Claustra, RE Suppl. 13, 11-14.


(313 words)

Author(s): Euskirchen, Marion (Bonn)
[English version] (Belinus). Kelt. Gott, durch interpretatio Romana dem Apollo vor allem in seiner Eigenschaft als Sonnengott gleichgestellt. Die Silbe bel- scheint sich vom idg. “glänzen, strahlen, brennen” herzuleiten. Tertullian berichtet (apol. 24,7) von B. als dem Gott der Noriker, doch findet sich die Mehrzahl der Zeugnisse in Aquileia und Umgebung. Dies wird von Herodian bestätigt (8,3,8), der berichtet, daß in Aquileia bes. B. als Apollon verehrt wurde (vor allem deshalb, weil der Gott der von Maximinus bel…


(124 words)

Author(s): Markschies, Christoph (Berlin)
[German version] F., an African, held office in 342-368/370 as bishop of  Aquileia. According to Jerome he wrote a gospel commentary Titulis ordinatis brevi sermone rusticoque (Jer. Vir. ill. 97,1) under Constantius [2] II (337-361). Perhaps three smaller fragments have been preserved (CPL 104); Jerome used the work for his own Matthew commentary (Praef.: PL 26,200 and Ep. 10,3). F. received  Athanasius in Aquileia in 345 but then pressured  Liberius of Rome to be lenient towards the Homoean movement ( Arianism) under e…


(173 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[German version] Fort in the territory of the Carni in Istria, near Aquileia on a bay of the Ionios Kolpos at the source of the Timavus (Plin. HN 14,60; cf. 3,127; 17,31; modern Timavo) - probably north-west of Tergeste near modern Duino or modern Prosecco, a village still known today for its dark red wine. P. lay near a rocky hill on which grew a wine famous for its healing powers; Livia [2] ascribed her great age (she lived to be 86) to her exclusive consumption of this wine (Plin. HN 14,60). Th…


(125 words)

Author(s): Markschies, Christoph (Heidelberg)
[English version] Der Afrikaner F. amtierte wohl von 342-368/370 als Bischof von Aquileia, nach Hieronymus schrieb er unter Constantius [2] II. (337-361) einen Evangelienkomm. Titulis ordinatis brevi sermone rusticoque (Hier. vir. ill. 97,1). Vielleicht hieraus sind drei kleine Fr. erh. geblieben (CPL 104); Hieronymus benutzte das Werk für seinen eigenen Matthäus-Komm. (praef.: PL 26,200 und epist. 10,3). F. nahm 345 Athanasios in Aquileia auf, soll dann aber Liberius von Rom zur Nachgiebigkeit gegenüber dem homöischen Rei…


(127 words)

Author(s): Hartmann, Martina
[English Version] (II.), Patriarch von Aquileia seit ca.782 (vor 750 Friaul – 11.1.802 Cividale), kam als berühmter Grammatiker an den Hof Karls des Großen (um 776) und schloß Freundschaft mit Alkuin. Als Theologe bekämpfte er mit Alkuin den span. Adoptianismus und vf. drei Bücher gegen Felix von Urgel (Contra Felicem libri tres, um 800). Auf der Synode von Cividale 796/97 sprach er sich für die Aufnahme des Filioque in das Nicaeno-Constantinopolitanum aus. Bei der Missionierung der Awaren und Slawen…

Philastrius of Brescia

(178 words)

Author(s): Ulrich, Jörg
[German Version] (died before 397), at first an ascetic and itinerant preacher; he appeared in the Trinitarian Controversy as opponent of the Homoean Auxentius of Milan, and as a member of the neo-Nicaean party of his successor Ambrose. Philastrius became bishop of Brescia c. 377. In this capacity, he participated in the rejection of Homoean trends at the Synod of Aquileia (Aquileia, Synod of) in 381. His successor was Gaudentius, whose sermon (21) on Philastrius is the most important source for h…


(156 words)

Author(s): Brizzi, Giovanni (Bologna)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Venetic | | Raeti, Raetia | Batavian Revolt Capital of the  Veneti (Ptol. 3,1,30) by the Silis (Plin. HN 3,126) in the marshes ( septem maria: Plin. HN 3,119; Str. 5,1,7; 11; Hdn. 8,7; Mela 2,62), today Altino. Later   municipium of the regio X (Vitr. De arch. 1,4,11; CIL V 2149), tribus Scaptia [1. 106], on the Patavium to Aquileia road (It. Ant. 128,4; 281. 4), at the beginning of the   via Claudia Augusta (CIL V 8002 f.).   Villae (Mart. 4,25) and manufacture; sheep-breeding (Columella 7,2,3). Destro…


(150 words)

Author(s): Brizzi, Giovanni (Bologna)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Bataveraufstand | Raeti, Raetia | Venetisch | Straßen Hauptort der Veneti (Ptol. 3,1,30) am Silis (Plin. nat. 3,126) in den Sümpfen ( septem maria: Plin. nat. 3,119; Strab. 5,1,7; 11; Herodian. 8,7; Mela 2,62), h. Altino. Später municipium der regio X (Vitr. 1,4,11; CIL V 2149), tribus Scaptia [1. 106], an der Straße Patavium-Aquileia (It. Ant. 128,4; 281,4), am Anf. der via Claudia Augusta (CIL V 8002 f.). Villae (Mart. 4,25) und Manufakturen; Schafzucht (Colum. 7,2,3). Von Attila 452…


(69 words)

Author(s): Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf)
[German version] Imp. Caes. M. Aurelius Claudius Q. Aug., brother of Claudius [III 2] II Gothicus. After the latter's death in August of AD 270, Q. was proclaimed emperor, but killed after a few weeks by the soldiers in Aquileia (Eutr. 9,12; [Aur. Vict.] Epit. Caes. 34,5; Jer. Chron. p. 222 Helm; Zos. 1,47). Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf) Bibliography Kienast 2, 233  PIR2 A 1480  PLRE 1, 759 (no. 1).


(68 words)

Author(s): Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf)
[English version] Imp. Caes. M. Aurelius Claudius Q. Aug., Bruder des Claudius [III 2] II. Gothicus. Nach dessen Tod im August 270 n. Chr. wurde Q. zum Kaiser ausgerufen, doch nach wenigen Wochen von den Soldaten in Aquileia getötet (Eutr. 9,12; [Aur. Vict.] epit. Caes. 34,5; Hier. chron. p. 222 Helm; Zos. 1,47). Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf) Bibliography Kienast 2, 233  PIR2 A 1480  PLRE 1, 759 (Nr. 1).

Historia Monachorum

(67 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (München)
[English version] Bericht, z.T. aus Sekundärquellen, über die Reise einiger palästinensischer Mönche zu Klosterzentren im Niltal von der Thebaïs bis zum Delta, redigiert um 395 n.Chr. von einem der Reisenden, oft zusammen mit der Historia Lausiaca des Palladios (um 400) überliefert (DHGE 24, 681f.). Tinnefeld, Franz (München) Bibliography A.-J. Festugière, Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, 1961 (Ed.)  Lat. Übers. des Rufinus von Aquileia: PL 21, 387-462.


(170 words)

Author(s): Decot, R.
[English Version] (Gorizia), Erzbistum, Stadt und Provinz in Friaul, Italien, seit 1001 erwähnt als Grafschaft der Vögte des Patriarchats Aquileia. Um 1500 kam die Grafschaft an die Habsburger. Die kirchl. Zugehörigkeit zum venezianischen Aquileia führte zu Spannungen mit Österreich, bis Papst Benedikt XIV. auf Druck Maria Theresias Aquileia aufhob und für den venezianischen Anteil Udine, für den österreichischen G. als Erzbistümer errichtete (erster Erzbf. Karl Michael Attems [1752–1774]>, berei…


(202 words)

Author(s): Decot, Rolf
[German Version] (Ger. Görz) is an archdiocese, a city and province in Friaul, Italy; mentioned after 1001 as a duchy of the reeves of the patriarchate of Aquileia. Around 1500, the duchy came into the possession of the Habsburgs. Gorizia's ecclesiastical affiliation with Venetian Aquileia led to tensions with Austria until Pope Benedict XIV, under pressure from Maria Theresia, dissolved Aquileia and established the archdioceses of Udine for the Venetian segment and Gorizia for the Austrian segmen…


(167 words)

Author(s): Krahwinkler, H.
[English Version] Como, nordital. Bistum. Als erster Bf. von Como wird der hl. Felix überliefert (386 durch Ambrosius von Mailand ordiniert). Die urspr. der Metropole Mailand unterstehende Diöz. C. wurde unter Bf. Agrip(p)inus wohl 607, spätestens 612 Suffragan Aquileias, dem sie bis 1751 angehörte. Nach Zugehörigkeit zu Görz gelangte C. Ende 1789 wieder zu Mailand. Diözesanpatron Abundius war um die Mitte des 5.Jh. Bf. von C. Bf. Agrip(p)inus ist inschriftlich auf der Isola Comacina und lit. bei …


(105 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] River in Venetia, modern Tagliamento (Geogr. Rav 4,36: Taliamentum). It rises in the Alpes Carnicae, flows through Iulium Carnicum, Osopus (modern Osoppo), Reunia (Ragogna), Apicilia (Latisanotta) and into the Adriatic between Concordia (Concordia Sagittaria) and Aquileia [1]. Wood was floated on the T. from the mountains to the sea; it is hence conceivable that the name of the river derives from Latin tilia, 'lime'. Plin. HN 3,126 distinguishes the T. Maius and the T. Minus (modern Fella), its left-hand tributary. Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence) Bibliography V. Ved…

Iulium Carnicum

(105 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Venetic | Coloniae Venetic, later Celtic ( Carni) settlement centre, probably constituted as a Roman vicus after the attack of the  Iapodes in 52 BC. Municipium since Augustus, colonia since Claudius. Location: on the road from Aquileia to Aguntum. Local Belenus cult. After its destruction, most likely by  Alaricus [2], the inhabitants moved to the hill of San Pietro, modern Zuglio. Archaeology: forum with porticus, capitolium, in the south a basilica; thermae; aqueduct; early Christian cemetery basilica. Uggeri, Giova…


(86 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Largest auxiliary fort (6.07 hectares) on the upper German/Raetian   limes , a forward post for the ala II Flavia milliaria from  Aquileia [2].  Principia excavated in modern times. Oldest inscription from AD 163/4, extensive alterations AD 208. Large   vicus . Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography K. Dietz, Die Erneuerung des Limeskastells A. vom J. 208 n. Chr., in: Acta praehistorica et archaeologica 25, 1993, 243-252 M. Luik, Der Kastellvicus von A., in: Fundber. Baden-Württemberg 19, 1994, 265-355 D. Planck, A., Ostalbkreis: Arch. Plan des röm. Kas…


(115 words)

Author(s): Fröhlich, Roland (Tübingen)
[German version] Apostle of Ethiopia, born at the beginning of the 4th cent. AD in Tyre. The only source on him is Rufinus of Aquileia (Historia ecclesiastica 10,10). On a journey to India F. was captured by the Ethiopians, where he managed to gain the favour of the king of  Axum. After Athanasius of Alexandria had ordained him bishop of Ethiopia (Aksum) F. (from 340) was very active as missionary. On the beginnings of Christianity in Ethiopia cf. [3]. Fröhlich, Roland (Tübingen) Bibliography 1 PL 21, 478f. 2 E. Cerulli, s.v. Äthiopien, LThK2 1, 999f. 3 B. B. W. Dombrowski, F. A. Dombrow…


(85 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Größtes Auxiliarkastell (6,07 ha) am obergerman.-raetischen limes für die aus Aquileia [2] vorverlegte ala II Flavia milliaria. Principia in neuerer Zeit ergraben. Älteste Bauinschr. von 163/4 n. Chr., gründliche Umbauten 208 n. Chr. Großer vicus . Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography K. Dietz, Die Erneuerung des Limeskastells A. vom J. 208 n. Chr., in: Acta praehistorica et archaeologica 25, 1993, 243-252  M. Luik, Der Kastellvicus von A., in: Fundber. Baden-Württemberg 19, 1994, 265-355  D. Planck, A., Ostalbkreis: Arch. Plan des röm. Kastells, 1992.

Iulium Carnicum

(95 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Coloniae | Venetisch Venetisches, später kelt. (Carni) Siedlungszentrum, als röm. vicus wohl nach dem Angriff der Iapodes 52 v.Chr. konstituiert. Municipium seit Augustus, colonia seit Claudius. Lage: an der Straße von Aquileia nach Aguntum. Lokaler Belenus-Kult. Nach Zerstörung wohl durch Alaricus [2] zogen die Bewohner auf den Hügel von San Pietro, h. Zuglio. Arch.: Forum mit porticus, capitolium, im Süden eine basilica; Thermen; Aquädukt; frühchristl. Friedhofsbasilica. Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz) Biblio…


(412 words)

Author(s): Schulz-Flügel, Eva
[English Version] von Aquileia (345 Concordia – 411/12 Messina), lat. theol. Schriftsteller und Übersetzer. Wie Hieronymus erlangte er seine Bildung in Rom (359–368), wie dieser begeisterte er sich für die im Westen aufblühende Askese und ging nach seiner Taufe 370 in Aquileia in den Osten (Alexandrien, Ägypten, Palästina), um östliche Theol. zu studieren und die Mönche Ägyptens zu besuchen; 380 gründete er ein Kloster auf dem Ölberg in Jerusalem. Bei den ersten origenistischen Streitigkeiten trat …


(86 words)

Author(s): Goehring, James E.
[English Version] Paphnutius, Bekenner (spätes 3.–4.Jh., Ägypten), Bischof und Asket, wurde in den frühen Verfolgungen des 4.Jh. verstümmelt. P. nahm später am Konzil von Nicaea teil, wo er verheiratete Kleriker verteidigte und das Wohlwollen Konstantins erlangte (Rufinus von Aquileia, h.e. X 4,18; Sozomenus, h.e. I 10,23). Ihm wurden Verbindungen mit Antonius d.Gr. (Ath., Vita Antonii, 58) sowie Wundertätigkeit nachgesagt. James E. Goehring Bibliography F. Winkelmann, P., der Bekenner und Bf., in: P. Nagel (Hg.), Probleme der kopt. Lit., 1968, 145–153.

Pelagius II, Pope

(139 words)

Author(s): Holze, Heinrich
[German Version] (pontificate 579–590), of Gothic ancestry. His pontificate was dominated by conflicts ¶ with the Lombards, against whom he sought an alliance with the Franks when help from the emperor was not forthcoming. Of his actions, the Liber pontificalis records that he donated his own house for the care of the poor and earned respect for building several churches. He tried in vain to end the schism of Aquileia, a product of the still smoldering Three Chapters Controversy. Relations with the Byzantine church…

Via Postumia

(98 words)

Author(s): Rathmann, Michael
[English version] Als via publica ( viae publicae ) 148 v. Chr. durch den Consul Sp. Postumius [I 11] Albinus Magnus von Genua (CIL I2 624; 584,8 und 11 f.) über Dertona, Placentia, Verona nach Aquileia [1] angelegt. Die V. P. war zusammen mit der Via Aemilia die wichtige Verkehrsachse in der Gallia Cisalpina. Straßen V.A. (mit Karte: Italien, s. Nachträge) Rathmann, Michael Bibliography G. Cera, La v.P. da Genova a Cremona, 2000  G. Radke, s. v. Viae publicae Romanae, RE Suppl. 13, 1417-1686, hier 1601-1606  Tesori della Postumia. Archeologia e storia intorno a una grande…


(104 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni; Ü:J.W.MA.
[English version] Fluß in Venetia, h. Tagliamento (Geogr. Rav 4,36: Taliamentum). Er entspringt in den Alpes Carnicae, fließt durch Iulium Carnicum, Osopus (h. Osoppo), Reunia (h. Ragogna), Apicilia (h. Latisanotta) und mündet zw. Concordia (h. Concordia Sagittaria) und Aquileia [1] in die Adria. Auf dem T. wurde Holz von den Bergen zum Meer geflößt (denkbar daher die Ableitung des Flußnamens von lat. tilia: “Linde”). Plin. nat. 3,126 unterscheidet den T. Maius und den T. Minus (h. Fella), dessen linken Nebenfluß. Uggeri, Giovanni; Ü:J.W.MA. Bibliography V. Vedaldi Iasbez, La Ve…


(210 words)

Author(s): Šašel Kos, Marjeta (Ljubljana)
[German version] Celtic tribe (cf. triumph of M. Aemilius Scaurus de Galleis Karneis: CIL I 12,49), who may have arrived at the Adriatic coast towards the end of the 3rd cent. BC. C. are first mentioned in 181 BC as inhabiting the region later known as  Aquileia: Liv. 39,22,6f.; 40,34,2; 45,6; 54,2ff. According to Str. 4,6,9, they occupied the hinterland of Aquileia, together with some Norici ( Noricum) and the  Veneti (5,1,9); their relationship with these is not quite clear as, according to Str. 7,5,3, th…


(217 words)

Author(s): Niehoff, Johannes (Freiburg)
[German version] The mediaeval and modern city of Venice (Venezia) does share its name with the Regio X ( Veneta Carni et Histria) of the organisation of Italia (cf. Regio, with map) under Augustus, but its centre, the Rialto (< Rivus Altus), was founded only in the Carolingian period. A legend, appearing already in Venetian historiography (cf. also Constantinus Porphyrogennetus, De administrando imperio 28), of the founding of the city on 25 March 421 and of the flight of the population as a result of the destruction of Aquileia [1] by Attila in 452 is de…

Chronicon Gradense

(264 words)

Author(s): Pesce, Roberto
late 11th-12th century. Italy. Anonymous Latin chronicle often considered a fragment of the so-called editio prima of the Chronicon Altinate, though this remains a subject of debate, as it also circulated in an independent handwritten tradition, as two early manuscripts attest: Vatican, BAV, urb. lat. 440, (from which depend three other codices); and Venice, Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, ms g. III. 10.The Chronicle is composed in two parts, written by two different hands in the Vatican manuscript. The first part, considered to have been written first, is based on the Chronicon Al…
Date: 2021-04-15

Chronicon Altinate

(261 words)

Author(s): Melville-Jones, John
[Origo civitatum Italie seu Venetiarum] 12th-13th century. Italy. A Latin chronicle which exists in three versions containing elements up to ca 1210 in which the city of Altino near Venice is given some prominence. The original has sometimes been attributed to John the Deacon of Venice, for no good reason. It includes a list of the patriarchs of Aquileia and Grado, and this section, which may be considered a separate document, is sometimes referred to as the Chronicon Gradense. Because the manuscripts have varying inclusions and omissions, the Cessi edition presents three versions …
Date: 2021-04-15


(193 words)

Author(s): Šašel Kos, Marjeta (Ljubljana)
[English version] Kelt. Volk (vgl. den Triumph des M. Aemilius Scaurus de Galleis Karneis: CIL I 12,49), das Ende des 3.Jh. v.Chr. die Küste der Adria erreicht haben dürfte. C. werden zuerst für 181 v.Chr. als Bewohner der Gegend des späteren Aquileia erwähnt: Liv. 39,22,6f.; 40,34,2; 45,6; 54,2ff. Nach Strab. 4,6,9 besetzten sie zusammen mit einigen Norici (Noricum) und den Veneti (5,1,9) das Hinterland von Aquileia; ihre Beziehung zu diesen ist nicht klar, denn nach Strab. 7,5,3 grenzten die C. auch an die…


(168 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[English version] Kastell im Gebiet der Carni in Istria bei Aquileia an einer Bucht des Ionios Kolpos an der Quelle des Timavus (Plin. nat. 14,60; vgl. 3,127; 17,31; h. Timavo) - verm. im NW von Tergeste beim h. Duino oder beim h. Prosecco, einem Dorf, das für seinen dunkelroten Wein noch h. bekannt ist. P. lag in der Nähe eines felsigen Hügels, an dem ein für seine Heilkraft berühmter Wein wuchs; Livia [2] führte ihr hohes Alter (sie wurde 86 J. alt) auf den ausschließlichen Genuß dieses Weins zu…

Sabellico, Marcantonio Coccio

(468 words)

Author(s): Kohl, Benjamin G.
[Coccius Marcus Antonius Sabellicus] 1436-1506. Italy. Public historian of Venice. Born at Vicovaro in the Roman Campagna, whence he took the name Sabellicus, a poetic form of Sabinus, Marcantonio Coccio studied classics with Domizio Calderini and Pomponius Laetus in Rome, where he composed a number of Latin poems and elegies. In 1472 he left Rome for Friuli to join the household of the bishop of FeltreAngelo Fasolo, he was vicar of the patriarch of Aquileia, and Latin teacher at the communal school of Udine from 1473 to 1484. There he composed a history of Friuli, dedicated t…
Date: 2021-04-15

Rufinus, Tyrannius

(449 words)

Author(s): Schulz-Flügel, Eva
[German Version] (Rufinus of Aquileia; 345 Concordia – 411/412 Messina), Latin writer and translator of theology. Like Jerome he received his education in Rome (359–368); also like Jerome, he was enthusiastic about the asceticism then flourishing in the West. After his baptism in Aquilieia in 370, he traveled to the East (Alexandria, Egypt, and Palestine) to study Eastern theology and visit the monks of Egypt; in 380 he founded a monastery on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. During the first Orig…

Via Annia

(138 words)

Author(s): Rathmann, Michael (Bonn)
[German version] Built by the praetor T. Annius [I 15] Rufus in 131 BC as an extension of the via Appia from Capua to Regium (modern Reggio di Calabria). The naming and routing (cf. It. Ant. 109,1-111,5; 105,1- 106,4) of this via publica ( Viae publicae ) are confirmed by the Polla elogium (ILLRP 454) in connection with the Annius milestone (ILLRP 454a). A second VA ran from Bononia through Patavium to Aquileia; it was presumably built by T. Annius [I 13] Luscus in 153 BC. Rathmann, Michael (Bonn) Bibliography F. T. Hinrichs, Der römische Straßenbau zur Zeit der Gracchen, in: His…


(142 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Venetic | | Coloniae | Moesi, Moesia | Pannonia | Regio, regiones (Τεργέστε/ Tergéste; modern Trieste). Village settlement, later a polis or fortress, port in the territory of the Illyrian Carni to the east of Aquileia [1] (Artemidorus [3] fr. 9, GGM I, 575; Caes. B Gall. 8,24; Str.  5,1,9; 7,5,2; Vell.  Pat. 2,110,4; in Ptol. 1,15,3; 3,1,27: Τέργεστον/ Térgeston; Steph. Byz. s. v. Τέγεστρα). Roman colonia, tribus Pupinia, probably from the Roman civil war in 42/1 BC onwards (Plin. HN 3,127). Parts of …

Ad Pirum

(152 words)

Author(s): Šašel Kos, Marjeta (Ljubljana)
[German version] Important statio between Fluvio Frigido and Longaticum (It. Burd. 560,3 f.), on the Augustan military route (cf. Fest. p. 7) which was built across the karst mountains (867 m) in order to shorten travel time from  Aquileia and  Tergeste to  Emona by two days. The native name (disputed) was understood to be ‘under the pear tree’, therefore the modern names of Hrušica, Birnbaumer Wald, Selva del Pero. A. was a posting station (Tab. Peut. 4,5), a statio of   beneficiarii consulares (Inscr. Ital. 10,4,348), and one of the fortifications within the praetentura Italiae et Al…

Ad Pirum

(137 words)

Author(s): Šašel Kos, Marjeta (Ljubljana)
[English version] Bedeutende statio zw. Fluvio Frigido und Longaticum (Itin. Burdig. 560,3 f.), an der augusteischen Militärroute (vgl. Fest. p. 7), die durch das Karst-Gebirge (867 m) gebaut wurde, um die Strecke von Aquileia, Tergeste nach Emona um zwei Reisetage zu verkürzen. Der einheimische Name (ungeklärt) wurde als “beim Birnbaum gelegen” verstanden, daher die modernen Namen Hrušica (Birnbaumer Wald, Selva del Pero). A. war Poststation (Tab. Peut. 4,5), Station von beneficiarii consulares (Inscr. Ital. 10,4,348) und eine der Befestigungen innerhalb der praetentura Ita…


(118 words)

Author(s): Waldherr, Gerhard H.
[English version] (Οὐιστούλα). Hauptstrom des h. Polen (Amm. 22,8,38: Bisula; Plin. nat. 4,81; 97; 100: Vistla, Visculus; abgeleitet von indeur. *vis = “fließen”: german. *Wistlo, slavisch Visla), h. Weichsel (polnisch Wisła). Der V. entspringt mit seinen Quellflüssen Schwarze und Weiße Weichsel im Jablunka-Gebirge in den West-Beskiden, von Ptol. 2,11,4; 3,5,5 zutreffend im Osten des Askiburgion-Gebirges angegeben. Das weitverzweigte Mündungsdelta (h. Bucht von Danzig/Gdańsk) bildete eine natürliche Einfallspfo…


(125 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre; Ü:E.O.
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Coloniae | Moesi, Moesia | Pannonia | Regio, regiones | Theater | Venetisch | Straßen (Τεργέστε; h. Trieste). Dorfsiedlung, später Polis bzw. Festung, Hafenstadt im Gebiet der illyrischen Carni östl. von Aquileia [1] (Artemidoros [3] Fr. 9, GGM I, 575; Caes. Gall. 8,24; Strab. 5,1,9; 7,5,2; Vell. 2,110,4; bei Ptol. 1,15,3; 3,1,27: Τέργεστον/ Térgeston; Steph. Byz. s. v. Τέγεστρα). Röm. colonia, tribus Pupinia, wohl seit dem röm. Bürgerkrieg 42/1 v. Chr. (Plin. nat. 3,127). Erh. sind Teile der Befes…


(108 words)

Author(s): Fröhlich, Roland (Tübingen)
[English version] Apostel Äthiopiens, geb. Anfang 4. Jh. n.Chr. in Tyros. Einzige Quelle über ihn ist Rufinus von Aquileia (historia ecclesiastica 10,10). Auf einer Reise nach Indien geriet F. in äthiopische Gefangenschaft, dort gelang es ihm, die Gunst des Königs von Aksum zu gewinnen. Nachdem ihn Athanasius von Alexandreia zum Bischof für Äthiopien (Aksum) geweiht hatte, entfaltete F. (seit 340) eine rege Missionstätigkeit. Zu den Anfängen des Christentums in Äthiopien vgl. [3]. Fröhlich, Roland (Tübingen) Bibliography 1 PL 21, 478f. 2 E. Cerulli, s.v. Äthiopien, LThK2 1, 9…

Michaelbeuern (Salzburg)

(137 words)

Author(s): W Neuhauser
Benediktinerstift, gegr. im 8. Jh., 1072 durch den Patriarchen von Aquileia, Sighart, als Doppelkloster neu errichtet. Bes. Blüte erlebte das Stift im 12. Jh. und nach Einführung der Melker und der Cusanischen Reform. 1769 — 1779 wurde nach Plänen von F. A. Mayr der Bibl.saal für 15 Tsd. Bde. oberhalb der Sakristei erbaut. Zu erwähnen sind u. a. die sog. WaltherBibel (12. Jh.), ein Antiphonar (ca. 1458, wohl Leonardus Pictor), zwei karolingische Fragmente und einige Fragmente in dt. Sprache. Der älteste Kat. stammt vom Bibliothekar P. Konrad Mader (1664/ 1665). W Neuhauser Bibliography…

Pelagius II.

(135 words)

Author(s): Holze, Heinrich
[English Version] Pelagius II., Papst 579–590, von gotischer Herkunft. Sein Pontifikat war geprägt von den Auseinandersetzungen mit den Langobarden, gegen die er wegen ausbleibender kaiserlicher Hilfe die Franken als Bündnispartner zu gewinnen suchte. Über sein Wirken berichtet der Liber pontificalis, er habe sein eigenes Haus für die Armenversorgung gestiftet und sich um den Bau mehrerer Kirchen verdient gemacht. Das Schisma von Aquileia, das um den noch immer schwelenden Dreikapitel-Streit entsta…


(131 words)

Author(s): Hauptmann, Peter
[English Version] Nino, die Heilige (1. Hälfte des 4.Jh.), »Erleuchterin« Georgiens. Rufinus von Aquileia berichtet in seiner Kirchengesch. von einer Kriegsgefangenen, die um 330 durch ihre Askese und Wunderheilungen das ostgeorgische Königspaar für den christl. Glauben gewann und zur Einladung griech. Missionare veranlaßte (PL 21, 480–482). Erst in legendär überwucherten einheimischen Quellen aus dem 10.Jh. erscheint sie unter dem Namen N., wohl einer Kontraktionsform aus »Christiana«. Hier verar…


(155 words)

Author(s): Zelzer, M.
[English Version] Gaudentius, Bischof von Brescia (von vor 397 bis nach 406). Zum Nachfolger des Bf. Filastrius während einer Orientreise gewählt, übernahm G. dieses Amt nur auf Drängen seines Freundes Ambrosius von Mailand und wirkte dort vierzehn Jahre. 405 wurde er in offizieller Mission mit zwei anderen Bf. nach Konstantinopel gesandt zur, allerdings vergeblichen, Intervention für Johannes Chrysostomus. Rufinus von Aquileia widmete ihm seine Übers. des ps.clementinischen »Recognitiones«. Auf Wuns…

Historia monachorum

(190 words)

Author(s): Schulz-Flügel, Eva
[German Version] Under this title two texts were handed down together: the Historia Lausiaca of Palladius of Helenopolis and the anonymous Historia monachorum (in Latin, usually Vita sanctorum patrum). The Historia monachorum arose in the heyday of Egyptian monasticism (c. 394). The probably fictitious travel journal describes the visit of monks from the Mount of Olives monastery in Jerusalem with Egyptian desert fathers. The Historia monachorum describes their various lifestyles, without a discernible preference for one particular ascetic direction. The Gree…


(151 words)

Author(s): Brizzi, Giovanni (Bologna)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Christentum | Italien, Sprachen | Raeti, Raetia | Theater | Straßen Hauptort der Cenoman(n)i an der Garza, einem Zufluß der Mella (Catull. 67,33; Liv. 5,35,1; 32,30,6; Iust. 20,5,8; Strab. 5,1,6), regio X (Plin. nat. 3,130), an der Straße Comum - Aquileia (Itin. Anton. 127,11; Itin. Burdig. 558,8), h. Brescia. Die Cenomani (Liv. 21,25,14: Brixiani Galli) erhielten 89 v.Chr. das ius Latii; 49 v.Chr. municipium (CIL V 4131; 4412; 4427) der tribus Fabia [1. 108], colonia zw. 27 und 8 v.Chr. ( civica Iulia Augusta: CIL V…

Via Annia

(132 words)

Author(s): Rathmann, Michael
[English version] Als Verlängerung der Via Appia von Capua nach Rhegion vom Praetor T. Annius [I 15] Rufus 131 v. Chr. angelegt. Die Benennung und die Streckenführung (vgl. Itin. Anton. 109,1-111,5; 105,1- 106,4) dieser via publica ( viae publicae ) sind durch das Elogium von Polla (ILLRP 454) in Verbindung mit dem Meilenstein des Annius (ILLRP 454a) gesichert. Eine zweite V. A. verlief von Bononia über Patavium nach Aquileia; sie wurde verm. von T. Annius [I 13] Luscus 153 v. Chr. erbaut. Rathmann, Michael Bibliography F. T. Hinrichs, Der röm. Straßenbau zur Zeit der Gracc…


(152 words)

Author(s): Hansen, G.C.
[English Version] von Caesarea (gest. vor Mitte 400), Nachfolger des Acacius, vf. im Auftrag seines Onkels Cyrill von Jerusalem nach 387 die erste Fortsetzung der Kirchengesch. des Eusebius von Caesarea. Das Werk des G., um 302 einsetzend, ist aus wenigen Frgm., der Übers. des Rufinus von Aquileia und ausgiebiger Benutzung Späterer (u.a. Sokrates Scholasticus, Gelasius von Cyzicus, byz. hagiographische Lit.) nach Inhalt und Tendenz weitgehend zu rekonstruieren. Urkunden sind zitiert, treten aber ge…


(387 words)

Author(s): N. Golcb
(Pleterj e), Kartause, auf dem Gebiet des Patriarchats von Aquileia (70 km, nordöstlich von Ljubljana) im Jahre 1405 durch den Grafen von Cilli (Celj e), Herm. ann 11., gestiftet. Älteste Besitzurkunden stanU11en aus dem Jahr 1403. Damals kam aus der Kartause Ganung Bruder Hartmann als erster Prior nach P; dank seiner Bemühungen hat die Kartause den Namen «Thronus sanctissimae Trinitatis» erhalten. Die größte Blüte erlebte P zur Zeit der Grafen und späteren Fürsten von Cilli; mit ihrem Aussterbe…

Italy, 03: Archaeology

(3,041 words)

Author(s): Humphries, Mark
Early Christian archaeology in Italy has traditionally been dominated by consideration of church buildings, particularly grand basilicas, or of suburban funeral complexes, such as catacombs at Rome and Naples. When these monuments first attracted scholarly attention in the early modern period, they were often studied to confirm particular dogmatic or confessional positions (Denzey Lewis, 2020; Frend, 1996). At Rome, for example, much early Christian archaeology traditionally took place un…
Date: 2024-01-19


(198 words)

Author(s): Mlasowsky, Alexander (Hannover)
[German version] Literally meaning ‘silver coin’ [2.7], the argenteus is a piece of silver introduced, as mentioned in the fragmentary edicts of Aphrodisias and Aezani, during the  coinage reform of Diocletian around AD 294/6. This coin was equivalent to the one in circulation with a weight of 3.0-3.3 g (1/96 of the Roman pound in silver) and thus to the Neronian denarius. The silver content amounts to 90 per cent and more [1.110]. After the price edict of AD 301, the fixed value of 50 denarii is doubled [4.94 ff.]. The argenteus is struck in six mints only (Aquileia, Carthage, Ostia…


(201 words)

Author(s): Sartori, Antonio (Milan)
[German version] Name given to a people from the eastern, Venetian part of the Po plain who withdrew to the mountainous interior of the country when the  Veneti came from the east (cf. the Paphlagonian immigrants in Liv. 1,1,2f.). There they mixed with the Raeti and later were frequently confused with them [1. 486f.; 3. 101f.]. Cato (HRR fr. 41) menti ons 34 oppida of the E., among these the  Camunni, Trumplini and Stoeni (uncertain), while for others the Camunni were Raeti (Str. 4,6,8) and the Stoeni were Ligures (Acta Triumphalia for the year 637; Str. …


(198 words)

Author(s): Burian, Jan (Prague)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Christianity | | Coloniae | Limes | Pannonia | Rome | Rome Roman colony in Pannonia superior, modern Szombathely in western Hungary. Its location on the Amber Road (route Aquileia - Carnuntum) and good road connections to Arrabona and via Sopianae to Sirmium enabled a swift economic growth. Under Claudius [III 1] a colony was founded in S. ( Colonia Divi Claudii S.: Plin. HN 3,146), t ribus Claudia. Until AD 106 S. was the administrative centre of the province. As a centre of communications and admi…


(266 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] A.P.Nepos Aponius Italicus Manilianus C. Licinius Pollio Official under Trajan and Hadrian Senator with a lengthy career under Trajan (Traianus) and Hadrian (Hadrianus). From a not especially promising start as triumvir capitalis, he at length gained Trajan's support as praetor. Subsequently, he became curator viae Cassiae, Clodiae, Ciminiae novae, Traianae; thereupon, legate of legio I Adiutrix during the Parthian War; praetorian legate of Thracia, AD 117/8; cos. suff., AD 119, together with Hadrian, from which a close association with the la…


(223 words)

Author(s): Buchi, Ezio (Verona)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Venetic | Etrusci, Etruria | Italy, languages | Colonization | Batavian Revolt City in Venetia between the mouths of the Po and Adige, today c. 25 km from the sea, in antiquity one of the most important harbours on the Adriatic (hence the name A.: Str. 5,1,8), especially for the import of Greek and Oriental products; but already at the time of Strabo (ibid.) linked with the sea via a 12 km long canal (Hecat. FGrH 1 fr. 90: Ἀδρία ( Adría); Just. Epit. 20,1,9: Adria, graeca urbs; Str. 5,1,8; Ptol. 3,1,26: Ἀτρία ( Atría); Liv. 5,…


(193 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Caesar Epithet of a mother goddess (possibly derived from a pre-Celtic tribe of the Nori), which was transferred to her shrines [1; 2. 156f.; 3. 240f.; 4]. A place called N. was situated 27 to 40 miles from Virunum in the direction of Ovilavia (Tab. Peut. 5,1). Several inscriptions are addressed to the goddess N. [4. 97f. ill. 4]. The urbs N. (Sempronius Asellio fr. 9 = schol. Bernensia to Verg. G. 3,474), where Papirius Carbo was defeated in 113 BC by the Cimbri, 1200 stadia from Aquileia (Str. 5,1,8…


(208 words)

Author(s): Buchi, Ezio (Verona)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae Venetian town (Plin. HN 17,122; Tac. Hist. 3,6,2; Mart. 3,38,5; 10,93,3: Atestinus/a), the centre of a wide plain, whose northern border was formed by the Euganean hills; the town took its name from the river  Atesis, which flowed through it, and was located on the road from Bononia to Aquileia (Anonymus Ravennas 4,31: Adestum, Ptol. 3,1,30: Ἀτέστε; It. Ant. 281,6; CIL VI 2429, 37199: Atesta), modern Este. Roman intervention in A.'s aff…


(178 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] T.C. Statius Quinctius Macedo Knight, around 100 AD Eques from Aquileia. Procurator of Pannonia(?), praesidial procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis in AD 107 (PIR2 C 181) [1. 158ff.]. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2] T.C. Statius Quinctius Macedo Quinctianus Senator under Hadrian Son of C. [1]. He was much supported in his senatorial career by Hadrian; i.a., he was comes Hadriani per Orientem et Illyricum, and attained a suffect consulate in c. AD 138, (AE 1957, 135; CIL V 865 = ILS 1069) [2. 347]. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [3] T.C. Stat…


(228 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[German version] (Τίμαυον/ Tímauon). River in the border region between Histria and Venetia. It flows through karst country, in parts of which it seeps away. It moved ancient authors to astonishment with its numerous springs of abundant water (according to Verg. Aen. 1,245 nine, according to Pol. in Str. 5,1,8 seven springs). According to Plin. HN 3,128, it was connected to the Istrus [2] (Danube) (cf. the return of the Argonauts, Mart. 4,25,5 f.; 8,28,7 f.). Today, from its source at the foot of t…


(269 words)

Author(s): Burian, Jan (Prague)
[German version] [1] Vicus in Pannonia Superior Vicus in Pannonia Superior (Tab. Peut. 5,1; Ναύπορτος/ Naúportos, Str. 4,6,10), modern Vrhnika (Ljubljana district, Slovenia). The Roman vicus was established at the site of a Celtic settlement (Str. 7,5,2). Because of its location on the eponymous river and the Aquileia - Emona road, the settlement quickly prospered (Tac. Ann. 1,20,1: municipii instar, ‘ as a municipium’). The area between N. and Emona was very important to commercial traffic from northern Italy to the middle Danube, where beyond Carnuntum …


(163 words)

Author(s): Brizzi, Giovanni (Bologna)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Christianity | | Italy, languages | Raeti, Raetia Main town of the  Cenoman(n)i on the Garza, a tributary of the Mella (Catull. 67,33; Liv. 5,35,1; 32,30,6; Just. Epit. 20,5,8; Str. 5,1,6), regio X (Plin. HN 3,130), on the road Comum - Aquileia (It. Ant. 127,11; It. Burd. 558,8), now Brescia. The Cenomani (Liv. 21,25,14: Brixiani Galli) received the ius Latii in 89 BC, the status of municipium (CIL V 4131; 4412; 4427) of the tribus Fabia in 49 BC [1. 108], of colonia between 27 and 8 BC ( civica Iulia Augusta: CIL V 4212).…


(263 words)

Author(s): Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf)
[German version] M. Clodius P. Maximus, emperor in AD 238. According to Zon. 12,17, P. was as old as 74 at this time, but this can hardly be correct. Information on his origin and career in the Historia Augusta is largely fictional; his ancestors were probably from Volaterrae  (CIL IX 5765, cf. [1. 170 ff.]). P. was consular governor of a German province (Hdn. 8,6,6; 7,8), proconsul of Asia (ILS 8839; AE 1975, 791), cos. ord. II in 234 and praef. urbi (Hdn. 7,10,4; 8,8,4) up to the time when the Senate elected him one of the XXviri rei publicae curandae; these decemviri were to protect Italy ag…


(205 words)

Author(s): Šašel Kos, Marjeta (Ljubljana)
[German version] A powerful people, said to be Illyrian; attested from the 4th cent. BC; later known as pirates. According to Str. 7,5,5 the A. settled on the  Naro, opposite the island of Pharus, near the Daorsi and the  Pleraei (cf. Ptol. 2,16,8; otherwise Papazoglu, who places the A. in the area of southern Illyria (Montenegro)). Inland (perhaps on the upper Naro, or near Lacus Labeatis) their territory bordered on that of the Autariatae, with whom they disputed the salt springs (Str. 7,5,11; c…


(187 words)

Author(s): Cabanes, Pierre (Clermont-Ferrand)
[German version] (Πρωμόνα; Prōmóna). City in Dalmatia (App. Ill. 34; 72-77; Str. 7,5,5: Πρώμονα/ Prṓmona; Tab. Peut. 6,1; Geogr. Rav. 211; CIL III 149692: pagani Promonenses), near modern Tepljuh, about 40 km to the northwest of Šibenik on the road to Knin, at the foot of Mount Promina (1148 m). The Dalmatae and other Illyrii conquered the Liburnian fortress of P. in 51 BC. Caesar intervened to return P. to the Liburni but in vain. In 34 BC Agrippa [1] and the future Augustus ultimately took P. from the Dalmatae under t…

Martyrologium Hieronymianum

(1,384 words)

Author(s): Griffin, Mary Hope
The Martyrologium Hieronymianum ( Hieronymian Martyrology or Martyrology of Jerome) eventually formed the basis for the Roman martyrology, a text which continues to be used in revised form in modern Roman Catholic liturgy. The Martyrologium Hieronymianum remains the most extensive, ancient extant martyrology, composed in stages from the 5th to the 8th centuries CE. Though Jerome (d. 430 CE) is pseudonymously associated with this text, evidence does not support his authorship.Unlike earlier sanctorals or ferials (“calendars of feast days”) which were hyper-local in…
Date: 2024-01-19

Via Aemilia

(198 words)

Author(s): Rathmann, Michael
[English version] Erbaut von M. Aemilius [I 10] Lepidus in seinem Konsulat 187 v. Chr. (Liv. 39,2,10; CIL I2 617 ff.). Sie führte von Ariminum nach Placentia, wo sie in der Via Postumia eine Fortsetzung hatte. Als Verlängerung der Via Flaminia erschloß die V.Ae. die Gallia Cisalpina. C. Flaminius [2], der Kollege des Lepidus im Konsulat, baute (Liv. 39,2,6) im gleichen J. eine via publica ( viae publicae ) von Bononia nach Arretium, wodurch die V.Ae. über die Via Cassia zwei Anbindungen nach Rom hatte. Zum Verlauf der V.Ae.: Itin. Anton. 98…
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