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Elements, The
(329 words)
[German Version] The concept of the elements as chemically indivisible material dates to the 17th century. The importance of the elements for religious studies depends on their value in cosmogony, symbolism, ritual, and the total visions of the world and humanity (e.g. traditional science, medicine, alchemy, astrology, anthropology, metaphysics). Earth, water, and fire occur in a…
Religion Past and Present
(1,365 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. History of Dogma and Dogmatics
I. Religious Studies Until very recently, the use of the term
incarnation in religious studies was borrowed from ideas current in Christianity. From the perspective of systematics, incarnation or “enfleshment” goes hand in hand with a body and soul polarity, implying a particular conceptualization ¶ of the relationship between God and the world as well as with the concept of the individual and person, and with religious legitimation of authority (rev…
Religion Past and Present