
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Failing, Wolf-Eckart" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Failing, Wolf-Eckart" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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Old Age

(1,684 words)

Author(s): Greschat, Hans-Jürgen | Eibach, Ulrich | Failing, Wolf-Eckart
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Ethics – III. Practical Theology I. Religious Studies Secular society distinguishes different periods in a person’s personal and professional life; religions do much the same. Awareness of people’s age gives a sense of their capabilities and standing. Childhood and adulthood are lengthy periods in a person’s life. Two transitional stages (Rites of passage) are usually much shorter: they serve to prepare young people for adulthood and the elderly for their death. Rituals signal the transition to adulthood. Sometimes a natural event is determinative, for example first menstruation. Often the ritual marks the end of a period of preparation, for example the Hindu second birth ceremony or the Jewish Bar Mitzvah. The preparation serves to impart kn…

Elderly, Care of the

(603 words)

Author(s): Failing, Wolf-Eckart
[German Version] I. In continuity with Israelite-Jewish tradition, Christianity has adopted the principle that the elderly are entitled to the necessities of life, the granting of a place to live, and a death with dignity. Systematic diaconal organization initiatives have brought this conviction to enduring reality. Over the course of history, a varied system of support and servi…

Social Education

(1,524 words)

Author(s): Failing, Wolf-Eckart
1. Term and Theme The term “social education” is of German origin ( Sozialpädagogik, used by K. Mager in 1844, and by F. Diesterweg in 1850). Similar words in other languages did not arise at the same time, but in almost all European countries there are similar fields of work using the same procedures. There are of course great differences in the various national conditions of work, in the contents of the education, in the means of delivery, and in the social and professional status of the educators. Thus we find the “resident social worker” in Great Britain; the