Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Fischer, Moritz" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Fischer, Moritz" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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Bonnke, Reinhard
(1,168 words)
Reinhard Bonnke (1940–2019) was a German Pentecostal evangelist, best-known for his huge open-air meetings in Africa. Bonnke was born on April 19, 1940 in Königsberg (Kaliningrad), as the fifth child of a Pentecostal church organist and her husband, who was an army officer. His childhood was shaped by the Second World War, the family’s dramatic escape from East Prussia, and four years in a Danish internment camp. Gradually, the family managed to rebuild their lives in Northern Germany, where Bonnke’s father pastored a Pentecostal congregation mainly for refugees.Bonnke’s autobiogr…
Osborn, T.L.
(787 words)
Tommy Lee Osborn (December 23, 1923–February 14, 2013) was an American independent itinerant Pentecostal evangelist. He held hundreds of open-air “mass-miracle-crusades” with healing ministry to millions for six decades, especially in the global south. He and his wife Daisy Washburn established the headquarters of Osborn Ministries International in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1949. They were married for 53 years and engaged in evangelistic ministry together until Daisy passed away in 1995. Osborn continu…
DR Congo
(1,216 words)
Before independence in 1960 the Congo Protestant Council (
Conseil Protestant du Congo, CPC) was instituted as an advisory body for Protestant missionary agencies representing them to the predominantly Catholic Belgian colonial government. All Protestant churches, even Pentecostals, had to register by law. Church-names were standardised to
Communautés (communities) and numbered to be identifiable. With 1970 CPC had to change its name to Church of Christ in the Congo (
Eglise du Christ au Congo, ECC). This is the union of 64 largely independent Protestant churches or de…