Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Haustein, Jörg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Haustein, Jörg" )' returned 2 results. Modify search
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Omahe, Chacha
(741 words)
Chacha Omahe was a Kenyan Pentecostal evangelist, church leader, and Bible translator, who pioneered evangelistic work among the Kuria and the Maasai in Kenya. He has also been credited with starting the Ethiopian Pentecostal movement.Chacha belonged to the Kuria people, an ethnic group residing in the Kenya-Tanzania border region east of Lake Victoria. He was born in the Mara region of Tanzania in 1924 and moved to Kenya in the early 1930s. His father had passed away before he was born, and his mother died when he was young. Ch…
Bonnke, Reinhard
(1,168 words)
Reinhard Bonnke (1940–2019) was a German Pentecostal evangelist, best-known for his huge open-air meetings in Africa. Bonnke was born on April 19, 1940 in Königsberg (Kaliningrad), as the fifth child of a Pentecostal church organist and her husband, who was an army officer. His childhood was shaped by the Second World War, the family’s dramatic escape from East Prussia, and four years in a Danish internment camp. Gradually, the family managed to rebuild their lives in Northern Germany, where Bonnke’s father pastored a Pentecostal congregation mainly for refugees.Bonnke’s autobiogr…