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(1,790 words)
[German Version]
I. Natural Sciences Verification of a physical hypothesis or theory means empirical demonstration that the theory is true. Many physical hypotheses, however, are universal propositions, which make assertions regarding potentially an infinite number of individual cases, for example laws of nature (Natural law/Law of nature) such as “All bodies that are heated expand.” Therefore they can never be verified in the strict sense, since we can actually test only a finite number of cases. K.R. Popper pointed out, however, that we can at least falsify such hypot…
Religion Past and Present
Popper, Sir Karl Raimund
(568 words)
[German Version] ( Jul 28, 1902, Vienna – Sep 17, 1994, London). After dropping out of school in 1918, Popper studied history, literature, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, and physics as a guest auditor. In 1919 he briefly became a Marxist. In 1922 he passed his qualifying examination and enrolled at the University of Vienna. There followed a visit to a teacher training college, an apprenticeship in carpentry, and a visit to the Vienna Conservatory of Music. In 1925 he began to study at the Pä…
Religion Past and Present