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Culture Protestantism
(1,081 words)
1. Term The term
Kulturprotestantismus, or “culture Protestantism,” common since at least 1870, has obscure origins. Seldom used in self-designation, it is often equated in popular parlance with liberal theology or neo-Protestantism (Protestantism). Early dialectical theology seems to have introduced this equation. Although the term was little used before 1930 and has taken on many different senses, it has been useful for bringing into relief the consciousness of a postliberal epoch that, especially under the impact of World War I, no l…
Theology of History
(1,512 words)
1. Definition In general, the term “theology of history” denotes an express theory of history (beginning, end, course, unity, subject) in relation to God’s activity, or the theological interpretation of history (its totality, meaning, epochs, and present state). More broadly, it denotes the various efforts to relate history to religious themes. Specifically, it involves relating history to God’s own being and history (Trinity). Since concepts of its nature and validity are themselves historical, the borders are fluid. 2. Modern Theology of History Today the presupposition tha…