Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schwab, Ulrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schwab, Ulrich" )' returned 14 results. Modify search
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Dehn, Günther Karl
(260 words)
[German Version] (Apr 18, 1882, Schwerin – Mar 17, 1970, Bonn). After studying in Berlin, Halle, and Bonn, Dehn was employed from 1907 on as a parish priest in Berlin and worked from 1911 to 1931 in the labor district of Moabit. During these years, he concerned himself with the relationship between the church and workers. In 1926, the University of Münster awa…
Religion Past and Present
(304 words)
[German Version]
1. Christian Heinrich (Mar 29, 1779, Hohenentringen, near Tübingen – May 28, 1860, Beuggen, near Basel) studied law in Tübingen from 1796 to 1800. From 1801 to 1819, he worked as a private tutor in Augsburg and Sankt Gallen; during this period, he came into contact with the revival movement (Revival/Revival movements). Influenced by the ideas of J.H. Pestalozzi, in 1820 he founded a training institute for charity school teachers in Beuggen Castle near Basel, along with a refuge for p…
Religion Past and Present
Roth, Karl Johann Friedrich
(137 words)
[German Version] (Jan 23, 1780, Vaihingen, Württemberg – Jan 21, 1852, Steinach, near Erlangen). After studying law in Tübingen, Roth embarked on an administrative career in Bavaria. In 1817 he was made an assistant secretary; from 1828 to 1848 he served as president of the supreme consistory of the Protestant Church in Bavaria. Roth was a promoter of the revival movement in Bavaria. Made a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Historical Section, from 1835 to 1850 he served as editor of the academy’s
Gelehrte Anzeigen. Ulrich Schwab Bibliography ¶ E. Teufel, “Der Briefwechsel d…
Religion Past and Present
Raumer, Karl von
(266 words)
[German Version] (Apr 9, 1783, Wörlitz – Jun 2, 1865, Erlangen), studied jurisprudence and mineralogy in Göttingen, Halle, and Freiburg. In 1811 he became professor of mineralogy at Breslau University, but left the university in 1819 for political reasons. In 1827 he became professor of natural history and mineralogy at Erlangen University. Here he worked with C. Krafft in the Awakening movement (Revival/Revival movements: I, 7), and in 1824 founded a rescue center for boys in Nuremberg (the Veilhof). He was joint editor of E.W. Hengstenberg’s church newspaper and of the Erlangen
Religion Past and Present
Youth Work
(888 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology Chapter VIII of the German Social Security Code (
SGB) defines youth work (
Jugendarbeit) a services offered to young people to promote their self-determination and to motivate them to social responsibility and engagement. The older term
Jugendpflege (“youth cultivation”) from the 1911 Prussian decree on youth cultivation and the National Youth Welfare Law of 1922 (
RJWG) is no longer used. In the
RJWB, youth cultivation and youth care (
Jugendfürsorge) were the twin pillars of youth welfare. Today youth work and youth social work are pa…
Religion Past and Present
Wyneken, Gustav Adolf
(196 words)
[German Version] (Mar 19, 1875, Stade – Dec 8, 1964, Göttingen). After passing his theological examination in Hanover in 1897, Wyneken received his Dr.phil. from Greifswald in 1898. In 1899 he passed the state examination qualifying him for secondary education. In 1900 he became a teacher at the first German private boarding school, founded by Hermann Lietz (Progressive education) in Ilsenburg. In 1906 he and Paul Geheeb opened the Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf. In 1910 he had to leave Wickersdo…
Religion Past and Present
Stählin, Wilhelm
(252 words)
[German Version] (Sep 24, 1883, Gunzenhausen – Dec 16, 1975, Prien am Chiemsee). After studying Protestant theology in Erlangen, Rostock, and Berlin, Stählin served as a pastor in Bavaria. He received his doctorate from Würzburg in 1913 with a dissertation on the metaphorical language of the New Testament. In 1914 he founded the Gesellschaft für Religionspsychologie in Nuremberg. After 1918 he was one of the leading theologians in the
Jugendbewegung. From 1922 to 1932 he was a leader in the Bund Deutscher Jugendvereine. In 1923 he helped establish the Berneuchen …
Religion Past and Present
Cordier, Leopold
(256 words)
[German Version] (Jul 14, 1887, Landau, Palatinate – Mar 1, 1939, Gießen). After studies in Halle, Berlin and Heidelberg Cordier gained his Dr. phil. and Lic. theol. From 1911 he was military chaplain in Karlsruhe, in 1914 parish minister in Eschelbronn (Baden), in 1917 in Frankfurt am Main, and in 1922 in Elberfeld. From 1925 he lectured in Bonn, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the faculty of theology in 1926. In the same year he was appointed ordi…
Religion Past and Present
Neuwerk (New Work Movement)
(206 words)
[German Version] The Neuwerk movement was one of the free associations within the Protestant German
Jugendbewegung at the beginning of the 20th century. It was formed in 1920 by young people from the Deutsche Christliche Studentenvereinigung, the Freideutsche Jugend, and the Religious Socialists. The early ideas of the movement reflected the influence of
Junge Saat (1921), a work edited by E. Arnold and Norman Körber, giving a christocentric interpretation of the
Jugendbewegung as a whole. The Neuwerk movement (also called
Schlüchterner Jugend after the site of its first mee…
Religion Past and Present
Salomon, Alice
(152 words)
[German Version] (Apr 19, 1872, Berlin – Aug 20, 1948, New York), studied in Berlin from 1902 to 1906, earning her doctorate in economics. Since 1900 she had been a board member of the Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine, and she became secretary of the International Council of Women in 1909. In 1908 she founded the Soziale Frauenschule in Berlin, which she headed until 1925, when she founded the Deutsche Akademie für soziale und pädagogische Frauenarbeit, which she headed until 1933. Because of her Jewi…
Religion Past and Present
Youth Chaplain
(526 words)
[German Version] The appointment of Karl Neeff as youth pastor in Stuttgart on Nov 1, 1863, marks the beginning of Protestant youth ministry in Germany. His initial assignment was spiritual care of young people in general (Youth/Adolescence), but he soon concentrated on apprentices. In 1867 Neeff opened the first Protestant youth club in Stuttgart. Though clergy had long since engaged in youth work (e.g. Carl August Doering in Elberfeld, Theophil Passavant in Basel, F.L. Mallet in Bremen), Neeff w…
Religion Past and Present
Redenbacher, Wilhelm
(145 words)
[German Version] (Jul 12, 1800, Pappenheim – Jul 14, 1876, Dornhausen) studied Protestant theology at Erlangen from 1819 to 1823 and became a pastor in Bavaria, where he wrote numerous short works and popular tales. From 1830 to 1834 he edited the
Nördlinger Sonntagsblatt. In 1843 he was suspended from office on account of his appeal to Protestant soldiers during the so-called kneeling controversy (over an order requiring them to kneel before the Catholic consecrated host). Redenbacher moved to Saxony as a pastor but was able to return to a pastorate in Bavaria in 1852. Ulrich Schwab Biblio…
Religion Past and Present
(4,230 words)
[German Version]
I. Definition Adolescence (or youth) is the stage of human development between childhood and adulthood. Today the adoption of styles associated with youth culture begins at the end of elementary school and remains relevant far beyond the age of 25. Even among adults, some elements of youth cultures are still a coveted attribute. Section 7 of the German Child and Youth Welfare Act (ch. VIII of the Social Security Code) defines a child as a person below the age of 14, an adolescent as…
Religion Past and Present
(4,764 words)
[German Version] I. History and Signifiance – II. The
Jugendbewegung and the Protestant Church – III. The Catholic
Jugendbewegung – IV. Young Workers' Movement – V. The Orthodox Youth Movement – VI. The Jewish Youth Movement
I. History and Signifiance
1. Historical context
Jugendbewegung (“youth movement”) is the name by which a distinctive middle-class youth movement in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland chose to call itself. It was the focal point of a variety of youth movements extending from the end of the 19th century to the en…
Religion Past and Present