
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Stroh, Ralf" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Stroh, Ralf" )' returned 32 results. Modify search

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Social Ethics

(124 words)

Author(s): Stroh, Ralf
[German Version] Social ethics deals with the proper ordering (Order) of human coexistence – as intended, because it respects the transcendental conditions of the conditio humana. It is the indispensable counterpart to individual ethics, which examines the intended form of an individual’s life praxis. Since both social and individual ethics seek to unravel the ethical implications of one and the same transcendental concept of the conditio humana, they cannot be at odds within a single fundamental anthropological conception. Conflict can arise only between diff…


(2,185 words)

Author(s): Bleek, Wilhelm | Adam, Armin | Stroh, Ralf
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff Sowohl die Bez. der universitären Disziplin »P.« als auch die zugrundeliegende Auffassung des von ihr untersuchten Gegenstandes war vielfältigen hist. Wandlungen unterworfen. Verstand die antike Klassik unter Politik noch die normativ gute Ordnung der Gemeinschaft, so verschob sich der Fokus in Neuzeit und Moderne auf die Empirie von Herrschaft und Macht als Charakteristikum des Politischen. Wurde in seiner älteren Phase das Fach vom Gegenstand nicht begrifflich diff…


(1,213 words)

Author(s): Leppin, Volker | Enns, Fernando | Stroh, Ralf
[English Version] I. Kirchengeschichtlich Der Begriff »Sch.« ist eine theol. wertende, nicht eine historiographische Kategorie zur Kennzeichnung eines Frömmigkeitstypus, der unter fälschlicher Berufung auf den Hl. Geist das extra nos des christl. Heils mißachtet. Seine Verwendung prägte Luther in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Zwickauer Propheten sowie Th. Müntzer und A. von  Karlstadt, konnte diesen Begriff aber auch auf andere Gegner, sogar den Papst ausdehnen. Spätere Generationen aktualisierten…


(881 words)

Author(s): Stroh, Ralf | Greger, Reinhard | Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich
[German Version] I. Social Ethics – II. Law – III. Practical Theology and Education I. Social Ethics Mediation (Lat. mediatio) strives for nonjudicial conflict resolution between disputing parties through the reconciling work of neutral third parties, who, in the course of their moderating and de-escalating activity, seek to activate the potentials for conflict resolution that are present but hidden in the disputing parties. Mediation aims at agreement as the satisfactory conclusion of a conflict in contrast to…

Political Science

(2,486 words)

Author(s): Bleek, Wilhelm | Adam, Armin | Stroh, Ralf
[German Version] I. Terminology Both the name of the academic discipline and the understanding of what it studies have been subject to several historical transformations. Classically politics was understood as the normative good order of society; in the early and later modern period, the focus shifted to ¶ the empirical analysis of power and sovereignty (Dominion) as the characteristic subject matter of politics. In its earlier phase, no distinction was made between the academic discipline and its object of study; when the discipline was rees…

Enthusiasts (Schwärmer)

(1,356 words)

Author(s): Leppin, Volker | Enns, Fernando | Stroh, Ralf
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Dogmatics – III. Ethics I. Church History The term “enthusiasts” ( Schwärmer) is not a historiographic category but a theologically evaluative term for a type of piety that by false appeal to the Holy Spirit (Spirit/Holy Spirit) pays inadequate regard to the extra nos of Christian salvation. Luther, along with T. Müntzer and A. v. Karlstadt, shaped its usage in the dispute with the Zwickau …


(3,115 words)

Author(s): Stroh, Ralf | Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm | Amjad-Ali, Charles
[English Version] I. Begriff Der Begriff R. (lat. revolvere, »umdrehen, umwälzen«) bez. eine plötzliche qualitative Änderung bestehender Verhältnisse und Prozesse, die nicht nur einzelne Elemente betrifft – etwa die Auswechslung des Personals der Staatsführung im Staatsstreich –, sondern einen kompletten Systemwandel mit sich bringt. Verwendung fand der Begriff urspr. in der Astronomie (Umlaufbahn eines Himmelskörpers). Seit der frühen Neuzeit ist er Bez. für umstürzende Wandlungen des polit. Syste…


(3,009 words)

Author(s): Hock, Klaus | Janowski, Bernd | Röhser, Günter | Stolina, Ralf | Stroh, Ralf
[English Version] I. ReligionswissenschaftlichWährend im »Sühneversuch« als Instrument zur gütlichen Beilegung eines Rechtsstreits die juristische Dimension von S. nachklingt, verweist die Bedeutung des Sühnebegriffs (Beschwichtigung, Besänftigung) zunächst ganz allg. auf die (Wieder-)Herstellung eines ungestörten Zustands bzw. einer »heilen« Beziehung. Im Unterschied zu Versöhnung (engl. atonement; zumeist auf jüd.-christl. Sühnevorstellungen bezogen) ist S. (engl. expiation) weniger spezifisch b…


(3,758 words)

Author(s): Hock, Klaus | Janowski, Bernd | Günter, Röhser | Stolina, Ralf | Stroh, Ralf
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Bible – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics I. Religious Studies While (re)conciliation as an instrument for reaching an amicable settlement in a lawsuit has echoes of the legal ¶ dimension of expiation, the meaning of expiation (appeasement, pacification) refers first of all to the (re)establishment of an undisturbed state or of a “sound” relationship. In contrast to atonement (Re…


(3,474 words)

Author(s): Stroh, Ralf | Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm | Amjad-Ali, Charles
[German Version] I. Concept The term revolution (from Lat. revolvere, “turn over”) denotes a sudden qualitative change of existing circumstances and processes, a change that does not just affect individual elements – like the replacement of government personnel in a coup – but brings change of the overall system. The term was used originally in astronomy for the orbit of a heavenly body. Since the early modern era, has been used to refer to changes that overturn the political system, but this definition …


(2,915 words)

Author(s): Gephart, Werner | Schütt, Hans-Peter | Schlapkohl, Corinna | Stroh, Ralf | Mette, Norbert
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics – V. Practical Theology I. Religious Studies Identity is not in the classical repertoire of religious studies and the sociology of religion. But the central problem of social identity, formulated as a question, makes its religious significance obvious: “Where do we come from?” is answered by creation (I) myths that refer to an original identity; “Who are we?” and “Where are we going?” are answered by religious promises and conc…


(8,783 words)

Author(s): Baudy, Dorothea | Xella, Paolo | Ego, Beate | Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm | Lehmkühler, Karsten | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. History of Scholarship – III. Ancient Near East – IV. Old Testament and Early Judaism – V. New Testament – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. Christianity – VIII. Liturgical Practice – IX. Ethics I. Religious Studies 1. Concept The word “cult” comes from Lat. cultus. Cicero ( De senectute 56) uses the phrase cultus deorum in the sense of “worship of the gods.” It invariably refers to acts of “care and tending”; in secular contexts the word denotes agrarian work (cf. agriculture). There are analogous words in other ancient languages…
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