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(386 words)
[German Version] In philosophy self-determined actualization (not subject to external norms) of ones (selected) potentialities while simultaneously putting oneself at the disposal of the surrounding world can be understood as self-realization. The self is understood here as either the source of realization (the self realizes itself
in its actions) or its end (the self is realized
through its actions). Self-realization is considered ethically appropriate when it is guided by certain criteria located in the self such as reason or universality (e.g. G.W…
Religion Past and Present
(7,082 words)
[German Version] I. Linguistics and Religious Studies – II. Philosophy – III. Philosophy of Religion – IV. Fundamental Theology – V. Ethics – VI. Practical Theology – VII. Missiology – VIII. Liturgics
I. Linguistics and Religious Studies
1. Linguistics As studied by linguistics (Philology), language is an inventory of audible signs combined ¶ according to specific rules to facilitate interpersonal communication. There is a general distinction between language as a transindividual system of signs (
langue) and its actualization by an individual speaker (
parole). Within …
Religion Past and Present
(528 words)
[German Version] The New Testament call “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34 parr.) makes self-denial the mark of Christian discipleship. While ἀρνεῖσϑαι ᾿Ιησοῦν/
arneísthaiIēsoún is contrasted with ὁμολογεῖ ἐν ᾿Ιησοῦ/
homologeín en Iēsoú (Matt 10:32f.), (ἀπ)αρνεῖσϑαι ἑαυτὸν/(
arneísthai heautón (Lat.
denegare sui ipsius) is a central aspect of confessing Jesus Christ (whose faithfulness to us is based on his incapacity to deny himself; cf. 2 Tim 2:13). In mysticism (e.g. Thomas à Kempis, vol. I…
Religion Past and Present
(10,434 words)
[German Version] I. The Term – II. New Testament – III. History of Doctrine – IV. Dogmatics
I. The Term The earliest meaning of
justification (like Ger.
Rechtfertigung) was “administration of justice,” “legal process,” “execution of sentence,” even “capital punishment” (Elert), but early on it could also stand for defense and acquittal. In modern times it has come to be used only in the sense of vindication or legitimation. Hebrew צְדָקָה/
ṣĕdāqāh and Greek δικαíωσις/
dikaíōsis emphasize the declaration of justness, Latin
iustificatio the creation of justness. The Old and…
Religion Past and Present