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Youth, Pastoral Care of
(427 words)
[German Version] is the traditional term for the churches’ ministry to young people, especially by ordained ministers (Youth chaplain); in Catholicism it is closely associated with the church’s youth work and church-sponsored youth organizations. It encompasses various areas of the church’s ministry to and with young people. It is a subject of academic study in practical theology (Pastoral theology, Religious education, Science of). It is understood both as pastoral care of a particular group (
cura specialis) and as one aspect of general pastoral care (
cura generalis). Its histo…
Religion Past and Present
Youth Protection
(1,075 words)
[German Version]
I. Social Sciences Children and youths were treated as small adults into the 19th century. By the middle of that century, it was finally recognized that children (Child/Childhood) require protected spaces in which they can develop (Psychology of adolescence). This led to the first German Youth Employment Protection Act of 1839. Until well into the 20th century, German youth protection primarily saw itself as a supervisory authority. The 1920s were dominated by the struggle against
Schund und Schmutz (“obscenity and filth”) in motion pictures and books. A
Religion Past and Present
Youth Organizations (in Germany)
(2,620 words)
[German Version]
I. Protestant Organizations
1. Protestant youth work is represented in Germany by numerous associations, activities and institutions. At the national level, regional youth ministries, that is, offices for youth work of the 25 member churches of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Protestant youth associations, Free church youth organizations, and institutions for further education in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der evangelischen Jugend (AeJ) work together. Protestant youth associations inc…
Religion Past and Present
(4,764 words)
[German Version] I. History and Signifiance – II. The
Jugendbewegung and the Protestant Church – III. The Catholic
Jugendbewegung – IV. Young Workers' Movement – V. The Orthodox Youth Movement – VI. The Jewish Youth Movement
I. History and Signifiance
1. Historical context
Jugendbewegung (“youth movement”) is the name by which a distinctive middle-class youth movement in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland chose to call itself. It was the focal point of a variety of youth movements extending from the end of the 19th century to the en…
Religion Past and Present