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(177 words)
From Gk.
anapherō (lift up, lead back), “anaphora” strictly denotes relation, connection, reference, report, appeal, and, in theological usage, offering or sacrifice (cf. Heb. 7:27; 13:15). It is thus used to bring out the meaning of the eucharistic action (Eucharist). This is the offering of a sacrifice (§3) in reflection of the original sacrifice, the unique sacrifice ¶ of Christ (Heb. 10:12), which finds representation in the eucharistic celebration. In a narrower liturgical sense the Anaphora is the core of Eastern liturgies, corresponding to the canon
(canon actionis) …
Orthodox Church
(4,448 words)
1. Terminology and Self-Understanding In keeping with their flexible and liberal spirit, which opposes defining the concept of orthodoxy (§§1–2) as a doctrinaire rigidity of binding belief, the Orthodox churches have no required term for themselves. The many terms used are to be understood in their historical contexts as reactions against church developments that at various times required emphases on identity and uniqueness and authenticity of this or that particular expression of the original Chris…
(13,361 words)
Overview Christology is systematic reflection on the basis and significance of the apostolic witness to Jesus Christ, along with its expression and application throughout the history of the church. It has long been a classic part of theological teaching. It seeks to fashion explicit statements that can be tested and used in close connection with other central areas of Christian doctrine (e.g., Church; Anthropology; Justification; Hope; Ethics; Pastoral Theology). It begins, however, with implicit as well as explicit Christological statements. The…
(614 words)
The word “Philocalia” (love [Gk.
philia] of what is beautiful [
kalos]), along with
kalokagathia (the beautiful and the good), expresses the Greek ideal of a combination of the aesthetic and the ethical (Aesthetics; Ethics). It denotes love of, or striving for, the beautiful, good, and noble. In the Orthodox Church we find that the term is used more specifically for anthologies that have influenced Orthodox theology and spirituality.
1. The oldest Philocalia goes back to Basil of Caesarea (ca. 330–79) and his friend Gregory of Nazianzus (329/30–389/90), who compiled the
Ōrigenous p…
(1,197 words)
Term and Definition The term “icon” denotes a sacred picture (eikōn) in the Eastern church. On the Orthodox view (Orthodox Church) it points to the suprasensory original, presenting it in realistic symbolism. As distinct from religious pictures in the West, which are aesthetic tools of instruction (“art for the sake of religion”), devotion, and meditation, the icon is a revelation of the transcendent in the immanent (Immanence and Transcendence). The metaphysical ontology of the icon as a manifestation of heavenly realities…