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Righteousness, Justice
(6,688 words)
1. OT 1.1.
Term The Heb. root
ṣdq is as comprehensive in meaning as the Eng. “right(eous),” Ger.
(ge)recht, Gk.
nomos, or Lat.
ius (Law). It embraces, besides the narrower legal sense of justice, judgment, and standard for what is right (Ger.
Gericht, Rechts-norm), the wider ethicosocial sphere of wholesome and salutary relationships. The masc.
ṣedeq denotes a state of beneficently ordered relationships between people or between people and God; the fem.
ṣĕdāqâ refers to conduct that corresponds to this state or promotes it; the verb
ṣdq describes the related action…
(13,361 words)
Overview Christology is systematic reflection on the basis and significance of the apostolic witness to Jesus Christ, along with its expression and application throughout the history of the church. It has long been a classic part of theological teaching. It seeks to fashion explicit statements that can be tested and used in close connection with other central areas of Christian doctrine (e.g., Church; Anthropology; Justification; Hope; Ethics; Pastoral Theology). It begins, however, with implicit as well as explicit Christological statements. The…