
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Halfwassen, Jens" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Halfwassen, Jens" )' returned 23 results. Modify search

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(1,031 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[English Version] (204 – Frühjahr/Sommer 270 n.Chr. bei Minturnae, Kampanien) I. Leben P., der Begründer und…


(253 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[English Version] Numenius, Platoniker des 2.Jh. n.Chr.; geb. in Apamea (Syrien), lehrte vermutlich in Rom. Von seinen Schriften sind umfangreiche Auszüge in der praep. des Eusebius von Caesarea erhalten. N. lehrt die Übereinstimmung Platos nicht nur mit Pythagoras, sondern auch mit der Weisheit der Brahmanen, Juden, Ägypter und Magier; er nennt Plato den »attisch redenden Mose«. Das Verhältnis der beiden Prinzipien Einheit und Vielheit deutet N. strikt dualistisch. Das Eine/Gute ordnet er den Ideen und dem Demiurgen über und bestimmt es als das Sein selbst (griech. αυ᾿τοο´n̆/autoo´n) und den »Ersten Geist«; es übergreift den Ideenkosmos, ist aber nicht strikt jenseits der Ideen. Ähnlich ist die Geistseele mit den sie transzendierenden Prinzipien untrennbar verbunden. N.' Analyse des Geistes (n̆ου˜ς/nou´s) legt dessen Seinsbezug, Selbstbezug und Schöpfertätigkeit in einem Drei-Stufen-Modell auseinander, das Plotin kritisierte. N. unterscheidet ferner drei Götter: Erster Gott ist das Eine/Gute in seiner Welttranszendenz, Zweiter Gott ist der Demiurg, dessen Weltgestaltung ihn aufspaltet i…


(501 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[English Version] (8.1.412 Konstantinopel – 17.4.485 Athen), Philosoph, Neuplatoniker. Aus vornehmer Familie stammend, verbrachte P. seine Jugend in Xanthos (Lykien). Er studierte in Beirut, Alexandrien und Athen und war dort Schüler der Neuplatoniker Plutarch und Syrianos (Neuplatonismus), dem er als Haupt der Akademie nachfolgte. Die Biogr. seines Nachfolgers Marinos stilisiert ihn zum göttlich inspirierten Heiligen. – In P., dem »Hegel der Antike…


(500 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[English Version] (eigentlich Malchos; 234 Tyrus – vor 305 Rom). Der Neuplatoniker (Neuplatonismus) studierte in Athen bei Longinos, ging 263 nach Rom zu Plotin, gab nach dessen Tod (270) seine Schriften heraus und setzte seine Schule fort. …

Ammonius Sakkas

(176 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] …


(532 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (Jan 8, 412, Constantinople – Apr 17, 485, Athens), philosopher, Neoplatonist. From a prominent family, Proclus spent his youth in Xanthus (Lycia). He studied in Beirut, Alexandria, and Athens, where he was a student of the Neoplatonists Plutarch and Syrianus (Neoplatonism), succeeding the latter as head of the academy. The biography of his successor Marinus stylizes him as a divinely inspired saint. In Proclus, the “Hegel of antiquity,” Neoplatonism reached its highest systematic consummation. On the foundations of the philosophy of Plotinu…

Moderatus of Gades

(220 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] Moderatus of Gades, a Neo-Pythagorean of the 1st century ce, argued in favor of a unitary metaphysics inspired by Plato and the Old Academy (I), although Moderatus passed it off as a teaching of the Pythagoreans. Moderatus distinguishes three levels of the One: The first One stands above all being, the second One is identical with the existing and the intelligible, that is, with the world of ideas, and the third One comprises the realm of the soul, to which the reality perceived by the senses and its matter are subordinated. The three-tier structure of …


(168 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] 2nd-century Platonist. He wrote a work (excerpts of which were preserved by Eusebius of Caesarea) On the Conflict between Plato and Aristotle, in which he vigorously attacks the ethics, physics, and theology of Aristotle. He points out in particular that virtue by itself cannot bring eudaimonia; he also criticizes Aristotle's failure to mention divine providence, the theory of a fifth element, and the separation of the mind ( nous) from the soul. Atticus interprets literally the mythological creation of the world in Plato's Timaeus, thus positing a temporal beginning for the world, which comes into being when God imposes order on preexisting material. He identifies the divine creator of the world (demiurge) with the ultimate principle, the idea of the good. For Atticus, ideas, which alone have true and aboriginal being, are the thoughts of God; he does not appear to distinguish between archetypal ideas in the divine mind and universal concepts in the soul.…

Unity and Diversity

(1,068 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] I. The Terms Unity and diversity are some of the fundamental concepts of thought in general, and they have determined European philosophy from its beginnings until the present. The relation between them is clearly asymmetrical: diversity can only be thought of in terms of contrast with unity, and therefore can take on various meanings depending on the multiple meanings of unity. The principal meanings of unity are: singular as opposed to plu-¶ ral, singularity and uniqueness, simplicity, wholeness and totality, unity in diversity, and identity with itself as opposed to others. These various meanings arose only gradually in the history of philosophy, and the assessments as to which is prior in their foundational interrelation vary widely. Yet the whole tradition tends to see the basic meaning of unity either in simplicity, in wholeness, or in identity, and to think of other meanings as dependent on or even included in it.


(151 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (or Alkinoos, as in the mss.), author of the Didaskalikos, a summary of 2nd-century ce school Platonism from the imperial period in the form of a handbook, linking motives of Plato, Xenocrates and Aristotle. Central to it is the teaching of the following three principles. (1) The world comes into being by God ordering pre-existent matter according to the pattern of ideas. (2) The ideas are God's thoughts, in which he conceives of himself as the highest spirit ( nous). (3) The major emphasis on God's transcendence, the methodology of knowing God ( via negationis, analogiae…


(1,034 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] I. Life Plotinus, the founder and most significant philosopher of Neoplatonism, concealed his background; statements by later writers that he was an Egyptian are implausible. At the age of 28, he became a student of the Platonist Ammonius Sakkas in Alexandria. In 243 he ¶ joined the Persian campaign of Emperor Gordian III to gain a knowledge of Persian and Indian philosop…

Numenius of Apamea

(274 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (2nd cent.ce) Platonist; born in Apamea (Syria); probably taught in Rome. From his writings, numerous extracts survive in Eusebius of Caesarea’s Praeparatio Evangelica. Numenius teaches that Plato agrees not only with Pythagoras, but also with the wisdom of the Brahmins, Jews, Egyptians, and Magi. He calls Plato the “Attic-speaking Moses.” Numenius gives a strictly du…


(164 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] Gaius, a mid-Platonist (Platonism), he taught in the 1st half of the 2nd century ce and was the teacher of Albinus, whose transcription of Gaius's lecture on “elements of Plato's doctrine” filled nine books; it was read in the school of Plotinus. Other works of Gaius are not extant, although a fragment of a preserved anonymous commentary on Plato's Theaitetos that associates the Stoic (Stoics)


(436 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (c. 240/245, Chalkis – c. 325, Apamea), a neo-Platonist, initially a student of the Aristotelian Anatolios, then of Porphyry, presumably taught in Apamea. Iamblichus had great influence on the intellectual climate of paganism in Late Antiquity. The Syrian branch of Neo-Platonism that he founded was characterized by its metaphysical interpretation and justification of Greek and oriental polytheism. With Iamblichus, Neo-Platonism became a philosophical religion in competition with Christianity, se…


(290 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (c. 458, Damascus – after 538, Emesa), Neoplatonist and the last head of the Platonic Academy until Justinian I abolished it in 529. In 531, on the invitation of Great King Khosrau, he went into exile in Persia, but returned to Athens in 532/533. Heavily influenced by Plotinus, Iamblichos, and Proclus, Damascius gave Neoplatonism a critical epistemological turn, after the epistemological optimism of Proclus, through an agnosticism in the name of transcendence. Starting from Plato's Parmenides, he placed greatest emphasis on the pure transcendence of the absolute, which one may not even call “the one,” but only “the unspeakable” ( arrheton).…

Eudorus of Alexandria,

(154 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] a 1st-century bce Platonist, assumed the monad and the undetermined dyad to be the principles of all opposites constituting all that exists; above both, however, he posits the absolute One ( hen) as the primary principle transcending all opposites, equating it with the “transcendent God” ( hyperáno theós). From the absolute One proceed both the monad and the material principle. He ascribes this theory of principles to Plato, but believes (following Speusippus) that the Pythagoreans were the first to espouse it. In ethics, with Plato, he posits “assimilation to God” ( ho…


(564 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens
[German Version] (orig. Malchus; 234, Tyre – before 305, Rome), Neoplatonic philosopher (Neoplatonism). After studying in Athens with Longinus, Porphyry went to Rome in 263 to study with Plotinus; when the latter died in 270, Porphyry published his writings and carried on his school. The focus of his thought was the redemption of the soul and its return to God. He developed a trinitarian concept of God that was a fundamental source for the 4th-century Christian dogma of the Trinity (III, 1). Antic…


(1,865 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens (Cologne)
[German version] A. Introduction Since the commentators on Aristotle from Late Antiquity, the word metaphysics designates the most prominent and fundamental part of philosophy. It concerns itself with the highest and ultimate principles and the cohesion of reality as a whole. It derives from the book title - controversial both in origin and original meaning - Τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά (‘What comes after physics , that is, probably, in the course of philosophical education in the Aristotelian school) from Ar…


(1,761 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens (Köln)
[English version] A. Einleitung Der Titel M. bezeichnet seit den spätant. Aristoteles-Kommentatoren den vornehmsten und grundlegenden Teil der Philos., der sich mit den höchsten und letzten Prinzipien und dem Zusammenhang der Wirklichkeit im Ganzen befaßt. Er leitet sich her von dem - nach Herkunft und urspr. Bedeutung umstrittenen Buchtitel Τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά (‘Was nach der Physik kommt, nämlich wohl im Kursus der philos. Ausbildung in der aristotelischen Schule) der fundamentalphilos. Vorlesungs-Ms…


(4,347 words)

Author(s): Halfwassen, Jens | Markschies, Christoph
[English Version] I. Philosophisch 1.Allgemeiner Charakter Platos Denken war von beispielloser, von keinem anderen Philosophen je erreichter Wirkungsmacht. Plato war der erste Philosoph, der (um 385 v.Chr.) mit der Akademie (: I.) im institutionellen Sinne eine Schule gegründet und damit bewußt eine philos. Tradition gestiftet hat. Aus seiner Schriftkritik ergibt sich zudem, daß Plato der mündlichen Tradierung seines Denkens durch seine Schüler Vorrang einräumte vor seinen Dialogen, die v.a. Werbesc…
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