Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hermle, Siegfried" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hermle, Siegfried" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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(176 words)
[English Version] Schempp,
Paul (4.1.1900 Stuttgart – 4.6.1959 Bonn); 1934 Pfarrer in Iptingen, Mitglied der »Kirchlich-theologischen Sozietät«, ab 1936 sich verschärfende Konflikte mit der württembergischen Kirchenleitung (Vorwurf: Bürokratenkirche ohne geistl. Führung, der Ordnungs- vor Wachdienst gehe), 1939 Amtsenthebung. Sch. blieb mit Unterstützung der Gemeinde im Amt. 1943 Austritt aus der württembergischen Landeskirche, 1945 Mitglied der ref. Gemeinde Stuttgart, Publizist, 1949 Religionsle…
Fiedler, Eberhard
(222 words)
[German Version] (Jan 19, 1898, Bad Köstritz – May 29, 1947, Ronneburg). Fiedler was an attorney at the Supreme Court in Leipzig, the coordinator for all legal questions of the Jungreformatorische Bewegung, a member of the Nürnberger Ausschuss (Nuremberg Committee) and a participant in the Confessing Synods in Barmen (I), Dahlem, and Augsburg. He became a member of the Reichsbruderrat in May 1934, head of the legal section of the Confessing Synod, was appointed in November 1934 to the Vorläufige Kir-¶ chenleitung (Provisional Church Governance) and became head of the church …
Religion Past and Present
(454 words)
[German Version]
1. Martin (May 7, 1883, Halle/S. – Dec 19, 1956, Berlin) became pastor in Stampen in 1910, director of studies for the Johannesstift in Berlin-Spandau in 1921, superintendent in Soldin in 1928 and in Spandau from 1931 to 1953; he became a member, then chairman of the second Provisional Church Administration (PCA) in 1936; he was imprisoned in 19…
Religion Past and Present
Schempp, Paul
(220 words)
[German Version] (Jan 4, 1900, Stuttgart – Jun 4, 1959, Bonn). Appointed pastor in Iptingen in 1934, Schempp joined the Kirchlich-theologische Sozietät; in 1936 he became involved in an increasingly acrimonious conflict with the leadership of the Württemberg church, charging them with being bureaucrats rather than spiritual leaders and giving order priority over their duty as watchmen. In 1939 he was removed from office. In 1943 he left the Württemberg church and in 1945 joined the Reformed congre…
Religion Past and Present
Asmussen, Hans Christian
(252 words)
[German Version] (Aug 21, 1898, Flensburg – Dec 30, 1968, Speyer) was a front-line soldier in 1917, pastor in Altona in 1932, but was removed from office in 1934. He became a member of the Reich's Brotherhood Council in 1934 and the founding rector of the divinity school in Berlin. In the years 1936 to 1938 he was subjected to the Third Reich's ban against pub…
Religion Past and Present
Diem, Hermann
(239 words)
[German Version] (Feb 2, 1900, Stuttgart – Feb 27, 1975, Tübingen) was a teacher of religion in Göppingen, pastor in Ebersbach/Fils from 1934 to 1956, chairman of the Kirchlich-theologische Sozietät (“Church Theological Society”) from 1936 to 1951, professor of systematic theology and church order at Tübingen from 1957 to 1958, and rector of the same university from 1964 to 1965. Known for his studies on Kierkegaard, Diem and his friends from the “Society” became involved in the
Kirchenkampf (church struggle, cf. National Socialism: I) and …
Religion Past and Present
(989 words)
[German Version]
1. Jakob , (Mar 25, 1528, Waiblingen – Jan 7, 1590, Tübingen) in 1546 he married Johanna Entringer (died 1583); they had 18 children. In 1541 he studied in Tübingen, became deacon in 1546 (Stuttgart), was dismissed in 1548 because of the Augsburg Interim, and became a catechete in Tübingen. In 1553 he became pastor and (general) superintende…
Religion Past and Present
Jewish Christians
(4,088 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Early Church – III. Middle Ages and Modern Period – IV. 19th Century to the Present
I. New Testament
1. Definition and sources Although the New Testament does not speak explicitly of Jewish Christians, the phenomenon is everywhere apparent. Makeshift expressions are used (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 24:5; Rom 15:26; Gal 2:9, 12; note also that
Christians as a designation used by outsiders is itself rare: Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet 4:16). In addition, all the NT documents except Luke-Acts were written by Jewish Christian aut…
Religion Past and Present