Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Pape, Helmut" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Pape, Helmut" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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(3,095 words)
[German Version]
I. The Term and Its Impact Though there was scattered use of the term in German historiography (Ernst Bernheim) and 19th-century German and French philosophy (Conrad Herrmann, M. Blondel), the concept and term go back to C.S. Peirce (see also II below), who introduced the concept in
How to Make Our Ideas Clear (1878), the term in 1902 in J. Baldwin’s
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, and both orally between 1871 and 1873 ¶ in the Metaphysical Club in Cambridge, Mas…
Religion Past and Present
Peirce, Charles Sanders
(253 words)
[German Version] (Sep 10, 1839, Cambridge, MA – Apr 19, 1914, Milford, PA), father of pragmatism (c. 1878), modern semiotics, and formal logic, probably the most important American philosopher. His philosophical technique is able to combine diverse approaches such as phenomenology and evolutionary cosmology, logical analysis and objective idealism in a formal theory of the structure of experience. His phenomenological theory of categories recognizes three universal, elementary, and complementary c…
Religion Past and Present
(241 words)
[English Version] Peirce,
Charles Sanders (10.9.1839 Cambridge, MA – 19.4.1914 Milford, PA). Begründer des Pragmatismus (um 1878), der modernen Semiotik und der formalen Logik, der als bedeutendster amer. Philosoph gilt. P.s Philosophieren kann verschiedenartige Ansätze, wie z.B. Phänomenologie und evolutionäre Kosmologie, logische Analyse und objektiven Idealismus in einer formalen Theorie…
(2,898 words)
[English Version]
I. Begriff und Wirkung Sache und Begriff gehen – ungeachtet des vereinzelten Gebrauchs des Terminus in der dt. Geschichtswiss. (Ernst Bernheim) und der dt. und franz. Philos. im 19.Jh. (Conrad Herrmann, M. Blondel) - auf Ch.S. Peirce zurück (s.a. u. II.), der die Sache in »How to Make Our Ideas Clear« (1878), den Begriff 1902 in J. Baldwins »Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology«, beides mündlich 1871–1873 im »Metaphysical Club« zu Cambridge (MA) einführte: als logische Maxime, derzufolge die Bedeutung von Begriffen…