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(647 words)
[German Version]
I. General Tourism is a modern mass phenomenon; its motivation and purpose can be described under headings like travel, vacation, recreation, culture, discovery, and sports. The roots of tourism are inconceivable apart from religious motivation, especially its central motivation: transcending the routine of everyday life (Hennig). The triad of separation, transformation, and reincorporation defines the fundamental structure of religious rites of passage as well as religious travel. …
Religion Past and Present
(5,199 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Bible – III. Sociology and Social History – IV. Economics – V. Theology and Social Ethics – VI. Philosophy
I. Religious Studies Labor (or work) is an activity peculiar to human beings; it consists of acting purposefully to affect nature, which represents the raw material for labor. Unlike animals, human beings must deliberately transform nature, for example to produce tools, in order to use it to satisfy their needs. The term
labor has overtones of both necessity and utility, whereas activities that often demand extraordin…
Religion Past and Present