Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Westhelle, Vítor" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Westhelle, Vítor" )' returned 6 results. Modify search
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Liberation Theology
(3,266 words)
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Systematics
I. Church History
1. Latin America, Africa, and Asia
a. The birth of liberation theology is usually dated to 1971, when Gutiérrez published his
Teologia de la liberación, or 1968, the year of the second Latin American Catholic Bishops' Conference in Medellín, Colombia. The two events represented the culmination of a process that had been underway in Latin America since the 1950s: the spread of the base community movements, which were working for social, political, and economi…
Religion Past and Present
Theory and Praxis
(4,249 words)
[German Version]
I. Natural Sciences The distinction between theory as a consistent linguistic or symbolic system of ordered statements about a par-¶ ticular subject area or phenomenal domain and practice (praxis) as technical action to produce quantifiable phenomena in an experiment, or at least observation against the background of a theory, is fundamental to the modern natural sciences, although the precise definition of the relationship between the two is disputed and is addressed by the philosophy of science. Usually the relationship between theory and praxis is desc…
Religion Past and Present
(1,399 words)
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics
I. Dogmatics While the term
liberty (Lat.
libertas) denotes the state or property of being free,
liberation describes the process through which liberty or freedom is achieved. Liberation is the conscious praxis of freedom to achieve freedom from oppression (Freire). In the New Testament, ἐλευθερόω/
eleutheróō denotes the process of being set free through the work of Christ from the dominion of sin (V), death (VI), and decay (Rom 6:18, 22; 8:2, 21; John 8:32, 36). Enslavement and captivity are the objec…
Religion Past and Present
Religious Socialists
(2,564 words)
[German Version]
I. Europe European Religious Socialists share the general view that the core statements of Christian faith and ethics have structural affinities to socialism and its politics, and that combining them should bring about the dismantling of old forms of social order and the construction of new ones, appropriate to human needs. Religious Socialists differ in their conceptual parameters, in the significance of this affinity, and in the development of praxis models.
1. Religious Socialism is rooted in biblical social norms, Christian traditions of the Middl…
Religion Past and Present
Theorie und Praxis
(3,910 words)
[English Version]
I. Naturwissenschaftlich Die Unterscheidung zw. Th. als einem widerspruchsfreien sprachlichen oder symbolischen System geordneter Aussagen über einen bestimmten Gegenstands- bzw. Phänomenbereich und P. als technischem Handeln zur Erzeugung von quantifizierbaren Phänomenen im Experiment, mindestens aber Beobachtung vor dem Hintergrund einer Th., ist für die modernen Naturwissenschaften konstitutiv, wenngleich die genaue Bestimmung des Verhältnisses beider umstritten und Thema der Wissenschaftstheorie ist. Üblicherweise werden Th. und P. s…
Religiöse Sozialisten
(2,191 words)
[English Version]
I. Europa Die eur. Rel. S. eint die Rahmenvorstellung, daß zw. den Kernaussagen des christl. Glaubens und seiner Ethik und dem Sozialismus und seiner Politik Verwandtschaftsstrukturen bestehen, deren Verbindung die Überwindung der alten und den Aufbau von neuen, menschengerechten Gesellschaftsordnungen bewirken soll. Die Rel. S. unterscheiden sich in den Modellanschauungen, in der Bedeutung dieser Verwandtschaft und der Entwicklung von Praxisfiguren.
1. Die Rel. S. wurzeln in bibl. Sozialnormen, christl. Traditionen des MA und der Reform…