Brill’s Digital Library of World War I
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War Comes to the Fields: Sacrifice, Localism and Ploughing Up the English Countryside in 1917
(7,308 words)
Grieves, Keith - War Comes to the Fields: Sacrifice, Localism and Ploughing Up the English Countryside in 1917
Keywords: English countryside | food production | localism | ploughing
ISFWWS-Keywords: Britain | Home fronts | Economy | Politics | The French and British Empires | Women and War | Children and War
Abstract: In 1917 the British home front faced a test of endurance and its most obvious expression throughout the year was the food question. The strategic importance of food production in 1917 was accompanied by the clamour o…
The Propinquity of Place: Home, Landscape and Soldier Poets of the First World War
(10,639 words)
Grieves, Keith - The Propinquity of Place: Home, Landscape and Soldier Poets of the First World War
Keywords: First World War | landscape | pastoral home | patriotism | premodern cultural formation | soldier poets
ISFWWS-Keywords: Literature | Western Front | Home fronts | Britain | Published memoirs and biographies
Abstract: Throughout the Great War and after, the notion of comforting sensuous antidotes, usually recollections of a pastoral home, was assumed to have a rightful place alongside depictions of the “bloody drama”. The…