Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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Le fondement de l’effet des jugements étrangers (Volume 394)

(78,993 words)

Author(s): Cuniberti, Gilles
Cuniberti, Gilles Keywords: International law of procedure | Effects of foreign sentences [p89] Cuniberti, Gilles NOTICE BIOGRAPHIQUE [p93] Gilles Cuniberti, né le 1er avril 1971 à Saint Martin d’Hères (France), de nationalité française. Etudes aux universités de Grenoble, de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), de Paris VII (Diderot), d’Oxford et de Yale. Licence en langues étrangères appliquées, Université Paris VII (1992) ; magistère de droit des activités économiques, Université Paris I (1994) ; DEA en droit international privé et …

The Current Practice of International Co-Operation in Civil Matters (Volume 393)

(135,887 words)

Author(s): Tiburcio, Carmen
Tiburcio, Carmen Keywords: Private international law | International law of procedure | International law of procedure: jurisdiction ABSTRACT International cooperation, together with the determination of the applicable legislation and jurisdiction, are the three main objectives of the study of private international law. In this course, Carmen Tiburcio first provides a brief introduction on cooperation and private international law and explores the parameters of international cooperation. She defines cooperation a…

Choice of Law in Arbitration Proceedings (Volume 375)

(12,117 words)

Author(s): M. De Boer, Th.
M. De Boer, Th. Keywords: International commercial arbitration | International arbitration | Choice of law | Lex fori | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT In arbitration, choice-of-law issues are more complicated than they are in ordinary litigation, as an arbitral tribunal is not bound to the lex fori of the state in which it sits. This lack of obligation to a specific set of national choice of law rules, this freedom of disposition, can lead the tribunal to apply any rule of law that it would deem “appropriate”. The author …

The Principle of Comity in Private International Law (Volume 354)

(45,166 words)

Author(s): Briggs, Adrian
Briggs, Adrian Keywords: Private international law | Choice of law | International law of procedure | Comity | Mots clefs: Droit international privé | Choix du droit applicable | Droit internationale de procédure | Courtoisie internationale | ABSTRACT This course starts by explaining the notion of a comity itself, as there are different sources and types of comities. Comities are curtailing the application of local law, and it is up to them to question, limit or refuse the application of foreign law for their cases. The course follo…

Principles of Procedure in International Litigation (Volume 345)

(54,500 words)

Author(s): Elihu Lauterpacht, Sir
Elihu Lauterpacht, Sir Keywords: Judicial settlement of international disputes | Procedure | Legal principles | International Court of Justice | Law of procedure | International courts | International law of procedure | Consent | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT Drawing on his extensive experience, the author examines the range, forms and role of procedure in international litigation. He discusses critically and at length the operation of the principle of consent and the principal elements in the litigation process. Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, directeur émérite du Lauterpacht Center for…

Lis Pendens in International Litigation (Volume 336)

(134,657 words)

Author(s): McLachlan, Campbell
McLachlan, Campbell Keywords: Exception de litispendance | International law of procedure | Private international law | Public international law | International arbitration | International commercial arbitration | Mots clefs: Litispendance | Droit international de procédure | Droit international privé | Droit international public | Arbitrage international | Arbitrage commercial international | ABSTRACT Campbell McLachlan, Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, devotes his course to lis pendens in international law. After a detailed intro…

Compétence exclusive et compétence exorbitante dans les relations privées internationales (Volume 323)

(102,300 words)

Author(s): P. Fernández Arroyo, Diego
P. Fernández Arroyo, Diego Keywords: Judicial competence | International law of procedure | Private international law | Mots clefs: Compétence judiciaire | Droit international de procédure | Droit international privé | ABSTRACT Diego P. Fernandez Arroyo, Professor at the complutense university of Madrid, points out in his introduction to his course that the criteria on which the authorities base their jurisdiction for disputes relating to private international affairs are sometimes difficult to justify. On the basis of this ob…

Droits de l’homme, droits fondamentaux et droit international privé (Volume 318)

(134,510 words)

Author(s): Kinsch, Patrick
Kinsch, Patrick Keywords: Human rights | Private international law | Judicial competence | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Droits de l'homme | Droit international privé | Compétence judiciaire | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT Patrick Kinsch, Attorney at Law in Luxembourg, assigns to his course the aim of demonstrating that there is no radical incompatibility between reasoning in terms of human rights and the application of specific methods to private international law. A peaceful, even enriching, coexisten…

International Litigation and the Quest for Reasonableness General Course on Private International Law (Volume 245)

(125,469 words)

Author(s): F. Lowenfeld, Andreas
F. Lowenfeld, Andreas Keywords: International law of procedure | Private international law | Mots clefs: Droit international privé | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT In his general course on Private International Law, Andreas Lowenfeld, Professor at the University of New York, does not aim to give an exhaustive presentation of Private International Law. He intends rather to concentrate on topics that are of particularly importance for lawyers advising actors on the international transaction stage or governmen…

Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation (Volume 234)

(86,782 words)

Author(s): Collin, Lawrence
Collin, Lawrence Keywords: Provisional measures | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Mesures provisoires | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT Lawrence Collins draws attention in this course to some of the most important and topical problems presented by the use and abuse of provisional and protective measures in international litigation. It is a vast range of material Professor Collins draws from: private and public international law, national and comparative law, European Community law and adminis…

The Doctrine of International Jurisdiction Revisited after Twenty Years (Volume 186)

(41,404 words)

Author(s): A. Mann, F.
A. Mann, F. Keywords: Universal jurisdiction | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Compétence internationale | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT F.A. Mann, Honorary Professor at the University of Bonn, devotes his course to revisit the Doctrine of International Jurisdiction. After a study of legislative jurisdiction which he presents as an aspect of territorial sovereignty that suffers from exceptions, he focuses on the enforcement jurisdiction and on indirect enforcement jurisdiction. He then exami…

L’entraide judiciaire internationale en matière civile et commerciale (Volume 179)

(43,991 words)

Author(s): Capatina, Octavian
Capatina, Octavian Keywords: Judicial assistance | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Assistance judiciaire | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT In his course on International Civil and Commercial Legal Mutual Assistance, Octavian Capatina, like Rabelais, intends to "break the bone to suck out the substantial marrow". For this purpose, the author begins by clarifying the meaning, so controversial, of the concept of international legal assistance and identifies the regulations applied to it. He then…

Étude des règles de compétence judiciaire dans certaines conventions internationales (Volume 161)

(39,864 words)

Author(s): Matscher, Franz
Matscher, Franz Keywords: Judicial competence | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Compétence judiciaire | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT It is the constitution of each community that governs the organization of its authorities, including the judicial authorities. With regard to the objective of his course, Franz Matscher studies two types of communities: state communities and an international community. In this context, the author focuses on the rules of legal jurisdiction in public internatio…

Les conventions relatives à la prorogation et à la dérogation à la compétence internationale en matière civile (Volume 143)

(45,144 words)

Author(s): Jodlowski, Jerzy
Jodlowski, Jerzy Keywords: Forum shopping | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Forum | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT The course of Jerzy Jodlowski, Professor at the University of Warsaw, focuses on the Conventions Concerning the Prorogation and Derogation of International Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial matters. The author analyzes some selected problems, which seem to be the most interesting and important in comparative terms and from the point of view of international relations, and pr…

La compétence internationale en droit privé (Volume 104)

(41,622 words)

Author(s): Fragistas, N.
Fragistas, N. Keywords: International competence | Private international law | Judicial competence | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Compétence internationale | Droit international privé | Compétence judiciaire | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT N. Fragistas devotes his course to the study of the following problem: which is the State with national legal authorities who are competent to determine disputes arising out of international relations? First, disputes arising out of international relations are distr…

La théorie générale du procès international (Volume 61)

(39,375 words)

Author(s): Morelli, Gaëtano
Morelli, Gaëtano Keywords: International law of procedure | International law | Mots clefs: Droit international de procédure | Droit international | ABSTRACT Gaetano Morelli begins his course on the general theory of a criminal trial by presenting international disputes and their solutions. The author only takes into account the settlement of disputes by way of a trial and excludes the reconciliation from the scope of his study. The author then successively focuses on the legal nature of the sanction, the legal posit…

La théorie des preuves devant les juridictions internationales (Volume 56)

(35,724 words)

Author(s): Witenberg, J.-C.
Witenberg, J.-C. Keywords: Evidence | International law of procedure | Mots clefs: Preuves | Droit international de procédure | ABSTRACT J.-C. Witenberg begins his course with a presentation of the place of evidence in the proceedings. The author then distinguishes what can be proved from what must be proved. The author later asks the question of the subject of evidence: who has to prove? The author focuses on the means of proof. The author presents the written evidence, the testimonial evidence, the affidavit, and…

Les mesures conservatoires dans la procédure arbitrale et judiciaire (Volume 40)

(40,282 words)

Author(s): Guggenheim, Paul
Guggenheim, Paul Keywords: International arbitration | Preventive measures | International law of procedure | Permanent Court of International Justice | Mots clefs: Arbitrage international | Mesures conservatoires | Droit international de procédure | Cour permanente de Justice internationale | ABSTRACT Paul Guggenheim examines Provisional Measures in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings under public international law. He successively studies the provisional measures in the judicial and arbitral conventions of the New World; the provision…