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(510 words)
[English Version] . A. Einstein gelangte i.J. 1905 primär zur speziellen R. aufgrund mathematischer und konzeptioneller Ungereimtheiten, die sich zw. der Theorie des Elektromagnetismus in Gestalt der Maxwellschen (J.C. Maxwell) Gleichungen und I. Newtons Prinzip der Relativbewegungen auftun (Determinismus/Indeterminismus). Entscheidend für sein Vorgehen bei der Theoriekonstruktion waren zwei Dinge: eine empirisch-operationalistische Definition theoretischer Begriffe sowie eine ästhetisch motiviert…
(409 words)
[English Version] . Auseinandersetzungen zur Deutung der Urknall-Singularität hielten in den Wiss. jahrzehntelang an. In den frühen 50er Jahren wurde sie von christl. Führern wie Papst Pius XII. begeistert aufgenommen. Atheisten wie Fred Hoyle (1915 – 2001) gab sie Anlaß zu einer Alternativtheorie eines statischen, unendlich alten und immer schon expandierenden Universums. Zwei Jahrzehnte lang waren die Ergebnisse astronomischer Beobachtungen sowohl mit einem statischen als auch mit einem aus ei…
Relativity, Theory of
(578 words)
[German Version] A. Einstein arrived at his special relativity theory in the year 1905, primarily on the basis of mathematical and conceptional inconsistencies emerging between the theory of electromagnetism as illustrated by Maxwell’s equations (J.C. Maxwell) and I. Newton’s principle of relative motion (Determinism and indeterminism). The manner in which he constructed his theory was largely determined by two factors: an empirical/operational definition of theoretical concepts and an aesthetical…
Religion Past and Present
Big Bang Theory
(466 words)
[German Version] Disputes concerning the interpretation of the Big Bang singularity have endured for decades. In the early 1950s, Christian leaders such as Pope Pius XII enthusiastically accepted it. It gave atheists such as Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) the occasion to propose the alternative theory of a static, infinitely old and ever expanding …
Religion Past and Present
(386 words)
[German Version] The principle of complementarity was first formulated in 1927 by Niels Bohr (1885–1962) in the context of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics. According to Bohr, our knowledge ¶ of atomic and subatomic phenomena is subject to fundamental restrictions. In contrast to the epistemology of traditional physics, Bohr maintains that it is no longer possible to describe atomic processes in their spatial and temporal progression while simultaneously assigning them a causal expl…
Religion Past and Present
(2,299 words)
[German Version] I. Natural Sciences – II. Religious Studies – III. Philosophy – IV. Systematic Theology
I. Natural Sciences The concept of contingency/chance occurs in various contexts and meanings in the natural sciences. In the simplest case, contingency denotes an event, a process or a property, the finality of which exists without an immediately discernible or determinable cause. Although we inaccurately assert that something happened by chance, the latter really implies the lack …
Religion Past and Present
(3,429 words)
[German Version] I. Philosophy – II. Science – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics
I. Philosophy Causality (from Lat.
causa, “cause”), also causal nexus, causal relationship, is a term for the characteristic relationship between cause and effect. The things related are generally assumed to be pairs of events (event causality), though in some cases they may be an active thing and an event (agent causality); whether agent causality can be reduced to event causality is disputed. In either ca…
Religion Past and Present